+21 If you have a problem with a country's mentality, don't move there, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This reminds me of a guy I know who is extremely pro-Putin, and Russian. And is trying to get citizenship in my country because "the prospects at home are not very good." He's constantly telling me our people and government "have it wrong." and how things are better in Russia. I can't fathom the mental convulsions needed to arrive at his conclusions.

by VirtualOne7675 1 week ago

It must be crazy hard to mentally escape from constant brainwashing and propaganda. No excuse for the lack of self reflection, but I wonder if there is a proven way to break through these life lies.

by Able-Pride-8806 1 week ago

He's probably just mad where you're at isn't as homophobic or sexist as his great Russia... I've seen a bunch of Russians where I am that are like that.

by kassandra39 1 week ago

Purely hypothetically, you can arrive there without serious convulsions. For example, the guy wants a prospect of $3000 a month, can only get $1000 a month in Russia and tells you it's not as bad as "prospects" of $300 a month someone thinks is the best one could hope for over there. Although you'd better ask himself what he means because this thing above can't quite explain everything you've said about the guy.

by Aweissnat 1 week ago

moaned about the weather, the food, the people, the language, the culture Sounds pretty well integrated to me (joking, I understand what you're saying)

by ImpressionOk 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

If its one of the big cities like Wichita or Kansas City, its not bad all things considered, but if its one of those little towns in the middle of nowhere where going to walmart is considered a date, and 8 out of 10 people are hardcore racists, with the other 2 still being racist but to a lesser degree, then yes, you have all the rights to complain about where you live haha.

by dbruen 1 week ago

Don't complain about Kansas unless you live here lol, it's a privilege not a right

by BroccoliNo 1 week ago

that is what locals tend to do, generally speaking

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's the Turkish way.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I could go on.. the parents were actually illegal immigrants, had their first daughter at home, never registered the birth. Planned to do the same with the second daughter, but had complications during labour and had to go to hospital. Because the hospital didn't get the mother an interpreter (in amongst all of the chaos), they were able to sue the NHS because her daughter was born with cerebral palsy (they said they couldn't understand the midwives or doctors). The daughter was awarded roughly 3 million and the mum got 200k. So now they live mortgage free in a big house that is paid for by the daughters money.

by AmbassadorFrequent62 1 week ago

Can you provide some proof? This sounds like rage bait.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I hate it tbh

by birdienitzsche 1 week ago

If they were awarded Β£3m, it was because a court decided that the cerebral palsy was caused by mistakes by staff or other failures of the hospital. They will have had much more information than you do, and certainly more than you're giving here. The NHS pays out for around 10 claims per year for cerebral palsy caused by medical negligence, usually for about Β£5-10m. That seems like very reasonable, even arguably quite limited, compensation for a child being permanently disabled (likely quite severely) because of medical negligence. I really wish you wouldn't stoke xenophobic outrage about it just because these particular victims were Turkish.

by Ijohnson 1 week ago

3 million because an interpreter wasn't available? Do hospitals usually hold interpreters for all languages? Feels unrealistic.

by kassandra39 1 week ago

Unfortunately most Turkish people are like this. They supposedly love their country but move to a different country for "reasons beyond control". Not only they bitch about it, but they also discourage other Turkish people to not visit there and tell them how homesick they always feel, if you buy it, lol.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's the same with ex-YU. We're not too different, anyway. That's exactly what I had in mind, too.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

She absolutely hated it, moaned about the weather, the food, the people, the language, the culture. Everything you could think of, she hated it. I mean that sounds accurate and like she integrated seamlessly into the culture lmao

by Acrobatic-Win-4984 1 week ago

Least grumpy Polish person

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Literally what you're describing sounds like Americans in Prague lol they live in weird "expat" bubbles, refuse to learn Czech, hate everything about Czech culture, etc. Mental.

by pollichlilliana 1 week ago

Or British people in any non-English speaking country.

by FantasticCompote3040 1 week ago

I worked with a Polish lady once, she hadn't been in England for long. She absolutely hated it, moaned about the weather, the food, the people, the language, the culture. Everything you could think of, she hated it. I'm not sure what your problem is here, it sounds like she has perfectly assimilated with English culture.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Whinging: the great British custom.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Economic immigrants tend to assimilate better than expats do.

by pollichlilliana 1 week ago

What's even wrong with the English weather, food, people, culture and language? It's the best. And I'm Polish too

by ParticularPension177 1 week ago

I've never and I mean NEVER heard anyone call English food the best. That's just mental.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Because people have brains rotten with reading stereotypes on internet

by ParticularPension177 1 week ago

how do you, presumable an english person who speaks english, know this much about a family who apparently hates english people?

by Ashleecorkery 1 week ago

Turkey is pretty Westernized for a Muslim majority country though, that's a weird mindset coming from them

by No_Difficulty 1 week ago

Not every part of Turkey is 'Westernized', generally a lot of Turks that are part of the guest workers' wave to Europe are all from the more conservative islamic regions in Turkey. Konya nd Emirdag are those typical regions where most European Turks come from. The Turks that are usually proficient in English are mostly straight from Istanbul, which is a city that has a totally different contrast in terms of economy, history and culture compared to the rest of Turkey. People from there are usually liberal. Consider it the Berlin of the Middle East.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

And it's still not Western enough, the kiddo probably wants to be of pure English mentality. Which is for the Turks still too radical and unacceptable.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Sorry maybe Westernised wasn't the right word. I meant they were very strict Muslims and didn't like that their daughter was wearing English clothing, having English friends, wanting to go to the cinema or out shopping, etc. When she turned 13 they told her she had to wear a hijab and the black dress sort of thing, wasn't allowed out with friends anymore, etc.

by AmbassadorFrequent62 1 week ago

Poland's much nicer than the UK now anyhow. Enjoy your squalor and your Turks who'll never go home (except to holiday in their second home).

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Exactly my point! It's insane you get called racist or something for calling this out

by TimeSensitive9255 1 week ago

I work in an international company in Germany. We have a lot of expats and limited German language knowledge is not a problem here. I'm always shocked when I talk to expats and they describe how difficult the immigration process, finding a living space and getting a job really is. Germany needs every skilled worker we can get and this is what they get... Of course you're right, this situation is obvious to everyone who did research but I really don't like it. It's an unnecessarily bad experience for immigrants and damages our economy.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Dude getting German people to speak German is like pulling teeth lmao. No one hates German more than they do

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's the best possible explanation I heard so far, though I wonder: How easy did you find to get into contact with germans? I heard and experienced very different things from the few immigrants I know.

by Icy-Property7733 1 week ago

Like when people move to countries where being LGBTQ is accepted but they're homophobic and it's a crime in their own country, then they come here and commit hate crimes. Please leave that back home lol.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think the Netherlands did something where they showed immigrants things like LGBTQ couples, and judged their reactions, telling them if they can't accept and respect the local culture they shouldn't move

by TimeSensitive9255 1 week ago

Based Netherlands ngl. Countries should do this more

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Fr, like seriously we should openly talk about and suggest this

by TimeSensitive9255 1 week ago

Guess they haven't discovered lying yet

by Intrepid-Product7047 1 week ago

Expecting some degree of adaption is pretty commonplace, isn't it?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You would think. But it's not as common place it would seem

by Far-Violinist 1 week ago


by Practical-Leg 1 week ago

Not in europe lol. Most migrants just set up a neighbourhood as their old country

by No_Code 1 week ago

Lately in the West no, otherwise it's considered racist, and I say this as an immigrant myself

by TimeSensitive9255 1 week ago

No that racist!!! /s

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Not if you live in America, then people jump on you and accuse you of being a racist.

by CertainAd766 1 week ago

It's hurting Germany at the moment. Germany desperately needs immigration, and business investment, since the population is aging and the economy is suffering disproportionately due to energy prices, but it makes it unreasonably hard to move here and start a business compared with a lot of other places in Europe and the west.

by Hermanntrantow 1 week ago

It already hurt us before the recent crisis but now it's just so apparent that you can't oversee it. Our government has been operating in crisis for years. I don't expect to see any change soon.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's totally fine. But moving to Latin America and loudly bitching how no one shows up on time is what I am talking about.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Just a matter of getting used to it. Once you know they're gonna be 15 minutes late, you account for it and set your schedule according to that. But there's also a huge difference between living in their country and complaining that that's how it works there, and having them try to live like that in your country, where it doesn't work that way.

by pollichlilliana 1 week ago

I was on-site for a year and a half when this annoyed me so much. I come to a datacenter or office in another city to meet with everyone, packed schedule, often with meetings not planned by me, and I keep having to push back stuff, because everyone is late all the time. Like, it would cumulatively accrue to a full hour or two by the end of the day. I'd have to often extend site visits for a day more, to be able to catch up on what I needed to hear, say and do. Remotely and when I'm fully in control of the schedule, it wasn't such a hassle - I would gap every meeting with at least 30 minute intervals, and would do some busy work on my other screen while I wait.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

My wife is Colombian. She tricked me. She wasn't late the first time we met. Wasn't late when we went on a couple dates. Wasn't late to meet me at all, ever. I had no idea she was late to everything else forever and always. Late to work, late to get together with friends, late to the airport. I'm never late to anything on my own, and the tension involved with knowing I'll definitely be late to anything we do together may kill me.

by Stunning_Effort_9688 1 week ago

Dude, I need to break it to you: looks like she loves and cares for you! I'm sorry you had to find out like this.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

She does. I'm incredibly lucky. It's terrible. I'll never leave her.

by Stunning_Effort_9688 1 week ago

If people are loud bitchers, they'll be loud bitchers wherever they live. It's just an obnoxious personality trait. They will always find things to loudly bitch about.

by pollichlilliana 1 week ago

Ok but seriously if you say you're going to show up somewhere at 12:00 then do that! I hate people who shows up an hour later for no good reason. They've just lied for no reason at all. Infuriating.

by Public-Payment9442 1 week ago

You're really illustrating the point here. If the norm is that 12:00 is a casual time to start, and 10-15 minutes grace is normal (or whatever the set time is), then you're the asshole for getting huffy about it. Social sins aren't the same just because you feel a certain way.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

15 minutes is generally fine, there are lots of reasons why someone might be late by that much. I'd appreciate a message going "I'll be a little late, see you soon" or whatever, but it's not that important. I'm talkin about longer periods like that. People who agree to meet up somewhere at a certain time, but by the time they are supposed to be there they havent even left home yet. It's disrespectful, honestly.

by Public-Payment9442 1 week ago

I do think it's ok to complain because we all need to vent sometimes. But there are good and bad ways to do it. I am not the biggest fan of the country I live in, but I channel my complaining in a way that's focused and minimalized. I vent to people who I know are open to it (either they are also disillusioned with their own country and agree it has flaws, or they are also foreigners with similar complaints), and I also don't tend to make sweeping generalizations about the people or the country. I'm pretty good about being clear and specific. Sweeping generalizations tend to seem more aggressive or simply set people off and cause a defensive reaction.

by pollichlilliana 1 week ago

What OP is talking about are cultural things, it's super common for people from conservative countries to move to liberal ones and then openly hate on the culture and demand it changes

by TimeSensitive9255 1 week ago

And vice versa all the way!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's definitely not a conservative->liberal thing.

by pollichlilliana 1 week ago

What do you mean?

by TimeSensitive9255 1 week ago

I'm an expat in NZ. There's a handful of things I'd change (like the utterly unhinged driving), but overall it's a wonderful country and I'm always saying to kiwis they're too hard on themselves.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

We have enough of our own to deal with.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Facts. I have a colleague from Peru who's extremely religious. She HATES gays and thinks atheists are the devil incarnate. She frequently criticizes the fact that these two groups of people have the same rights as she does and argues they should be taken away. And it baffles me so because this country welcomed her and gave her a home. And this is how she repays us, by advocating the removal of our rights. I for one hope she stays miserable in this country

by WonderfulClassic 1 week ago

THIS like stay in your own damn country if you're just going to try and spread more hate

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I live in NZ and never once encountered a single tourist complaining about pest control measures. I've met lots of kiwi cat owners though.

by berniecekeeling 1 week ago

Are indoor cats allowed in NZ?

by Even_Aspect 1 week ago

I had a classmate threaten to KILL anyone involved in rabbit control in Australia. You adopt all 40 million bunny wunnies, retired English teacher with no science background!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think the word you are grappling for is 'culture'. I live in Costa Rica and culture is the thing that trips up most expats. About 90 percent go home after 2 years because they cannot handle things like Tico Time (everything very late) or the other small ways things are done here. Saw an American having a huge meltdown at a local bank a few weeks ago because the bank does not do deposits exactly the same way as her bank in NYC. Instead of realizing she must adjust to their methodology she went on a huge rant about how they were doing it wrong.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Research is one thing, when you move there and experiencing it is another.

by Longjumping-Swan2218 1 week ago

That's fine, but then you should move back. OP is probably talking about those who choose to stay and complain.

by Several-Camel 1 week ago

Agreed. Also, learn the language if you're planning on staying long term or permanently. I live in my native country, but every time I visit a different country even if it's only for a day, I'm already trying to pick it up. There's nothing to lose and you don't have to know every word the second you get there. In my opinion you're just plain stupid, selfish and ignorant if you don't want to learn the language of the country you live in.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think most people have a problem with at least one part of any given country's mentality

by Anonymous 1 week ago

yeah it sucks, but to be fair, many countries are like that, asking for degrees, especially if youre a foreigner.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yep, but other countries' HR accept cross-transferable skills, not bluntly reject on the basis of "degree is not on my list"

by melvinweissnat 1 week ago

A lot of people move to a foreign country because they don't fit in at home. Then they don't fit in where they moved to. No surprise really.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I move around a lot, if i live in a country where a culturally dominant thing is not to my liking, then i just don't partake in it and avoid it to the best of my ability. It's not my place to tell people how they should live their lives, it's not my place to tell people how they should run their country, and i'm talking about ALL countries and ALL cultures. Just because something doesn't work for me doesn't mean it shouldn't for someone else. And just because i have a different understanding of how things should be doesn't mean i should judge other people's cultures based on it. There are basic human rights that most if not all nations agreed upon, beyond that, all criticism is really just biased opinions masquerading as morally superior criticism, of which there's a lot to go around on everyone's end.

by Barrowstoni 1 week ago

How is this unpopular??? πŸ˜‚

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah, I can only hope that a certain group of people who seem to no matter what want to economically immigrate to the UK will at least start to respect our culture and that women are equal.

by mia26 1 week ago

Yup. Agreed. Same thing happening in Portugal. I don't understand why it is considered rude or something that people are concerned about losing culture and traditions in centuries old countries. It is not racist, it is not taboo. If you come to another country, adapt. Learn the language, the culture, the traditions. It is only fair.

by Aric48 1 week ago

Californians need to drill this into their heads

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The first wave of cidiots that moved up from NYC to dairy-farm country in the Hudson Valley back in the 70's because it was "charming" and "quaint", then pissed and moaned because it turns out dairy farms can have a certain...funk, especially when the manure is spread.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Not exactly "cultural" but still a good example!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Maybe people move away without doing enough research, or handwave that they will be able to adapt.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Truth is people want to take advantage of all the benefits of these societies and don't want to contribute to what made them that way.

by melvinkulas 1 week ago

Many economic migrants don't have any plan to integrate. They have a timeline for earning and returning. I'm bilingual so I work with a lot of Spanish language only migrants. They hate it here, and they hate the immigrants that did integrate. I don't care either way, but it is interesting.

by No_Papaya 1 week ago

This is like the Arab world summed up. They come to the West and demand we change our ways, and when we don't they get pissy about it

by ZealousidealWin2444 1 week ago

They want the benefits, none of the responsibilities.

by langworthvirgin 1 week ago

Totally valid opinion. Unless you're talking about the US, then you're a racist, xenophobe, [insert other trendy insult].

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The Turkish family was just extremely racist πŸ˜‚

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yup. Don't like it? Get out.

by Intrepid-Box 1 week ago

The complaints didn't start when they moved. Some people are emotional black holes.

by alexis57 1 week ago

Same thing with American cities. Don't move someplace in the sun belt and then endlessly complain it's not Brooklyn and expect it to change to be like "home." You're not the center of the universe. Places aren't supposed to change to suit your preferences.

by ilueilwitz 1 week ago

The culture wars with all the middle eastern immigrants coming to the west are going to be lit. The current protests on college campuses are a nice preview.

by Vfadel 1 week ago

I think it takes some adjustment for some folks. Where I live in China is pretty transient. Lots of folks coming and going, so maybe the families move here for work or something. It's hard to adapt at first and I hear a lot of complaining about the way it is here. But if folks can make it past year 2, I find most of them end up being here for the long run.

by EntrepreneurNo 1 week ago

Or you could be born there

by Proud-Peak 1 week ago

I find it's people that emigrate from deeply religious countries have the same mindset thinking they're missionaries. Mental illness is world-wide unfortunately

by No-Base 1 week ago

Lol that's like a quarter of the purple living in America

by predoviccarlott 1 week ago

Who are these purple people and what do they moan about!?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

As a German the Germans expect *everyone* to follow rules.. except themselves. And they always have excuses for when they bend the rules.

by NoDimension7082 1 week ago

Yep I just don't get it. Like, it's 2024 not 1904, you have the Internet so maybe do the most basic search on what the place you want to move to is like. Before you get there and complain about everything.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

As an immigrant myself I think a lot of people usually say someone "hates" their host culture hyperbolically. When I left my home country it wasn't for anything ideological or personal it was because I found a good job elsewhere and because my family was abusive and horrible. I live in Japan, a country with very weak unions and a lot of historical denile and I sometimes get accused of hating this place. I think a lot of people would agree that's stupid, but I want to ask such people how often they apply this to their own culture. Do the Turkish people OP is aiming this at really hate Germany, or are they just mildly criticizing some aspect that OP is defending too hastily? I don't know, but mainly because they're being vague. If a Turkish immigrant is a radical Muslim or nationalist revanchist than he has a point, but if a Turkish guy is just saying that some law is stupid or criticizing something like drinking culture or high taxes that's just someone expressing their rights.

by sstiedemann 1 week ago

Good immigrants are better than bad immigrants

by Anonymous 1 week ago

A random person that moved to Amsterdam: I hate it here, there are too many people on bicycles.

by Talia29 1 week ago

Like the Americans going down to Mexico and taking over beaches, or trying to shut down local music scenes because they're "too loud" for their liking, paying in dollars instead of pesos and making stuff more expensive for the locals there. If all you were there for is the beach, go to Florida lol!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Totally agree, the same thing is happening here in Chile with the Venezuelans, we might be another Latin American country, but we don't have the Caribbean culture at all, so then they complain we are too shy, too quiet, boring and not happy people, but the thing is, we have fun we own way, and we don't need to blast Salsa music from 8 in the morning to midnight every day to show we have fun, or to scream to each other every time we want to have a conversation...

by Anonymous 1 week ago

As a Canadian who always waits for the "walk" sign before crossing streets at intersections, I like Germany very much.

by Akris 1 week ago

It's because when they move, they are interested in only a handful of aspects of that country, while ignoring that the ones that they are not interested on probably are deeply connected to the ones they like. For example, lots of fellow Brazilians love Switzerland, because people enjoy a dandy quality of life there, while earning a good figure at work, but many of them, once effectively moving there, can't handle the level of order and the seriousness of Swiss people.

by kgibson 1 week ago

If I like a country, I don't have to like everything about it. I moved to Australia because I make more money here than in my home country, but I hate the fact that shops in Australia close at 5 pm.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yep, itβ€˜s as inane as moving from Germany to the United Staates just to bitch about there not being universal healthcare or an overblown welfare system. Take the country as it is and adapt to the circumstances. If you hate the culture, stay away.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

God forbid someone wants something improved

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ooooh Man U r not allowed to say that

by Bayerelenora 1 week ago

then they should be even more keen to assimilate quicker, what are you on about. lack of gratitude much?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I genuinely love hearing criticism of my own country from immigrants - it's fascinating and I learn a lot, even if I don't always agree. I think nations are better off for having mouthy immigrants giving their 2 cents. It's one of the best ways for a nation to learn and grow. Sometimes a nation's dominant mentality is holding it back, and because most citizens know no other way it never occurs to them that things can be improved. It can take outsiders to point it out and get positive change happening. And honestly, every thinking person is gonna have an issue with some aspects of the "mentality" of every country, including their own country. Should they shut up about it?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I CANNOT think of a more popular opinion than this

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Think twice while going through replies!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I dont really mind it. I have problems with the country i live in too. Aint gonna beef with someone who sees the same problems just cause they were born elsewhere

by Vivid-Author 1 week ago

It's one thing to make observations, another to continually express frustration and resistance to adaptation. I am talking about the latter. Yes to moves within country.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I agree in general. You should make research into a country before you move there. This is why I couldn't live in any of the East Asian countries, like Japan or South Korea, not unless I could live there, but not feature on the social ladder. (Like a vlogger or other sort of influencer.) It's despite the fact I love a lot about the culture, but I know I could not withstand a lot of the mentality here. That said, I don't believe you're not allowed to be critical of anything when you move somewhere. Having immigrated somewhere doesn't rob you of the privilege of having your own opinions, and some people do think that way.

by Wiegandalbert 1 week ago

Which is why if you move to USA you need to learn and effectively communicate with English speaking. Were predominantly English speaking in USA. Its the same exact argument

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well you cant know the mentality of people until you live with them. And your origin sometimes play a huge role in people s behavior . Besides, after all the efforts it takes to move from a third world to first wolrd country , all the papers and money you have to put aside , most people wont just throw it all away

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Idk if this is unpopular, nobody likes people who do this.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I know and it's also fun just reading plenty of projections.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think its a fair point. But I also can understand people who have moved. Its one thing to read about a country and really like alot of aspects of it on paper than to actually live there and constantly be met with cultural chocks and realising that you miss alot of things from home. I can also not even imagine how it would feel to not be able to express yourself fully because of a langusge barrier.

by Rory87 1 week ago

Let's be real - moving anywhere, even if it feels rationally better, is never easy.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Do you feel any nation is immune from criticism? Or even that there is any nation that warrants no criticism? If you have a natural born citizen and an immigrant complaining about the same thing, is the criticism more valid from one of them than the other?

by Starkhannah 1 week ago