+23 An Inverse Relationship Exists Between How Much Money You Make And How Good a Person You Are. amirite?

by Bobbie28 1 week ago

This viewpoint comes from jealousy, not reality. There are good and bad people at all income levels.

by Significant_Effort66 1 week ago

You are deluded if you think low level employees strive to support each other. Many of my coworkers have been great but equally many have been brown nosing, snakey vipers. Being skint doesnt give you morals.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Wow, what a weird opinion. I've never heard anyone say this before.

by gleichnerboris 1 week ago

Master morality verses slave morality. A tale older than the Bible.

by kileylang 1 week ago

Eh. There are plenty of broke people who are complete trash humans. But it's pretty much impossible to become filthy rich without screwing other people over to get there.

by wilson76 1 week ago

Do you think the "broke crackhead" wouldn't rob everyone if he had the chance?

by wilson76 1 week ago

When you were under construction in the womb, your placenta got everything first. But some nourishment for you escaped via the umbilical cord, which acted as a conduit between you two. In this life, the billionaires get it all first, but you get enough to survive, if you struggle, as some trickles down to you. And the government, they own, acts as the conduit between you and them. But did you miss the placenta you were attached to before coming here? Nope. And it was discarded as garbage. When you die here is it simply birth into a higher realm, and your body will be discarded as garbage, just as the placenta once was. TLDR: The wealthy will be still born, just like the placenta they chose to be. Dead from selfishness.

by Inevitable-Elk106 1 week ago