+13 The movie industry will be "gigified" and its inevitable. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's also decentralizing. Less and less is being done out of LA with every year, and there's no clear central location they're congregating to, you really have to keep up with individual production companies instead of just a centralized over all industry and be willing to long travel. It's literally ALWAYS been gigified. It's just that the gigs aren't being piped into one spot anymore. If your friends went in thinking it WAS NOT a gigified industry from day one, they are not educated enough about the industry to be working in it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The movie industry has been freelance work since it was considered a monopoly back in the 40s. The problem today is all these streaming services are getting around union rules and screwing over talent and crew.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yep. They want more and more of the money made going to investors and bonuses for CEOs rather than the artists that actually produce things.

by gislasonestel 1 week ago

And in the meantime, movies get crappier and crappier

by Anonymous 1 week ago

99% of what has come out of Hollywood the last 25 years has been absolutely awful. Let the execs destroy it. It'll be better than what we have had.

by Fast_Outside_4652 1 week ago


by Happy-Sprinkles-519 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

Construction is a gig economy and they have some of the most powerful unions. Who do you think manages the training, certs, etc for "temp" work? Not the company.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Eh, some people/names are just bankable and that won't go away anytime soon - Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Margo Robbie, Ryan Gosling, Emily Blunt, Tom Cruise, - there are just some people that audiences really want to see at a theater. There are other names that are bankable via streaming - that is just where their fanbase is comfortable. Those all require production companies.

by Anonymous 1 week ago