
Post Of The Day

+54 Japan isn't some holy land internet hypes up to be, amirite?

by Content_Actuator_340 19 hours ago

+13 Reverb makes the majority of people sound at least 10x better at singing, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+3 Enforcing Cultural "Don't Speak About..." Rules Ensures that Your Culture is Lost to Time, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+11 It's a Conspiracy Hypothesis, at best. amirite?

by msawayn 1 hour ago

+7 Most people's sense of confidence in social interactions comes from their appearance, amirite?

by wstrosin 1 hour ago

+16 The saying, 'if you love what you do for work, you'll never need a day off', doesn't account for jobs that require great physical exertion. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

-13 Drinking water through a straw is the opposite to snorkeling, amirite?

by raymondkoss 2 hours ago

+18 A bus arriving late is way better than a bus arriving early, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

-14 Maths is not taught properly in school AT ALL, amirite?

by Striking-Ad-446 2 hours ago

+12 Being selfish makes life so much better, amirite?

by Emardlarissa 3 hours ago

+24 More rain drops miss a given person than hit them, so everyone is actually really good at dodging rain, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 hours ago