+28 Kids not knowing what a recold player is isn't a big problem, amirite?

by Due_Horror_3975 1 week ago

Idk what a recold player is either

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Sounds like an instant freezer for when your ice cream melts?

by Traceytowne 1 week ago

omg the popsicles i could make so fast

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I prefer the rewarm player, it's just a got a nice sound.

by No-Cellist-3642 1 week ago

That's just a microwave with tape deck taped to it. I have one....it's ok.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah, it's like freaking out that most people don't know how to make a flint knife. Technology progresses, skills that were once essential eventually become something very few people have reason to learn.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You don't know how to make a flint knife? Jesus, what were your great-great-great-great-great-grandparents doing while you were growing up?

by Helpful_Solid 1 week ago

Nobody. No human on planet earth. No human that has ever lived has ever even considered that kids not knowing what a record player is a big problem. Never. ever.

by tiffany50 1 week ago

go spend some time on facebook with all the boomers and youll change your mind

by ChefFlat 1 week ago

You could not pay me to log into Facebook.

by tiffany50 1 week ago

They will absolutely make fun of them because it's just a funny thing to see people unable to use basic technology. Their parents did it to them and todays kids will be doing it to their kids. Millenials do it to the kids with VHS. The majority of people don't care, it's just a bit of fun.

by Feisty_Distance7253 1 week ago

i dont think its about making fun of them because its funny. Many of the boomers ive interacted with are legitimately pissed off that the society/technology has been changing since the 50s/60s.

by ChefFlat 1 week ago

many of the boomers you've met didn't even discuss it

by Feisty_Distance7253 1 week ago

Record players kind of came back. They're not as popular as they were when they were popular but people use them more now than in the 90s and 00s. With that said, I don't think it's important to know what one is.

by ayden68 1 week ago

I saw a video with a teenage girl playing Super Mario Bros. It took her a minute to figure out where the cartridge goes, and she was crappy at the game. Of course, she was being mocked because apparently every genXer did it perfect the very first time they ever played.

by Ayla49 1 week ago

The confusion of older people is an equal problem. The local chain store got rid of most of their physical media. Then they announced they were going to sell records. Its just a very small portion of what they used to have for physical media. One oldrr person kept telling me, see records are coming back! Theyve always been sold in my town. One chain store just sells a few.

by Intelligent-Desk 1 week ago

Big surprise. Technology becomes obsolete. Older generation has nostalgia for things that existed back in their day and bemoans that the next generation doesnt know what a [insert retro device name] is. Me at 60: Ha, my kid doesn't know what an 8 track player was My kid at 35: Ha, my kid doesn't know what a VHS player was. My grandkid at 5: Ha, my kids won't know what streaming was

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What kind of people would get annoyed by this. Sure, record players were a huge deal when I was younger. But things changed and it's okay.

by Eulah43 1 week ago

I was going to say that who cares, because they will never be relevant again, but actually it is part of history. So... a flaw in history education?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I believe they actually out sell cds now.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't understand why people want them. I guess they look cool. How much are you willing to make your live purposefully harder just to look cool?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They do. I think cassette tapes actually outsell CDs as well, as weird as that sounds.

by ayden68 1 week ago

I was told by someone who sells his own music that it's because people don't buy CDs any more and don't have CD players. It's not expensive to buy cassette tapes or tape players. It's for people who want to collect music but don't want to spend as much as they would on records. Plus they take up less space. They're also cheaper to produce which can be a great way for independent musicians to get physical music out there without spending an arm and a leg. That's just what I'm told. It sounds about right but I would have rather just kept CDs. I have no idea if tapes today are better than they used to be. I'd hope so though.

by ayden68 1 week ago

No that sounds right to me. Except the cost part, I assumed vinyls would be cheaper to make because it's more popular. Space is a big factor though. I have several hundred records, most of them from the 60s-70s. I have two large bookshelves and an entire wall dedicated for them. Plus the record player and speakers. I agree with cds over tapes though. I still have an old 8 track from a vehicle in my garage somewhere. Plus my huge case of cds from highschool.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well, not necesarily a flaw. History education tends to leave out small details of daily life, like a record player. Either way, this shows that society is evolving.

by Optimal-Meeting 1 week ago