+30 Achieving things to impress females is cringe. amirite?

by Money-Avocado 1 week ago

Using the word females is cringe

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Sorry to break it to you but females are a natural distinction among animals. Its shocking I know but they exist.

by Money-Avocado 1 week ago

The key word is animals.

by DullPatient 1 week ago

But we're not talking about animals

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well womp womp they are getting a hot and caring girl and you are not Trying hardly to get women isn't cringe but depending on them is Also the people who are cringe to you are the ones who are winning

by eddie70 1 week ago

Didn't ask

by Money-Avocado 1 week ago

Can you give an example? Do you mean like flexing ones status or something?

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Money-Avocado 1 week ago

We should be beyond that but we think too highly of ourselves. We're still animals in the end. As long as it's not interfering with your life and your responsibilities, or harming others, do what you want. A lot of the stuff to do to attract a mate is also good for you. Like exercising, learning to socialize, learning various skills, and having a stable career. I'd rather be the one constantly improving than being a stagnant person who just sits there and waits for things to come without seizing the day, taking calculated risks, or taking advantage of opportunities.

by Technical_Guess 1 week ago

Using the word females like that is more cringe.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Cope harder

by Money-Avocado 1 week ago

Well I mean I agree if you don't do things for yourself, it's less cringe, but then again like don't gotta be so harsh bruh Let them do what they want. Live your life, let them live theirs

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I have a popular opinion: OP is a child. Just look at their responses lol

by Far-Rhubarb3729 1 week ago

Did anyone else read this in a comically high pitch nerdy voice? I saw fEEeeMales and I couldn't get it out of my head.

by DullPatient 1 week ago

I can hear that echoing from their mother's basement

by Hlockman 1 week ago

Referring to women as females is cringe

by Hlockman 1 week ago


by Money-Avocado 1 week ago

Using the word "cringe" as an adjective, while trying to criticize the choices of others, is embarrassing.

by BodybuilderOk9050 1 week ago