+43 "Which martial art would win in a street fight" is a stupid discussion, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

These debates are done exclusively by armchair coaches who have never been in a street fight in their lives.

by Katheryn96 1 week ago

The gunslinger always wins anyway...

by Numerous-Painting-67 1 week ago

Knife will always win.

by Regular-Offer-2364 1 week ago

I mean, like you said, mma is the closest thing to a 1 on 1 street fight. Most street fights seem to end up on the ground also. Jiu Jitsu or wrestling makes the most sense from that perspective, but there are too many other factors. Past a certain point size DOES matter, fitness level, experience level assuming you know any martial art. It's not as simple as A beats B

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This is a pretty ridiculous opinion, training is tremendously helpful in a street fight. Most people can't throw a punch to save their life, and have no idea what to do when a fight hits the ground.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I highly recommend Geoff Thompson's autobiography Watch My Back. He trained extensively in martial arts but as a bouncer pretty much exclusively relied on knockout punches.

by harmonywisoky 1 week ago

Idk I've seen an mma fighter beat 2 guys at once in a street fight so it's anecdotal. Better to have some training than not at all

by Anonymous 1 week ago