+44 People Who Upload Images of Animals Being Killed / Eaten Alive / Maimed are Sadists Who Should Be Shunned, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I used to own snakes. Yes it is cruel to live feed them. Mine would not take frozen, don't know why. To keep the suffering down of the rat I would kill them before feeding them to the snakes. It was my least favorite part of having snakes. Fortunately the eat a whole lot or all that often. Maybe once a month. That said, I only enjoy David Attenborough videos of nature. Unless it aimed at like "this is how you feed your snake" I wouldn't understand watching it at all.

by margot49 2 weeks ago

Some of us appreciate the full range of nature, not just the cute and cuddly parts. I'm sorry if you don't enjoy videos of rabbits being swallowed whole by great blue herons, but I find them fascinating. And no, that does not make me a sociopath.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago