+40 Residential aerial insecticides should be extremely regulated and if you use them without a dire need to, you're a jerk. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Where I live there is a mosquito truck that fumigates the whole are a few times a week.

by lorna81 1 week ago

Where is that if you don't mind me asking?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I just did a quick search and apparently Albuquerque is battling an invasive mosquito species that, while it hasn't happened yet, is the species that can transmit west nile. THAT makes sense to me for the city to address. Sidenote: I road trip a lot and love driving through NM; some very pretty sights!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yea, that's it. Its really beautiful in some spots for sure. I like how open it is.

by lorna81 1 week ago

Wait so all those animals and bugs your attract only stay on your property and never go over to your neighbor property.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They go….outside, where they live. That's literally where they're supposed to be, and they'd be there whether I grew native plants or not lol. You're saying "attracting" like if I was out there chucking roach baits and leaving out snacks for rats.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

How does me growing native gardens negatively affect my neighbors? I see what you're trying to do, but this isn't a "it's just different styles, to each their own" sort of situation. In your hypothetical, which is know is not the case for the couple next to us, but in that hypothetical, I would understand. That's not the case for the majority of people that spray for bugs.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I've heard people say wildlife friendly just to excuse the fact that they have completely neglected to do any yardwork ever.

by Dull_Combination 1 week ago

You're inviting different critters into the neighborhood. You may enjoy it, but that doesn't mean your neighbors will. My neighbor across the street from us started leaving their front yard wild. Lots of signs about sparing the bees and letting Mother Nature do its thing. That summer, I had freaking cicada killer wasps take over my front yard. I ended up having to pay for someone to come treat my yard and get rid of them.

by Cristida 1 week ago

I never specified what exactly we did; I'm not inviting anything that wouldn't already be there. We just plant and maintain native gardens, and don't use herbicides/pesticides. That's it. It's a funny perspective, "inviting things into the neighborhood", as if the things outside don't belong there.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm in the US - deaths from mosquitos are very rare; people aren't doing it to not die, they are doing it for the convenience. And in turn, ACTUALLY killing things/

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah, mosquitoes. Its not doing half the things you claim

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It would take you 10 seconds to google that mosquito insecticides are not species specific; "mosquito" sprays are just permethrin, which is a universal insecticide.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Very low risk to plants and wildlife. High risk to all insects , some risk aquatic wildlife. You know a lot of municipalities have mosquito control already anyway?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

My guy. That's like saying a gunshot to the chest has a very low risk to your brain, only to your chest, even though you're bleeding out. You know what's plants and wildlife need to survive because it's a base of any food chain? Insects.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Odds are low, but not impossible. I'd perfer not to take that chance. Would I look for other options to keep them away sure, but if a spray is my only option. Yes, I'm going to prioritize my life within the area of my property.

by Odd-Film 1 week ago

This is just a wild perspective to take, given how innocuous mosquitos are in the US compared to things we do EVERY SINGLE DAY that are far more dangerous. If you wanna spend hundreds of dollars a year to kill thousands of harmless bugs and thus affect other wildlife so you can be outside without OFF or a simple citronella candle lit, go for it, champ.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Gonna be honest. This was just me rambeling about hatred of mosquitios and not caring about them. I was just rambeling cause I'm bored. I just use bug spray cause I'm out in the woods alot.

by Odd-Film 1 week ago

Who was calling OP an asshole? I just have a difference in opinion and priorities.

by Odd-Film 1 week ago

What's your strategy for not getting bug bites? Other than avoiding outdoors, covering yourself in chemicals, or wearing full length clothing all summer?

by lrutherford 1 week ago

I don't use chemicals; I use natural bug sprays that use essential oils that work just as well as DEET and smell a lot better. Or I burn citronella. I live in Georgia, so trust me I'm not wearing full length clothing all summer lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I live next to a former Master of Horticulture, her yard is a certified wild life habitat. She has so many lovely native wildflowers and trees planted, growing a few native grasses to see which she wants to keep, constantly changing her plant life. It's lovely to live near, though our yard is sad in comparison. The wild life we get are things like bunnies, raccoons, deer, skunks...all just passing through. There's lots of birds nesting in the area as well, I've seen a hawk pair and also an owl pair, and we have some swallows currently working on hatching their nest near our front window. Anyone who's poo pooing the wildlife friendly yard don't know what it means to live next to one, it does nothing but provide food for bees and some hidey holes that make it safe for small animals to cross through the neighborhood without as much danger of being eaten. People don't like what they don't know. Sorry you have to deal with insect spraying, it certainly kills unintended targets (other bugs than mosquitoes), but I do get the mosquito hate! They're not fun to deal with...

by Queasy_Proof 1 week ago

We plant native and every single one of my neighbors does something annoying so when one might complain that the coyotes attracted to the rabbits in my yard are going to go after their pet cat im like… great the cat should be inside. One complained about allergies due to the pollen in my flowers. She parks in her driveway and when the wind blows it gets all over her clothes in spring. I told her to park the car in the garage. She said her garage is full. Ok,.. I see the solution! Simply clean the garage

by Anonymous 1 week ago