+30 Trashtalk in gaming is incredibly unhealthy. amirite?

by Doragreen 1 week ago

Trashtalk in good jest can be fun and healthy. The rest is as you say but that's a popular opinion.

by Kevonolson 1 week ago

I think it depends on the trash talk. Saying someone should quit, calling them names, etc. is incredibly unhealthy. However a little chuckle and a "hehe feckin loser" to a good friend of mine is funny and is meant for laughs. I think it boils down to the intent and the relationship with your co-gamer and your relationship. I don't insult my friends sincerely, and they know that, so a little trash talk is funny and healthy I say. But again it depends on your relationship and the type of trash talk

by Lisette91 1 week ago

Trashtalk is fine, the problem comes from those who take it too far and make it toxic.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What if the 2 people engaging in it enjoy that type of banter? Thats the thing, people are all different and some can do this without getting their feelings hurt. It can be fun trying to come up with creative insults. Clearly you don't like it and that's cool too, if I was your friend I'd pick up on that and not do it with you.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

no, trash talk is fun and healthy, if it's putting a strain on your friendships then you're taking it way too seriously and need to loosen up

by Interesting_Tap_5534 1 week ago

Nah friendly trash talk is fun and cool. It's not serious. It doesn't make it more exciting but it does make it more fun

by Personal_Soup 1 week ago