+26 Being famous would not be enjoyable. amirite?

by Zestyclose_Still_565 1 week ago

I dont care about famous. But being rich would be nice

by Anonymous 1 week ago

But in cases like these, the fame caused the wealth. Its a lot easier to command higher pay when you're a hot brand and irreplaceable. If you just did great work behind the scenes, it doesn't help much, because plenty of people can do work of similar quality. Really, riches are acquired by entrepreneurialism if you're not just inhereting the wealth. Its very difficult to acquire that wealth by just doing a job -- actors and athletes turn the typical paradigm of how wealth is acquired on its head.

by rogahnleon 1 week ago

Beyonce specifically seems to enjoy hanging out in places like Ireland and Japan because those cultures make it less likely you'll get mobbed on the street.

by Elian57 1 week ago

George Clooney said something along the lines of "it's been 20 years since I've walked through Central Park." That one really hit. When you get to that level of fame, your life isn't your own anymore.

by CommunicationAny 1 week ago

Even just being rich and not famous you might still need security, maybe not for having a couple million in net worth but once you get into the 10s and especially 100s of millions. I don't think it'd be that bad, but being rich would definitely trump being famous. Fame is a way to leverage becoming more rich like Ryan Reynolds using his platform to promote his products and rake in the cash. It's usually not you personally telling people no either, if I was famous, I'd have people for that

by Wise-Pianist 1 week ago

Celebrity worship has never been higher than now. So many Folk need to worship something, and the choices aren't great.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm not sure this is all that unpopular

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Everybody will say it's tough being famous but nobody would say they want to go back to their old life

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Because of the money, not the fame itself.

by Zestyclose_Still_565 1 week ago

that still means they wouldn't wanna go back to their old life?

by Used_Sky2122 1 week ago

"Bassist famous is nice." Never heard it called that, but that term is perfect. It would actually be fun to be recognizable or underground famous. People know who you are, but nobody is going to hide in the bushes outside your house or start screaming and chasing you in public.

by Zestyclose_Still_565 1 week ago

I think you forget you can be "mega" famous and still lead a normal life. People are famous and are still able to live good lives. What they do different is not attract attention or live in a city filled with famous people. A lot of celebraties will actively contact press to let them know where they are. Of course in cases, it does get rough for people and they cant handle it, but it is usually something else thats also going on like mental issues or being a total AH. Being famous does give you a lot of advantages which is why people aspire it.

by Maverickwindler 1 week ago

I'd like to be the 10-15th best golfer on the planet. Plenty of income, nice working conditions, the vast majority of the world has no clue as to who you are.

by Anonymous 1 week ago