+37 Being a househusband was the easiest job I've ever had, amirite?

by Hot_Violinist 1 week ago

With a supportive partner, absolutely. But a single parent and/or unsupportive partner, not so much.

by Xmclaughlin 1 week ago

I'd rather stay at home than work in trades haha. I think people that complain don't know what hard work is.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think this is a common problem in society. No one has the experiences that other people have, so you get people insisting that being a stay at home parent is hard work, when anyone who has done it knows that it clearly isn't. They aren't necessarily lying, they just don't know better.

by reichmann 1 week ago

This is my experience. I'm an attorney and my wife tells me all the time how much worse and more stressful her life is as a stay at home parent to school aged children. And I do 90% of the cooking.

by SignaturePretend9443 1 week ago

I would rather stay at home and take care of the kids too . I much rather cook , cleans and do laundry than go to work

by Anonymous 1 week ago

A few different factors can change your parenthood experience dramatically. My best friend was very happy and capable as a full-time student and main caretaker of her first child. He was an "easy" baby, slept well, only thing he didn't like was potatoes. Her second child just doesn't sleep...Maybe 5-10 minutes sprinkled throughout the day and 2-3 hours at night. So my friend is essentially awake 20 hours per day everyday. She had to drop out of school just to barely cope. It's extra hard because they earn very little money and they don't get help from family. I have another friend with 4 small children and she studies full-time and works part-time. She and her husband get help from their parents, they make good money so the kids can do any activities they want, and above all the kids are all healthy and sleep She loves her life. It's also down to personality. Not everyone can deal with being stuck at home. Others love it and get sad when they have to go back to work.

by auerantonietta 1 week ago

Idk but I feel like if you're a house spouse too long, that existential dread sets in and people can regret not accomplishing more of what they wanted in their life. Couples can do what they want idc tbh, it's just the regret I notice.

by Adventurous-Kale9379 1 week ago

If only my wife's choice of career paid as much as mine - despite the real gender pay gap where women get paid about 10% more than men for the same work. Being a stay at home parent is a dream job.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

A lot of "housewives" still do a lot of other labor other than chores too

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

Maybe that's because you enjoyed being home and are a caretaker housey type of personality. I think for those where this isn't so natural it's incredibly hard. Also it sounds like you don't know what type of work you like since you've bounced around so many different types of jobs, so maybe working was harder for you than others which makes being a sahd feel so much easier. Everything is relative.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

How do you afford it?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

My favorite job I've ever had was nannying. I can't even consider it a job cause I enjoyed it but I did get paid to hang out with kids and take care of babies. I worked 12 hours a day at one job, overnight at a few jobs, and usually nannied two kids. My dream job would be stay-at-home mom but I don't want kids unless I were to adopt or marry someone who already has kids (fear of pregnancy and giving birth). Working in an office sucks and my brain hurts and I have so much stress and am just so tired at the end of the day. Kids give me energy and make me happy. They're like puppies. Ya sometimes they pee in the house but they're so cute how could u get upset? Vs office jobs of menial work typing numbers into a computer all day. It's soulless and meaningless and sucks the life out of me whereas kids and their happiness and joy and energy enrich my soul. Those stay at home moms have no idea how good they have it. They should try being tax accountants for a day and see how many hours it takes before they realize how much better their "job" is.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yes, being a stay at home parent who is respected and emotionally and financially supported by a partner is great. Sounds like your wife is doing a great job at being a provider and partner so that you may enjoy your part without feeling enslaved.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Truth doesn't care.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What exactly did OP say that was misogynistic?

by Formal-Hedgehog 1 week ago

Total rage baiting and quite a pathetic attempt at that.

by Responsible_Wear 1 week ago

Four things. I think there is a huge difference between doing this full time, and doing it on occasion for short periods. Second, every household and every child is different. Your kids might be easy, doesn't mean they all are. Third, you don't know what else is going on in the home. There might be pets. They might have a bigger house. They might have to include the garden. They might not have the amenities you do and have to hand wash laundry and such. Fourth, women tend to have more health conditions than men, many untreated or undiagnosed, so you dont know what the moms might be struggling with.

by Visible_Manager_6197 1 week ago

Well, you just gatekeep everything, don't you? Again, just because your household is easy, doesn't mean everyone's is.

by Visible_Manager_6197 1 week ago

I didn't say everyone, but it's certainly not what half this site makes it out to be

by Hot_Violinist 1 week ago

Or maybe, people who've never actually done an honest's day's work in their lives don't know what the hell they're talking about when they call being a stay-at-home-spouse "exhausting" and "just as much work as a real job"

by Aggravating-Map 1 week ago

You realize that housewives very often do labor outside of chores? It's just that their husbands don't appreciate it and ignore the work they do, so you don't hear about it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'll never understand homeschooling.. how arrogant must you be to think that you're better st educating than actual teachers

by SuitableDot 1 week ago

I spend 3 to 4 hours a day teaching her Why you slacking on the homeschool?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Pretty sure Finnish school children only do about that per day, plus no homework and they have one of, if not the best education system in the world, plus I imagine with home schooling you can tailor the education to that child specifically, instead of having to divide your attention between ~30 other children

by Anonymous 1 week ago

She is ahead of her friends who are in public school, so we aren't slacking at all

by Hot_Violinist 1 week ago

school wastes a lot of time, i can totally believe you can learn more in 3-4 hours of good instruction than 8 hours in a normal classroom environment

by Neat_Supermarket_430 1 week ago

I don't, I think 3 to 4 hours a day of class is actually pretty optimal for her and doesn't burn her out or make her dread her schooling

by Hot_Violinist 1 week ago