+45 "My life is better without children..." argument is dumb. amirite?

by Samarabeer 1 week ago

Yeah, all this extra free time and money is terrible. You don't have to necessarily hate children to not want them. Some people simply don't want all that responsibility or want a mini person to have fulfillment.

by Particular-Loquat798 1 week ago

yeah i dont have kids but i do have ten nieces and nephews. you should see my lego budget.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

this! i agree

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Okay but nobody asked you either.

by Nicklausfraneck 1 week ago

The whole thing about kids shouldn't even be a debate. Only have kids if you actually want and can provide for them. It really shouldn't go any deeper than that. The Internet is full of people just trying to feel better than random strangers. But people with strong views like this have probably been asked about it, a lot. I mean I'm gay and I still get asked when I'm going to have kids, by people who know I'm gay. So I get it. People who constantly talk about hating kids would be insufferable.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I feel like that's only the sort of thing people say when they're asked or it comes up in conversation. Nobody just randomly feels the need to talk to people about their decisions to have or not have children.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You are wrong because MANY PEOPLE ASKED ME, that's why i give rude anwers now 🤗!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

They are not saying they are "better than you" they are simply pointing out that their "life is better" due to the lack of responsibility's, is this really so hard to understand??

by Juniorstrosin 1 week ago

Could be that some of them see people their age raising there kids... and doing a very poor job at it, or doing so while also juggling debt, stress, etc. its not in human nature to leave well enough alone, meddling must be done, words must be said.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

While I do understand your valid point, you can educate, offer free services to people and they still won't take it up. I think as humans there will be err in everything.

by Samarabeer 1 week ago

Really. Its dumb because they dont have children, so how would they even know? Same cannot be said for people with opinions who have children, since they did not, at one point, have children yet.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's dumb to say that people need to do something to know whether they like it or not. Most of the time people can tell without actually doing the thing.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Its called experience. You going to tell me a video of a rollercoaster ride is the same as riding one?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I've never seen a 30-40 year old regret not having kids. But I've seen many many 60+ year olds in my time as nurse for seniors who told me how insanely they regret not having kids. Just do what you want. If you believe your life is great without kids, go ahead. If you want kids, go ahead but don't shove your opinion onto people who don't want them.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Nobody asked

by Jonesgunnar 1 week ago

I think a lot of it comes down to regret. Some people regret their choice to have kids and not having the freedom they used to. Other people regret that they never had kids when they are old and lonely. It's a huge life decision and people want to be sure they're making the right one. Part of this mindset can be convincing themselves that they will regret having kids/not having kids. Some people then tell others that they will also regret not doing the same decision that they made. This is done to reinforce to themselves that their choice was correct.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Someone did to get that as a response. Or someone was complaining about someone who had free time and some spare cash.

by Former_Turnover_7865 1 week ago

They're just as bad as the people who constantly talk about their kids. We don't care.

by TechnicalDependent 1 week ago