+439 Dora the explorer shouldn't try to teach young kids Spanish if they don't even know English yet, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We play that show at Day Care sometimes and even i don't know what she says in spanish sometimes hah

by Anonymous 14 years ago

People say it's because you learn more when you're younger like, the younger you start them, the easier they'll learn. i never understood it either haha

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Screw the Mexican wall jumper. She shouldn't get her own Popsicles pokemon should

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Unsucssesful troll is unsucssesful.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's an interesting word.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Rule 90: Dora teaches wee lads english in our mexican counterpart.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You can learn two languages at once. If the kids understand the show (which they need to know some English to do so), then they can begin to learn Spanish at an early age. Oh, and in Latin American countries, Dora teaches kids English, not Spanish (:

by Anonymous 13 years ago

1. That show is for 6 year olds. If you don't have a good grasp of English by the time you're 6, you have serious problems. 2. It is completely possible to learn two seperate languages at once. 3. It is far easier to learn a language when you're a kid then when you're older. I wish I had watched that show more so Spanish class would be easier. 4. More of the show is in English then Spanish anyways. That's why this post is stupid.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

1. You have no sense of humour. 2. What the fuck is your problem? It's CLEARLY a joke. 3. Go and try to teach a six year old Spanish. My sister is six, and she's still learning to read and write, and she's still pretty above average for her grade, which is fucking SENIOR KINDERGARTEN. 4. Why the fuck do you still watch Dora?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@659173 (Patrickmajor): 1. & 2. There is absolutely no way for a reader to know that this post is a joke. There is no hint of sarcasm. There is no setup or punchline and nothing to suggest that you aren't being serious. None of the other commenters took it as a joke. 3. I don't know how your number three is relevant; it's a cool story about your sister and all, but it's been proven that it is indeed easier to learn languages when you're younger. 4. I don't still watch Dora, I am just able to remember things from my childhood. I'm sorry that you can't do that; it must be frustrating when people reference things from the 90's.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

4 1/2: Why are you replying to something from 2 months ago?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Just got a notification now. And what compels you to come on in the first place and tell me the post is stupid? Seriously, you got issues

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're right. Silly me, using the comment system to leave comments. What was I thinking?

by Anonymous 13 years ago