+29 Maroon 5 is a knockoff of Jamiroquai. amirite?

by MonitorEarly5445 1 week ago

OP better drink some canned heat to cool down.

by Amya89 1 week ago

Well that certainly is a collection of words.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You know what, I agree.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

lol thank you. We going deeper underground with this opinion.

by MonitorEarly5445 1 week ago

no way. Jamiroquai is funk. Maroon 5 is pop rock

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Maroon 5s musical ability comes nowhere close to being able to steal Jamiroquais' groove.

by ulegros 1 week ago

I just realized that the early-2000's pickup artists got their fashion from Jamiroquai

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Monkey see, monkey do. Working on your personality is hard. Buying some clothes to look like some other cool guy is easy.

by miacrona 1 week ago

I, too, ask ask.

by Curious_Wedding 1 week ago

Images you can hear

by Sheidenreich 1 week ago

Was a big fan of Jamiroquai back in the day. Maroon 5's third album was stellar and a HUGE hit and nothing like Jamiriquia. Sunday Morning wasn't even the big hit off that album. I'd give that to This love. She Will be Loved and Harder to breathe were bigger hits too.

by antone06 1 week ago

No I'm talking about their third. Songs About Jane was their first succesful album. They had 2 unsuccessful albums prior to that, don't know much of anything about them.

by antone06 1 week ago

I've never watched those movies

by Anonymous 1 week ago

M5 was soulless.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Didn't care for Jamiroquai until I saw them live. Now they are one of my favorite bands! They were awesome live!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Oh don't give me that. "Must get out" is worst than "Sunday Morning". I still like maroon 5 but they wouldn't have had bops if it wasn't for Return of the Spacecowboy.

by MonitorEarly5445 1 week ago

…..The Grand Pecking Order is Les Claypools best album

by MonitorEarly5445 1 week ago

Theyre not that similar honestly. I like jamiroquai more than Maroon 5, but saying that one is a knockoff implies they are very similar, which is not really the case. You are just simping for jamiroquai... As you should

by maraschamberger 1 week ago

Simping doesn't apply here, because it suggests that Jamiroquai are mediocre, which they most definitely aren't! It would be more accurate to say he is STANing

by Happy_Contribution 1 week ago

Thats not what it implies at all but ok

by maraschamberger 1 week ago

No, Maroon 5 did not jack Jamiroquai's groove. Plenty of things to hate about Maroon 5 but this ain't it. And let's not pretend that Jamiroquai isn't influenced by other bands.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Planetary Duality = Nickleback of discussion.

by jabernathy 1 week ago

Your father before he left for smokes.

by Curious_Wedding 1 week ago

Who cares

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Adam is terrible

by Anonymous 1 week ago