+48 Gym equipment is fragile and expensive and should be treated as such, amirite?

by kellenwhite 2 weeks ago

I think the minority of people contribute majority of problems. This is why I think the opinion is popular, because I would imagine most people wouldn't be reckless with gym property.

by Remote-Concept 2 weeks ago

That could be the case, it's definitely easier to notice those who cause damage than those who are respectful.

by kellenwhite 2 weeks ago

I can't hear you over the sound of slamming 200 pounds into the ground

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

There's no reason to be slamming the equipment, but there's also no reason to baby equipment. It's meant to be used, so use it. Do intense training, but just don't be an asshole with it. Same as everything else in life

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Right. If you train at max weight till muscle failure, you try to slowly lower it and be respectful. Eventually you get tapped out and might drop it harder than you wanted, intentions matter.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I've never been much of a gym person, but when I have gone, it never occurred to me to abuse the equipment. It didn't belong to me, so why would I? Do people think gym memberships make them the owners of the equipment? And are members who mistreat the equipment not fined? I'd think that would be part of the agreement.

by Acrobatic_Context655 2 weeks ago

I go to the gym to become stronger and when you train at max intensity you can really only get a few reps in before you end up failing to lift or failing to gracefully lower the weight. People also aren't inclined to directly confront the guy that just maxed out the weight machine.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I pay good money to destroy this gym equipment, after I'm done maxing it out you gotta destroy the machine to let it know an uprising will not work out for it

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago