+26 Large vehicles should not be on highways during rush hour traffic, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah let's hamstring our national supply chain just because OP has a long commute

by HauntingDegree2048 1 week ago

Being stuck in bumper to bumper traffic is an unfortunate reality for a large part of Americans and significantly affects quality of life. High traffic causes accidents and unsafe drivers trying to combat it. Minimizes the larger vehicles on the road during RUSH hours will increase the quality of life for many who live in mid-major cities

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Until there are no groceries on the shelves because we foolishly sidelined our supply chain infrastructure for 4 hours a day

by HauntingDegree2048 1 week ago

If 4 hours a day off the major highways will cause no food on the shelves, then we have a bigger problem.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

How about no? Big rig drivers have a schedule to keep. They're only allowed to operate a certain number of hours per day. If they go over, violation. Violations cost the trucking companies (and often times the driver) money, which they pass the expense on to the vender who passes it along down the line ending with the consumer. They shouldn't have to rewrite rules just because you don't like traveling around larger vehicles. Either suck it up or find a closer job.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

So just F every day working people because a big rig driver might get a violation? Its beyond me getting a closer job. Atp you can't go anywhere in my area from 8-10 because you'll spend 45 mins sitting in traffic that doesn't move.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Actually larger vehicles I've found are much better at avoiding to create traffic. Traffic is caused by lane changes, speed changes etc. Big rigs tend to be better at keeping a constant speed, not swerving, smooth braking etc. Even in traffic following a truck is usually faster and less jerky than following a car

by Fuzzy-Marketing842 1 week ago

The logistical repercussions of this would cause significantly bigger issues.

by saraistoltenber 1 week ago