+411 If you really think about it, it's hard to believe that we live in such a disturbing world where vicious killing, rape, suicide, pedophilia and death surrounds us everyday without us really taking time to realize how truly terrible it is, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why would you post this and make me feel all bad and stuff

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There isn't much to compare it to though... like, at least we're not one of those planets where everyone's microbes. And if there was an equally advanced planet out there, who KNOWS what they've done. It's probably even more unspeakable than what we're doing.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

or who wer doing.....

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's better than older society where, for example, the Aztecs practically begged to be brutally killed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

At least now people have consequences for doing those things. Back in the day all of that was pretty much legal *shudder*

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't really know if you meant to suggest that nobody takes the time to really realize how horrible those things are, but it's not entirely true. Obviously the people involved and the law enforcement officers and whatnot know. The problem is that it's so common now and unless you're directly involved, you don't really take notice. I know of at least two people who have been raped, people who have watched their friends die because of their sexuality, people who have been mugged, and so much more (as I'm sure most of us have). But unless you're in it, it's just another story on the news...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think about it sometimes, but it scares and upsets me, so I just try to forget about it, then. And thinking about all the bad things happening in the world isn't exactly going to help anyone (assuming you just think about it, and that thinking doesn't prompt you to donate to charity or something), so I figure I can just forget about it most of the time...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Pedophilia is an attraction not an action.

by Anonymous 3 years ago