+424 Girls should get to kick guys in their nuts once a month, just so that the pain is shared equally. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

hell no you stupid bitch

by Anonymous 13 years ago

lol, maybe i should say get one cut off for each time in labor too

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why the fuck would one want to do that? You should get a boner every hour for the whole world to see.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Maybe if guys weren't so sex-craving, they wouldn't get boners every hour.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

guys can get erections for no reason.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Ginger Snap): dudes, chillax, it's a joke.... I hope.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If your hurting take it out on my nuts if you need pr want to please. Its no joke its Real. Go 4IT BABY

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Most of the time guys get boners due to high testosterone levels, not being sexually aroused.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

man up punk

by Anonymous 11 years ago

@shy_fishy I feel sorry for any guy you date

by Anonymous 13 years ago

She's messed up in the mind. Must be a bitch during pms...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

that might explain it, but she's still crazy as shit and has no idea how much it hurts to get kicked in the ballsp

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well you shitheads have no clue how much it hurts to have your period. you guys have it easy so don't complain.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How would you know you can't be kicked in the knuts and i wasnt complaining i was making a point. stupid bitch

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Boys are sooo lucky. I mean, how many people go around kicking them in the nuts? Once every month for a whole week? They have no idea! And, they get girls pregnet and how much that would kill for the poor thing when she gives birth! Not to metion the 9 months she carrys the baby. They get of so lucky!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ok so you have physical pain. We have all the emotional pain over our entire lives of people exactly like you being a total bitch. You wonder why guys cry less? It's because we have to deal with people like you who are so bad off. Guess what. You're alive! Get the fuck over it!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

we wouldnt actually do that cuz we like you guys too much...its just the idea that we wouldnt be the only ones hurting

by Anonymous 13 years ago

WTF?! Having your period isn't going to make you infertile. What a messed up thing to suggest, and I'm a girl!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Lemme just say that 'nuts' are sperm producing ORGANS, on the OUTSIDE of the body. Now i know periods probly hurt like hell. However, getting kicked in the nuts is equivalent of getting kicked in the lungs O.o

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Do periods cause serious physical damage? ..... nope! Does kicking a d00d in the balls cause serious physical damage...... yup. and if you kick a guy too hard, he won't be able to cum. and if he can't cum, you can't make babies. think about that one, tough guy!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

if you dont have your period you can't make babies either you dumbass

by Anonymous 13 years ago

if you dont have your period you're already making a baby

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(amiright):hahahaha fucking win. and to "Anonymous", you missed the whole point of what I was saying. Gtfo.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Alsooo when you have your period it causes the walls of your uterus to break down and decay....so, yes, periods = physical damage.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yeah but that's something that isn't caused by someone else, getting kicked in the nuts once a month can be prevented. Also, just a suggestion, if you are really bothered by your periods maybe you should consider going on forms of birth control that would eliminate them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Ginger Snap): =/ Exactly the point, being kicked in the nuts can be prevented. You don't understand what being a girl intails. Not only does it hurt but your mood and friends are affected too.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

a) Thankfully 'Ginger Snap' is able to understand what I was saying. Also, if your friends know you're on the rag, they should be like "ohai, she's on her period, I can understand why she's a whiney bitch for no reason" thus shouldn't really affect your friends.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

the wall of the uterus may break down and decay but due to hormones, it's replaced every month

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with you on the fact that guys have no idea what we go though, but I think that's pushing it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

and we excercise that right

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I say, if guys knew that he was subject to getting kicked in the balls once a month, no amount of sex would make that okay. I mean, it's a kick. Imagine a soccer ball, propelled through the air halfway across a field. There is THAT much potential force focused on two smaller, more sensitive balls.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

bitches need to suck it up and stop complaining. if i get hit in the balls i don't punch you in the face so you feel my pain

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@153122 (Anonymous): ok how about you get your period for about a week once a month while you have cramps, backaches, sometimes throw up, get bloated then get pregnant, carry the baby for nine months, go into labor and have the baby then tell girls to stop complaining. You should figure out the pain girls go through before you tell us to shut up you dumbass.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Shut up dumb fuck complaining isn't going to stop your vagina from bleeding.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why dont you just shut the fuck up? You dont even know what your talking about! For once, pretend you have a brain.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

when did being pregnant come into this? if your pregnant you dont get a period. girls complain to much

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And your a selfish bitch. THINK ABOUT IT! If your damn well pregnet you have a baby growing inside you, idiot. One whos going to cause morning sickness, cramps, kicking and finally, the birth. Use your brain, dont you think thats going to hurt?! Boys get of to easily. Make them do this they would be "dying" for weeks on end.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i never said you get your period during pregnancy you idiot

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Happens already, only it happens like 20 every year. Really that's much worse too, the pain spreads through your entire body, imagine getting punched in the uterus, yeah, it would hurt.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I have. and yeah it hurts.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm a girl.. And this is ridiculous! It's not THEIR fault that we have our periods!! Besides.. if you eat healthy cramps aren't so bad (if you have cramps at all!) .. So you brought it on yourself. And I'm not saying that I eat super healthy.. I still get cramps but it's my fault so I suck it up. Girls need to have more respect for guys.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

actually it is kind of guys fault that we have our peroid. When a baby is being made the SPERM decides wheter the baby is going to be a boy or a girl and if it decides to make it a girl that girl will have her period sometime in her life. But I agree I wouldn't wish the pain of a period on any guy, besides they woudn't be able to handle like us girls.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@153266 (Anonymous): Im agreeing with both of you, however, BOYS should have more respect for GIRLS. We go through this crap and they tell us to "suck it up" What do they think we do? It is also NOT you fault if you get cramps, it differs from person to person. Also, we cant change the dates we get them and sometimes that really sucks. Boys need to respect that and live with it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, I eat healthy, and still get cramps so bad that I have passed out from the pain. And I'm already on birth control, and take painkillers for it. So there's not much I can do about it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Just because all guys don't understand the pain we go through doesn't mean that they deserve to get kicked in the nuts though. Cramps are horrible, but why spread the agony? If you had a stomach ache would you want to punch all of your friends in the stomach so they know what you're going through?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well we could damage what ever was there if we kicked it. I think to help them understand we should just let them do a sit up on a bed of spikes. That is what lower back cramps feel like. Please do enjoy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm sorry you girls have to go through what you go through, but getting kicked in the nuts is the worst pain ever. Your whole body hurts afterwards and you instantly want to puke. If I get kicked in the nuts, I reserve the right to punch you in the face in self-defense. I know you have it rough, and no offense, but your lucky if we are even around when you're on your period. Some girls get incredibly pissy that time of the month and it's awful to be around them. I know you're going through a lot, but it isn't our fault. Take some painkillers, eat some ice cream, and watch as many chick-flicks as you want, but please leave my balls out of this.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(A guy.): Im sorry but half of that is bitchy and selfish. How would you know getting kicked in the nuts is the worst pain ever? And puking? A lot of girls do that most days of their period. Im not saying being kicked in the nuts doesnt hurt, I wouldnt knwo and im all for preventing it. However, you guys should respect what we go through just a little bit more. As far as being around us then, thats the horrible part. Then we need you most, you dont get to pick and choose times, when to take of and when to stay. Sure, we get angry and upset. You think that feels great? So, guys respect us a little more and girls, dont go kicking guys balls.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's actually pretty counterproductive, since kicking guys in the nuts makes them infertile, and makes it so that they can't impregnate you, meaning, that you'll have to have periods forever.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd hate to not have a family. I want one, however, you think being pregnant is any better? Thats just stupid.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Kick me in the balls, and I will rip out your cervix and eat it, then puke it back into your vagina. Then we will be even

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Even though I'm a girl, I don't agree with this. Not EVERYONE gets cramps, our periods are not necessarily painful, just an annoyance. Being kicked in the balls is painful. There's a difference.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Most are very painful and very annoying. I mean, honestly, guys would hate having them. Often you don want to move, walk or get up for a week cause its just to horrible.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yeah. i usually stay home from school for the first day or two until i feel like getting up.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh look another girl complaining about her period...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh look another fuckwit who doent even understand and decides to open his mouth...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh look another anonymous...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

oh look, another guy complaining about a girl complaining about her period; everyone has the right to freedom of speech even if it is really, really annoying

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This whole debate is hilarious.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

wow girls like to complain. and if guys had periods we would just suck it up, not say we should punch a girl whenever we got one

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I guess that's possible.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Guys go through enough having to listen to us bitch about the littlest things for a few days month, and periods aren't even that bad. These two things aren't really equal, in my opinion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is retarded. It doesn't hurt as bad when you get over the first 2 yrs. If you eat right (vitamins) and exercise right you won't even get them anymore. Dumbass

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This proves Chicks are crazy. Chris Brown I understand

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Suck it up getin hit in the balls can cause physical problums

by Anonymous 13 years ago

whoever wrote this is stupid

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Bitchs need to shut up and stop bitching. If you dont like haveing your period go kill yourself kthxbye.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Guys: I am so sorry. I am ashamed of all those of my sex (female) that believe we have to put you through pain just because we are in a bad mood. That's just stupid. Girls: Change your fucking tampon and take some Advil. You'll be fine, I promise. But don't take it out on the guys. It isn't their fault. There are very occasionally valid reasons to use violence. This is definitely not one of them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

also, to whoever said it, the sperm doesnt decide. the egg does. and yeah, its not our fault you have your periods, so its not like we deserve pain or anything. and yeah, being a guy rulz :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Haha you really know nothing. Girls have XX chromosomes, so the only one they can give to a child is X. Guys have XY, so they can give either.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

lmao, girls girls, u think u know how evry genders pain feels. u say we dont know how it feels to give birth or hve a period or w.e?ok... then how the f.uck do u know how we feel when we hve blue balls or get hit in the balls, or emotionally, most men get rejected by their dream girl, guys always fighting for tht six pack cuz girls go crazy for it, girls dont hve to do tht cuz men like average girls(girls without built bodies) wich is easier to get. im not sayin we hve a harder or easier life, im jst sayin u shoodnt talk for males if u hvent been in our shoes, so the best answer is, "we dont/cant know the truth" p.s. girls sayin its the guys fault for gettin em pregnant, stfu unlesss u were raped, couple is a couple, its both of ur fault, or of course it was accidental ;P

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So I believe boys win?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think that's a great idea. But instead of once a month, make it 7, because the period pain lasts a week. Haha. Ps since it is in fact guys sperm that determines the sex of the child, yes, it is their fault that girls get their periods

by Anonymous 10 years ago

What a Stupid example ! ..Because Females have periods men should be kicked in the Balls ..Plain STUPID . But dont worry their is far worse to Come for the Female , Its the males Duty to " Sew His Wild Oats " and he will continue to do this Right thoughout Life , he will reproduce with Younger Women of Child Bearing Age , as he Ages . The Female will eventually become " Barren " Go though Menopause and then be of Little Use . So Certainly ENJOY your periods while you are Young and Embrace the Opportunities available to Females . Sexual Power Etc ..For let me assure you , Its doesn't last long and while your Sexual appetite main Waine , The Male will be all over the " Younger Version " , Just check this out in the Real World . Have as much Sexual activity as you can while your Body Yearns it .FOR YOU CANT BEAT NATURE .

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Or else it is unfair for beauty's I would like to come lady's kick mine

by Anonymous 10 years ago

If u like come to my house berick 192

by Anonymous 10 years ago

yes ypu are if you were my gf id let you kick me in the nuts anytime

by Anonymous 10 years ago

its only fair to. her. that. you. share. that pain. together. make it a law.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Youre full of shit- its not fair, nut hitting makes men infertile. And by the way we should not have to hurt our own bodies because of you. MY BODY MY CHOICE

by Anonymous 7 years ago

if you love each other sharethe pain with each other

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I hate it when girls complain about how unfair it is. Women are magical creatures for being able to do all of that stuff and you're crazy if you thought it would tickle and even crazier if you want to kick guys in the balls to some how make it equal. I even dare to say that getting kicked in the balls would hurt more than cramps. I'm not about that period drama.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Women complain soo much about their periods and other stuff- but that does not justify assault. I wonder if they were all born with learning disabilities or something

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Personally, my periods have never been particularly painful, & with the help of painkillers or the pill, they are easy to ignore. But I think it’s a good idea to kick a boy in the nuts every month anyway! It helps to keep them respectful towards us & wary of our ability to put them down in agony with so little effort. Which is a good thing. And it’s a fun thing to do! Sorry guys, but it really is.

by Anonymous 1 year ago