+33 Traffic lights are a form mind control. amirite?

by Background_Duty4518 2 weeks ago

This. YouTube some videos of car crashes. Especially fatality crashes... Where one of the cars is 100 mph+. It's bad.

by MudNeat3415 2 weeks ago

I don't think OP framed it as "run this red light at high speeds since it's 2:30am" Instead it was "I'm sitting at this red light for over a minute and I haven't seen a car this entire time" in that case it would be safe to "run" the red light reasonably even if it's against the law. I think there's even something about this in the law for motorcycles that don't trip the sensor at lights. Since they could be stuck at a red light for a long time if there's no other cars around to trip the sensor.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I think that's what OP is talking about

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Idk they didn't mention it, but when that happens, it's not against the law

by Interesting_Offer680 2 weeks ago

No, I meant the that I feel the need to always follow driving laws so that I'm better prepared to encounter other people not following them (e.g. speeding).

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Defensive driving is a great tool and I agree that everyone should follow that, everyone should follow the rules for driving. But sometimes like in OP'e scenario the rules don't make sense is what he's pointing out.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I get that rationale. But even if there is no one in sight?? Obviously if someone is going 80mph you would hear and see them. Think about an old county road….

by Background_Duty4518 2 weeks ago

"I didn't see anyone" said everyone who ends up running a light and hitting someone.

by Lavern83 2 weeks ago

I think you underestimate how quickly a car going 80 can appear out of nowhere

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

No, the reason is that motorists are narcissistic, myopic morons who assume they own the road purely because they take up the most amount of space.

by Affectionate-Gap 2 weeks ago

Cuz im not tryna get ticketed you goof

by West_Photograph 2 weeks ago

Very true.. And this is the same practice used to continuously erode "freedoms".. We aren't even free in America, but they give you enough to make you think you are free. We are all still slave to the fiat currency and that is the root in which all of the social contract theory digression stems from.. np pun intended

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I am a staunch supporter of freedom and being legt to to whatever you want - but absolute freedom is anarchy, which is good for noone. Not sure if your fiat currency is some tangent into bitcoin though

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If you're going to be a pedant, get it right so a bigger and better pedant doesn't come along and correct you.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You can take comfort in knowing that an inferior and incomplete knowledge of social contractarian theory is better than none at all.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

What was your goal with all of this ? I didn't study philosophy ( it's mostly a waste of time, and studying a degree aimed at good conversation starters shows a lack of foresight) I studied law - And absolutely nothing I said is wrong. Go touch some grass

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"Go touch some grass" So original! Your intellect is truly impressive.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Because I run a risk vs reward in my head and decide that saving a minute is not worth the small risk of having to pay hundreds in fines

by Low-Routine 1 week ago

Or getting t-boned. The vehicle you can't see, might also not be able to see you. There's a reason for traffic lights.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Famous last words

by Hyman40 1 week ago

And crash control!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

OP is correct. We choose to obey some rules in society so that we have a resource when someone wrongs us. On a separate note: I was going 75 on the freeway last night, and a sport bike passed me doing at least double my speed. I legit did not see them until they were in front of me, and I ride, I always look out for motorcycles! Actually, I noticed his buddy blow by a few lanes over and was extra aware that that exact moment. I wouldn't count on seeing the traffic coming.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's a matter of habit. What you routinely do at a vacant traffic light will eventually be what you do no matter how many cars are on the road, and you'll end up killing a pedestrian or fellow motorist because of your self-justified behavior.

by Affectionate-Gap 1 week ago

It's a bad habit to get into. You'll get a ticket or a collision eventually. I'd also rather run a red in broad daylight.. easier to look for cops, cameras, cars, etc.

by Jessica82 1 week ago

First off, what does it cost you? Nothing. Why so antsy in your pantsy? Were you in the military, so everything is hurry-up-and-wait? Secondly, the majority of people live in cities. You know, where we have a lot of traffic cameras. These traffic cameras operate at night, if you didn't know.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Red light cams

by Anonymous 1 week ago

certainly are and have been mentally conditioned for a long long time

by Anonymous 1 week ago