+43 Honestly I'm grateful to live in a world with mindless TV/movie entertainment lol, amirite?

by Impressive-Spread298 1 week ago

It doesn't hurt anyone externally but I don't think it's healthy for the individual. It means everyone is spending less time with friends, less time outside and instead opting for instant gratification. I'm guilty of this just as much as anyone else. There's other forms of entertainment (books, hobbies, etc.) that are a lot more enriching but we all choose TV or the internet because it's easy. I think long term we're all living less fulfilling lives because the option for an instant dopamine hit is always at our fingertips

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Of course it didn't make our lives better but like I was just saying it didn't make our lives WORSE

by Impressive-Spread298 1 week ago

The way I see it if TV is causing people to lead less fulfilling lives then it is definitely making our lives worse. Whether TV actually is contributing to that is of course up for debate, but I would say a less fulfilling life is a negative thing

by Anonymous 1 week ago

TV can definitely be an addiction and can definitely make ones life worse. Excessive time spent in front of a TV is bad for your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing....especially so for developing brains which dont necessarily understand a lot of the context and can replicate dysfunctional behavior seen in media. Doesnt mean it will, but it certainly most definitely can.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Before TVs, a lot of households had upright pianos and people played the piano for fun. That tradition has mostly died off.

by Jacey28 1 week ago

By telling eachother stories instead of

by Lost-Selection-1580 1 week ago

I mean without TV etc how did humans stay entertained ? Mindless violence. You've got Google brother, you don't have to pull the answers to your own questions out of your ass.

by Anonymous 1 week ago