+26 If you take 5 minutes to get your kid off the bus you suck. amirite?

by sienna00 5 months ago

How old are these kids and why does she get on the bus??

by ziemanneriberto 5 months ago

This is weird to me. When I was in first grade, I walked around the corner and down the street in my neighborhood to catch and get off the bus every day. Why do parents need to get their kids off the bus if they're not special needs?

by Donnell31 5 months ago

Guess that makes sense? I came from a super small safe town so maybe that affected it

by Donnell31 5 months ago

Well I did that in snow

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I did it in the snow AND barefoot.

by lpfannerstill 5 months ago

Same here, and I'm 24 now so it wasn't that long ago lol

by susie41 5 months ago

People are scared of kidnappings and such

by dejon16 5 months ago

Look to be first or second graders. I have no idea why she gets on the bus as the kids all seem to move under their own power and are definitely outside unsupervised at all hours afterwards.

by sienna00 5 months ago

It sucks because it's a residential area but they do the same bs at school drop off. They need to kiss, wave, come out the car, watch their kids walk 10 ft into the school doors every single day. People are entitled and some happen to be parents.

by ziemanneriberto 5 months ago

Same damn thing happens at my school. The rule us: don't get out of your car. Stay in the car line. Don't park in teachers parking spots to walk your special little snowflake baby to the front door. Every single rule gets broken every morning by entitled asshole parents. A simple 5 min carline trip takes 15-20.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Every day, I watch parents of 5th and 6th graders get out of their cars at dropoff to open the door for their 10+ year old kids.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

In certain rural areas they have to wait for them to get off the bus and into the house, at least high schoolers get watched. Middle school and below (depending on parent signatures they had) need to have someone else at home and take them inside to kind of confirm that that is someone trusting of the family. It is silly and sometimes the parents want to talk, but as OP said, it shouldn't take more than 3 minutes to get the kid, ask for a simple update (if that's their thing) and gtf off the bus and inside. But it really depends on their area, and if elementary it's more than probable that they have to get kids off the bus. It sucks.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Shes definitely getting pounded by the bus driver

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Some schools require parents be there when the kid is getting on the bus and when they are dropped off at the end of the day. Its an annoying policy especially for working parents

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Probably kinder-first graders. I live in Texas and guardians had to come up to the bus to get their kids. At least in the city I live in. These people won't even let your kid switch from bus rider to car pick up either without an ID lol. Maybe something happened that put these rules into place, idk. I think it was weird and annoying. I can understand why they did it though.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Definitely sounds extremely American. You ain't standing there, the bus is going. You ain't off in 30 seconds, it's going. There's no waiting for parents

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Mine was always a street corner or maybe the curb at a 3 way intersection, never a driveway. Did your area have sidewalks?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

No, it doesn't. I dealt with the same stuff you described in the US.

by Bglover 5 months ago

Call the district and let them know the driver isn't being expedient. Some drivers are chatty kathies and will talk to a parent while a line forms behind them. Which is a bad look for the district.

by Unfair_Bread3238 5 months ago

the driver isn't being expedient Great word. EXPEDIENT.

by Trick-Tadpole3978 5 months ago

Will this get her fired from her job? This seems pretty extreme.. why don't they just talk to the bus driver directly

by Anonymous 5 months ago

this will absolutely not get the driver fired unless they've had multiple people complaining. also, complaining to a school bus driver about talking to much, when you've never spoken to them, and don't have kids on the bus... not a good look.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Even if multiple people are complaining, if op lives in the us, and it sounds like he does, there is a bus driver shortage and the driver's job is totally safe.

by Diligent-Cup5545 5 months ago

nope do your job and keep moving or deal with it FAFO

by GuavaOk2120 5 months ago

No parent should be on a bus. I'm sorry you don't have a right to be around my kid!

by mohamed85 5 months ago

I don't get why the driver allows it. It's a huge liability.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I put one foot on the bus step the first time my 3 year old got on the bus, helping her up the stairs, driver read me the riot act, I don't think they are supposed to let parents on the bus at all.

by tracy76 5 months ago

Parents have to get their kids off the bus now? I graduated in 2015 and rode the bus from third grade through 12th grade and never once did my parents come to get me from / drop me off at the bus. I rode the bus because they had to work and couldn't just take me to school themselves.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Same grad year and yeah, same. Rode the bus often and never saw a single adult step aboard besides the driver. Seems bizarre to me. Why can't they walk off the bus and go home themselves?

by Donnell31 5 months ago

It kinda defeats the purpose of the whole bus system if parents are able to just drop them off and pick them up at the bus every day. Like just bring your kid to school at that point (unless you don't have a vehicle or are not in walking / biking distance)

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I remember walking down the street backwards some days because the wind was blowing in our faces. Sounds silly but as a kid it worked.

by sienna00 5 months ago

Aw hahaha that's so cute

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Time for the brass knuckles op

by Rich-Orchid 5 months ago

Had a women who was being late and frustrated getting her kindergartner off the bus on time. She divulged her husband became paralyzed recently. If she dont make it just take the kid to her house. Shrugs

by Anonymous 5 months ago


by ChallengeParking3697 5 months ago

I walked my ass home what is this

by Anonymous 5 months ago

This might be unpopular because it seems so rare.

by Low-Support-756 5 months ago

Nah they definitely do at home pickup around here for all students. I know my brother's kids had the option.

by sienna00 5 months ago

wtf is this? I don't even remember a time where I had my parents deal with me getting on and off a bus.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

This is literally my neighbor, but instead of talking to the bus driver or any of that, she just forgets that her child exists. The bus will literally sit outside of their house for what seems like forever and has to honk multiple times to get her attention. It's so sad to see, too, because the daughter is so young and has a disability, so she can't just get off the bus on her own, but is sweet as can be. It also isn't just them at that house either, her whole family, including her mom and adult brother, are also ALWAYS there, but never get the kid either. Very unfortunate situation all around, and the road is so narrow, and they always have a car parked in the street, so it basically prevents anyone from being able to go anywhere until they finally get the kid!

by Feisty-Spray9901 5 months ago

Oh no I'd never purposely put a kid in danger even if I was running late. Definitely grumble about the parents though. I wouldn't think they're special needs because they're definitely unattended at all hours outside once home. I suppose they technically still could be but it seems super unlikely.

by sienna00 5 months ago

Call the bus company with specifics about the bus number and address. That's not normal or acceptable.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

if you know when and where they are going to be, why don't you just leave earlier? sounds like an avoidable problem tbh

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I'm coming home from work, I don't really have an option of when to leave unless I stay later.

by sienna00 5 months ago

Take those five minutes you spend sitting there and do something for you. Decompress after work, take in nature, get yourself a little treat, socialize with someone, idk. But the world is a lot less frustrating if you just give everyone a few minutes grace and you find something you enjoy. It may be annoying, but it's 5 minutes out of the 1440 of them we get in a day. In retrospect, it's not the worst problem to have and it has an easy fix.

by eino44 5 months ago

Lean on the horn

by fkuhic 5 months ago

same goes for the car drop off line, if you have to get out and help your kid out of the car, go park and walk them over. drives me insane!

by Hageneskathryne 5 months ago

I see people still unbuckling second graders at drop off. It slow everything down and makes life harder for everyone else but I guess their kids are just too dumb to handle buckling themselves in.

by Brilliant_Two_4509 5 months ago

In a car at a safe distance from a bus letting a kid off?

by sienna00 5 months ago

Is that unpopular? Is there anyone who wants to wait for 5 mins for that?

by Jealous-Handle-7032 5 months ago

I get frustrated if the car in front at drop off takes more than 10s. You know the deal. There's 50 cars behind us. Get it together.

by AwarePace 5 months ago

If only there were some kind of bus for schools that would pick kids up and drop them off. Then there'd be no parents waiting in long lines of cars.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

As a mom with 2 bus riding kids I'm always on them about "moving with a purpose" when they're getting on/off the bus.

by lpfannerstill 5 months ago

These moms are infuriating. I'll give them a pass if it's the first day of Kindergarten or something, but anything after that, wait outside, kid comes out, bus goes. It's not social hour. People behind the bus have to get places, and everyone on the bus needs to get home. Also, even in Kindergarten, I'd be mortified if my mom got on the bus or even talked to the bus driver.

by Eldonfahey 5 months ago

Just lay on the horn.

by clangworth 5 months ago

Some people are just dumb.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Change your schedule and get there earlier. However by your tone I can tell how "important" your life is, and you have to wait five whole minutes for a little child to get off the bus. Why don't you just go around the red lights and possibly kill the kid and mother because you are all that important and so are your 5 whole minutes :-)

by Emotional_Pen 5 months ago

I'm getting off of work at a set time and driving home... I'm not self important. This is multiple times a week during the school year with no other way to my house but down that road. This isn't like some once a month thing with other options open to me. If I don't get past the bus before it reaches the house I have to sit there and wait 5 minutes in clear sight of my house because I can't exactly break the law to get home or endanger someone else.

by sienna00 5 months ago

How do you know none of them are special needs? One might be and would be wearing a seat harness which takes time to get off. And or is with an aide that passes on a message which is not uncommon if a child is non verbal. Not all special needs kids ride the "short bus".

by Ardenlakin 5 months ago

The amount of times I've been late to work bc the bus driver in front of me wants to talk it up with the moms is so annoying

by Anonymous 5 months ago

It's not the bus driver who wants to talk........

by Anonymous 5 months ago

oh no 5 minutes, whatever will I do.... Can't believe you're throwing a fit about someone chatting with the bus driver for a few minutes. This is such a small issue and such an outsized reaction. Try taking a different route, or not being a crochety old man.

by SimilarTreat9740 5 months ago

Every day 5 days a week during the school year and I have to sit there and wait like 300 feet from my house because there is no other way I can take...

by sienna00 5 months ago

She gets on the bus with them and I unfortunately have to wait because there's no other way to my house other than past that bus.

by sienna00 5 months ago

As a British person I haven't the slightest clue what op is going on about.

by sandyabbott 5 months ago

Im sorry but depending on whether you're on foot or in car can't you just walk past the bus / overtake it ? Is it one way street or is the traffic so bad that in 5 minutes there's no opportunity to drive past it ?

by schmelertrisha 5 months ago

I see others have answered it but yeah I don't want to hit a child or their parent and I also don't want to be in legal trouble. I'm in a vehicle.

by sienna00 5 months ago

The school traffic is ridiculous. There is no reason traffic should be backed up or basically shutdown because your crotch goblins take forever to get on and off the bus. Or traffic be backed up because there is dozens of cars dropping their kids off. Other people have places to get too as well and I'm not saying traffic keep going while kids are getting dropped off or picked up. I'm saying it has gotten so ridiculous how long it takes to the point where it messes up other people's mornings. You want us to be considerate of your children, then be considerate of our time as well.

by Genevieve79 5 months ago

I don't understand how or when school drop off lines became a thing. They make no sense to me. When I was a kid, which wasn't even that long ago, my family would just drop me off somewhere near the school and leave. There was no line and that seemed to be what every other family did as well. I refuse to participate in it with my daughter, I just park in the school parking lot and let her out. I've seen parents parked in the line hours before school lets out and I don't understand it

by Anonymous 5 months ago