+44 Perfect attendance awards should not be a thing, amirite?

by Remarkable_Leave 1 week ago

I would agree w you but I suspect no one really cares about the award anyway so who cares

by Unhappy_Project 1 week ago

If anything it's more embarassing than impressive.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No, there are definitely people who do care. Maybe the majority doesn't, but it's still there and it's affecting a percentage of the populace. It is a relic of the old times and should definitely be done away with. Taking time off when needed should be celebrated. People shouldn't be incentivized to do unhealthy things and be punished for their health issues.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

George speaking facts per usual 💅🏼

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I remember getting it 3 years in a row. I don't think anybody was impressed, and it wasn't a thing in later year levels where you had a minimum attendance to pass

by Sad_Total8008 1 week ago

I was the only one in mg high school class to get the Perfect attendance award. I 100% agree with you though.

by macey34 1 week ago

They aren't a thing in most countries.

by Electronic-Lie1289 1 week ago

I got perfect attendance by accident. And i really think no one who has a healthy family aims for a perfect attendance award. If a parent actually cares about perfect attendance, removing it won't fix their underlying problems of having a bad parent. And most teachers don't really care about it. It is a consolation prize at best.

by Tyreekwilderman 1 week ago

Right I had perfect attendance most years, just because my family didn't get sick much. Let me enjoy my pointless medal lol

by Hammesdanielle 1 week ago

I got perfect attendance awards many times and my reason is this, i do not want to get into trouble and i do not want to catch up on the missing stuff so yeah i have to go

by Calimurphy 1 week ago

I agree with you for the most part. I missed 2 days of school from kindergarten to 8th grade. I have a brother who didn't miss a single day, and another brother who missed 3 days. We obviously only got perfect attendance due to our parents emphasis on it. We went to school while sick all the time. The 2 days of school that I missed were because I got the chicken pox in the 1st grade… I got sent to school anyways and my teacher saw my dotted red skin and sent me home. I would emphasize great attendance for my kids, but not perfect attendance. On one hand, I'm very thankful for it, because my brothers and I have this insane work ethic and we aren't flaky people, but it's miserable going to school really sick and it gets other people sick.

by Striking_Can7442 1 week ago

My school never had my religious holidays off, I would have near perfect attendance some years. I was always a little bitter at the kids who did get it. As I grew up and now in education, I don't do perfect attendance awards.

by millerraymundo 1 week ago

I have one super healthy kid who when she was recognized for perfect attendance said that she doesn't deserve an award just because she won that particular genetic lottery. Her two siblings have chronic stomach issues and miss school for it. So much of it comes down to luck.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Agree. They arent important at all. It all stems from inodctrinating good little worker bees. Screw that. Only offer a job enough loyalty to not get fired. Do a job well but dont let it own you and dont be afraid to move on the millisecond a better offer comes along.

by These-Ad-7632 1 week ago

We need to scream this one out there so the ones in the nose bleeders hear it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The perfect attendance award is quite literally synonymous with the school garunteed pathogen vector.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Are you being serious? They never get to take a day off for a ball game? You act like they are going to school everyday of the year. The school year is only 180 days out of 365 for the year. That is definitely manageable. I actually think summer vacation should be cut down to 2 weeks. The original reasons to give students summers off no longer apply. They always have to spend time relearning what they should already know from the previous year before the teacher can move on.

by Major_Lychee_2864 1 week ago

Stay mad tho. I got perfect attendance like 3 times in elementary school. Guess what? My mom only let me stay home if I was actually sick. Not having the award encourages kids to stay home when they have a cold imo.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Because OP thinks everyone hated school like he did

by Desperate_Fishing_15 1 week ago

It encourages kids to come to school when they are sick and should stay home.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Then schools should also do away with Homecoming Queen, Prom King/Queen, Class Favorite, etc. I mean a lot of those awards are pretty pointless, too. Why single out only one award to get rid of? I've seen someone cry over not getting elected Homecoming Queen.

by Knienow 1 week ago

Sometimes kids get bullied for winning it. I didn't have perfect attendance, so it didn't happen to me, but other kids make fun of those who do. They'll call them nerds or try hards. Even if I had perfect attendance, I wouldn't want an award for it.

by Wyman92 1 week ago

The only thing anyone got for perfect attendance at my school, was a certificate. I don't see what the big deal is or why major drama would happen over that. People could also get bullied over making a sports team that someone else did not get picked for.

by Knienow 1 week ago

They're not bulling them out of jealousy. They're bulling them because they think they're lame. Not saying that I think it's lame to have good attendance, but some people do.

by Wyman92 1 week ago

Neither I nor any of my friends got to skip school as kids unless we were sick, which I think is fairly normal? Besides weekends, a typical k-12 student gets about 80 days off a year which is plenty of time to do those other things

by Anonymous 1 week ago

But a lot of parents want to treat their kids to something special and let the kid have a day off for something fun. Some parents find value in playing hookie to spend time together.

by Remarkable_Leave 1 week ago

I agree and think that truancy laws shouldn't exist either

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I've got a friend who got fined for truancy and had to do community service (missing more school for court) because she was always sick

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If she was sick she wouldn't get fined. Truancy is only for unauthorised absences.

by Significant-Sea7807 1 week ago

You think children understand the world better and are more prepared to be an active, engaged and informed citizen via most school systems up until they graduate high school? Perhaps exposing kids to the justice system is why they end up pregnant and/or in jail by 20. Harsh truancy laws aren't the answer.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's about teaching good habits to kids early on. Attendance DOES matter in the real world, if you show up to your college courses you statistically get better grades than people who don't, if you show up to work more often than people who don't you do get rewarded for it. I've known several people, myself included, who have been given better work schedules and positions with higher pay just because we had good attendance when peers didn't

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Going to school/work sick or when something happens in your family is not a very good habit.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah but straining yourself past your limits is everything but healthy.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't know about you, but colds don't generally make people so nonfunctional that they can't concentrate on anything

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I know for me they certainly do. And I'm definitely not the only person.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm saying this out of genuine concern, you should maybe have that checked out by a professional. That is some very weak constitution

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah, it used to be better, but during covid I had some health issues and ever since then I feel like I'm not the same as before.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

People have a pretty big variation in how sick they get from a cold. Some people get minor symptoms and others get walloped. It's not any underlying condition like you suggested, people just have different immune systems that are still considered normal.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Perfect attendance awards predate the 'everyone gets a trophy' era, as far as I remembered. More importantly, though, why do you have your panties in such a bunch over this, dude? Who cares (other than you, for some reason)?

by Jane52 1 week ago

I pulled off 5 years of perfect attendance on a job. It pissed a lot of people off that I was never absent. Would I do it again? Probably not. I was trolling at best.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Schools (or districts?) get paid based off attendance. At least where I live, but probably just in the US in general. Probably just a way to promote attendance for money

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Schools get money from the govt for each kid counted present that day. It's why perfect attendance awards exist. It's also why truancy exists. Schools found a way to punish those not feeding their funds. Schools compete against neighboring schools for student enrollment. It's one of the main reasons extracurricular competitions are kept around. School is a business.

by Ernserlucie 1 week ago

Unfortunately minors are legally the parent's property

by serenity59 1 week ago

I've never heard of this. None of the schools I attended had this

by Heavenhessel 1 week ago

They used to pay kids in my summer school, aka the free babysitter, when I was younger

by Anonymous 1 week ago

i don't think I EVER missed school other than ditching my mom never took any of my excuses to not go lmaooo

by Some_Astronaut 1 week ago

Oh it's absolutely a thing in the real world because in the real world there are adult teenagers. Who will be your obsessive loser boss at some point.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I wanted it in elementary school because the medal was always the prettiest imo, I almost made it in 4th grade, but I missed 1 day because I had a 101 fever. I remember tryna convince my gramma I was fine and good to go

by Lennacartwright 1 week ago

you lost me at the sweeping generalization in your very first sentennce.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

We need to brainwash people into tying their self worth into their attendance of school, and later their jobs, though. Perfect attendence awards will remain in institutions that have a hardon for producing morally good(TM) hardworking wageslaves.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Most young people that get these awards are pressured into it by parents. Actually I wasn't I just didn't have any reason to stay home from school. I have my high school perfect attendance award around my house somewhere but it's not something that I needed to get. The kids & teens who get these perfect attendance awards do so by going to school really sick, Never got seriously sick while in school beyond throwing up one time but that was probably food poisoning from the previous day, not because I forced myself to go to school. missing out on visiting dying family members or skipping school to see family that visits from out of town very rarely. I had one family member who died while I was in high school and I attended of their wake. No conflicting schedules. Now I don't have out-of-town family, but I do have family halfway across the world in the Philippines. I visited them once. Nice folk. They never get to take a day off for a ball game with their dad or to go to the beach. And again, it's almost always the parents pressuring them to do this. Never cared about ball games, neither does my dad beyond occasionally watching it on TV. Also I live in Illinois so no beaches lol Lastly, perfect attendance means nothing in the real world. Showing up for work every day and never ever taking a day off to be with your family will not get you a raise or promotion in the real world. Actually it does mean something. Every day that you don't work is a day's wage that you don't earn. If you have perfect work attendance, you don't miss out on any pay. Also simply taking the day off and foregoing pay is a bad idea anyway. You can do a shift trade with a coworker, or take a sick day or use vacation hours. Simply calling off is the last thing you should do. We already have all these schools doing away with winners and losers in games because it makes some kids feel bad, and we have schools doing away with recess and spelling bees, assignment deadlines and even discipline for bad behavior. This is a bad thing, actually.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Its good to show potential employers.

by Former-Intention 1 week ago

I legitimately wonder what an ADA lawyer would say about this?

by cristjudson 1 week ago

Perfect attendance just seems like a way to normalise a culture where workers aren't entitled to sick days.

by cecilia88 1 week ago

Makes no sense why an individual would be rewarded for it then. Bad logic

by hintzgwendolyn 1 week ago

I totally agree! I work at a school and those kids aren't any better than the other kids tbh. Also, we have this one teacher who has had perfect attendance for like 3 years now which is dumb because we get a 5 days of personal time that doesn't role over every year. So she gets like a gift card and a plaque every year but literally she loses money not taking those days off. We tried to explain she's losing money but she rather not break her record for perfect attendance she had the whole time she was a kid.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Your personal time doesn't carry over?

by Gina28 1 week ago

I had 9 1/2 years of perfect attendance at a job.

by Anonymous 1 week ago