-18 If people say things that are true and correct in a rude way, and you neglect it based on the attitude, you are the one who is in the wrong, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

There's no need to be an asshole to speak the truth, but some truths are so ugly that it's hard to speak about them without seeming like an asshole.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think most people can tell when someone is feeling genuine compassion and telling them something they don't want to hear. It's generally easy to tell the difference between that and someone who's telling you about all the ways they think you're wrong and enjoying every smug moment of it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This is the truth

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Good point

by donaldstokes 1 week ago

True but we also live in an era that is vehemently against truth. From election denialism to fat acceptance, the truth isn't taken seriously more often than not and if you dare speak it, you're automatically an asshole no matter how daintily you frame it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Depends what you mean by "wrong". If you use the (very basic) word correctly, then no...a person's attitude is completely irrelevant to whether they are right or wrong.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think "The Dude" said something about this before...

by Anonymous 1 week ago

A quote that is more true now than ever and one of my all time favorites. "You're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole"

by Lweimann 1 week ago

"in the wrong" and "wrong" mean different things

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I agree with this!

by mireille16 1 week ago

Sometimes "rude" is in the eye of the beholder

by Dangerous-Ad509 1 week ago

I have a feeling this OP has social and perception issues.

by kuvaliskali 1 week ago

OP may just be neurodiverse. Neurotypicals often accuse us of being rude when we're not, they're actually the ones being rude because they want to take offense and start problems over the most petty things where no offense is intended.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Honestly, yes. Sometimes, I can't find the right words so I just go with whatever comes to my mind. I try, but you could say I'm too straightforward and too rational for everyone else's taste that they think of my mere "suggestion" as an offensive kick.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Oh great, you're one of those who thinks they're smarter than everyone else. ✔️

by kuvaliskali 1 week ago

If you are incorrect in your ideas you are always wrong. If someone comes up and tries to inform you about your fault and they do so poorly then they simply failed at emparting truth. The original person who was wrong is still and will be wrong until someone can come up and communicate the truth properly. So in your situation, you have some one who is (still) wrong and someone who failed in communicating the truth!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This is the age old question that is never confronted by our biased media, "Of course he's an asshole but IS HE RIGHT??"

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

If you use the fact that you're "right" to be an asshole, you're just an asshole and you don't deserve to be heard 🤷

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Naw, it depends on the context. You're oversimplifying it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This isn't how people work, generally speaking.

by Sanfordcory 1 week ago

If you say something true and people can't accept it because you said it in a way that hurts them, then as far as they're concerned, what you said isn't true. Your perspective makes sense if you think "being right" matters in some metaphysical sense, but it's totally wrong if you think the purpose of communication is to be understoood.

by Jealous-Pen 1 week ago

you can speak the truth without being a major asshole about it

by Leannonfrancesc 1 week ago

But likewise, someone can be a major asshole but still right. In the case like this, if one party refuses to accept the other has a point simply due to rudeness, neither will be correct in their own context.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

There's wisdom in learning to see and admit when someone you really don't like has a point. And that said, all human interaction requires emotional intelligence to actually work well.

by Slight_Pizza4693 1 week ago

My girlfriend lives by this and while I don't like it sometimes I'm learning to appreciate it because I never have to wonder what she thinks about me or things I do

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Eventually people say correct things in a rude way will start saying wrong things in a rude way so might as well take advice from someone who can convey it better

by Powerful_Mammoth_122 1 week ago

My old Mexican buddy could literally get away with telling a gang member not to do something simply because he had a cheezy grin and looked sincere about it.

by beahanreed 1 week ago

I mean, depends on whether you're trying to just demonstrate that you're correct or if you're trying to actually convince them of the truth. If you're jus tryna dunk on them with your superior brain? Sure good job. If you're trying to convince them to actually believe the true thing, you failed in your goal, so it's kinda immaterial who's "right".

by Jannieward 1 week ago

I don't think you're in the wrong when the person is an anus! They don't deserve the satisfaction of being right!

by Langnya 1 week ago

I'd say that one of the biggest problems nowadays is that people who try to deliver science to the masses are far too much engaged in science and know far too little about rhetoric. Rhetoric is actually very important in delivering messages, and there is far too much reliance on someone being "right" rather than delivering the "right" message in a way that will resonate with their audience in accepting that it is, indeed, right

by Fickle-Confection-71 1 week ago

Yes I agree. Valuable criticism isn't always delivered in a nice way, but you need to take it no matter how it's delivered. You need to learn to separate the anger from the point they are trying to make and improve regardless. One of the best profs I've ever had made me cry every other week, but I still listened and learned more than those who couldn't and in the end, I passed and they failed.

by Electrical_Ant_5871 1 week ago

Somebody can be right AND be an asshole at the same time. They're not mutually exclusive. People don't like to be wrong, but need to be able to accept that they are sometimes. There's no doubt about it. However, if you're right and act like a conceited asshole, you're still a conceited asshole no matter how right you are.

by larissa99 1 week ago

"I'm so broke. The government is keeping me down!" Nah dude, you're just a lazy SOB.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Doesn't matter at all of you sound like an asshole, the truth Is the truth, sorry.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Not really a important part of communication is all about putting things in a calm respecting demeanor because the second you drop that it's hard for others to respect you since your clearly not respecting them.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Very accurate. I see this all the time on the Internet, people saying because so-and-so said something they didn't like, that's the reason they don't believe <insert whatever here>. Corollary: Saying something wrong in an authoritative (or authoritarian) manner does not make you right. Appeals to authority don't make you right either. Saying it forcefully doesn't make you right. Telling people they're stupid for not believing you doesn't make you right. Only being right about something makes you right. And if you're not an expert in <insert whatever here> you're more likely to be wrong than right.

by hettingerjustin 1 week ago

No one owes you anything, no matter the tone.

by kuvaliskali 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

I have experienced this so many times with girls.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

just wait until they use it as leverage at work, go crying to mommy and daddy about the big mean boy, and get rid of you

by Roderickoreilly 1 week ago

Your reply just seems weird to me

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Alright 👍

by Anonymous 1 week ago