+44 Learning to cook is one of the easiest and valuable skills to obtain as an adult, amirite?

by Ok_Selection 1 week ago

Not really an unpopular opinion

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Then how do you explain the exploding popularity of QSR's and Fast Casual restaurants. I feel like we are in a period when it is so incredibly easy to learn to cook, yet no one actually cooks. The only evidence I have is the constantly long lines I see at drive thru's and the exploding prices of prepared food vs un-prepared food, so I could be mistaken and maybe everyone out there is cooking at home.

by Ok_Selection 1 week ago

Just because people know something, doesn't mean they practice it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Or people just hate cooking. If i had the money to eat out i'd never go near a kitchen again. Cooking and all the clean up are a pain in the ass.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Idk some people just don't have the time or energy to cook.

by Unique_Woodpecker 1 week ago

They really should learn how to make some time to cook. It doesn't have to be fancy, a simple meal can be made in 20 minutes. Plus you will save money in the long run

by hicklenya 1 week ago

Some people who rather work an hour more and buy takeout than figure out what to make, buy groceries, make food, taste, taste, taste, clean up etc. I myself never order takeout and mealprep for 4days at a time, but I do see why some would rather take the easier option, especially if they make a good amount of money

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I remember a whole office of women calling me a POS for saying I'd never date a woman who can't cook. I was literally eating a wonderful home made lunch I'd made myself. I'm an amazing cook. But I'm not cooking every meal for the rest of my life.

by Anibal21 1 week ago

You make a good point but I have dyspraxia and don't have the physical skills to manage a lot of kitchen skills. I know how to cook even done cookery classes to improve my physical skills but some stuff I just can't do. And some days I just can't cook and ordering in the easiest and safest option.

by saulhackett 1 week ago

Can you recommend some cooking instructors / social media ppl? I've been wanting to learn but I'm so lazy

by Anonymous 1 week ago