+29 Peppers being farmed for their spiciness is the plant version of elephants and rhinos being poached for their tusks and horns. Humans are killing them because of the very thing that's supposed to protect them. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Peppers are more numerous now than ever before precisely because of human cultivation. Humans don't kill the plant to get the fruit (pepper). If anything they ensure an environment which helps the plant thrive so it can grow many big healthy fruits. Basically you're attempt is wrong. Try better. Or try less if you're trying too hard.

by Schowalterdecla 1 week ago

It would be more like if we started breeding elephants and rhinos, then cut off their tusks and horns without killing them, and if the tusks and horns grew backā€¦

by Comfortable_Group959 1 week ago

You're comparing animal cruelty to harvesting food?

by Any_Huckleberry_3252 1 week ago

Fruit wants to get eaten, that's how it's seeds get spread. But they all have a niche.

by Coltbartell 1 week ago

The spiciness of peppers isn't supposed to protect them, it's to make sure they get eaten by the right sorts of animals. Birds don't react to capsaicin so they eat the peppers and spread the seeds far wider than if other animals ate them. Humans are affected by it, but them eating it has largely the same effect so it still works as intended.

by Otiliaborer 1 week ago