
Post Of The Day

+21 The people who accuse others of gaslighting tend to be the ones who are gaslighting them . . . amirite?

by ewaelchi 7 hours ago

+9 Cuddling a pillow when you sleep is better than a real person, amirite?

by Ok-Art 47 minutes ago

+11 Candy corn is actually pretty good, amirite?

by Logical-Cat 47 minutes ago

+9 When high winds knock over bee, wasp, and hornet nests, they must swarm a lot and find nothing to attack. amirite?

by Artistic_Bit_7080 47 minutes ago

+9 Family matters had the best theme song, amirite?

by crookslacy 47 minutes ago

+5 If our weeks were designed to be shorter, we would have have more weekends. amirite?

by Carriepollich 47 minutes ago

+17 Loud cars are not as annoying as people make them out to be. amirite?

by Imeldarunolfsdo 2 hours ago

+16 I wish apartment complexes were allowed to say no to kids, amirite?

by Ok_Landscape_2950 4 hours ago

+25 The NFL should have microphones on all players that they turn on with high volume when filming plays. It would completely change the dynamic, but would provide for an insider's view, a more truthful and connective experience, and it would be even more of a compelling viewer experience. amirite?

by Zealousideal_Age 4 hours ago

-24 Cable Knit Sweaters look horrible, amirite?

by Anthonymurphy 4 hours ago

+24 People in relationships who are on dating apps are not "just looking for friends" but rather are looking for hookups, amirite?

by keelingfleta 4 hours ago