+45 We are all immortal until proven otherwise, amirite?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

And yet even once proven wrong, it remains impossible for us to concede the point.

by GoalHumble 5 months ago

You're only proven wrong when you die and who's ever convinced the dead? /s

by Anonymous 5 months ago

We are not cause our bodies are set to failure

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Heat death of universe enters the chat

by Alfredhickle 5 months ago

We should test this theory on corrupt world leaders

by Curious_March 5 months ago

Guess then most of the leaders will be dead by then

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Nope. Considering that we've never observed immortality and have no reason to believe it exists, the exact opposite is true. We are all mortal until proven otherwise.

by Anonymous 5 months ago