+176 Gossip is a disease that spreads like wildfire. You don't know how bad it is until you yourself are caught in the middle of baseless accusations and drama. amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

just like hemorrhoids.. oh shit wait.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Gossip is spread by gossips: someone who reveals intimate details about other people's lives in the hopes of seeming momentarily interesting. You are right about the wildfire metaphor. You can find the original gossip and shut them down, but the forest is still burning. You will never find enough water to stop the fire... BUT Finding the person who started the fire won't save the forest, but it will give you the feeling that the original gossip took away from you: Control over your identity. And if you expose the person that started the fire in your forest and show the world that this person is a gossip and isn't to be trusted, maybe other people will think twice before lighting a match in your forest. And maybe, soon enough, with source of the fire dead, the fire will subside with a few trees still standing tall. Option number two is to just let it go. Run into the fire and save the trees that are important to you and then go find another place to plant them. This option also gives you control over your identity, but if you don't stop the source of the fire, what happens to someone else's forest? That's the difference between a hero and a survivor. Also, if you are in high school, remember that high school will end, and the only people that matter are the ones who stand by your side when your chips were down. I'm serious, something they never tell high school students is that once high school is over you will never see any of those people again unless you seek them out.

by Anonymous 10 years ago