
Post Of The Day

+32 I think a lot of this pseudo scientists/ psychologists selling us the rules for a better life (Peters, Hubberman, Mate Gabor) are just some narcissists who know how hard it is to prove them wrong, so they make this story that is kind of logical but also hard to prove while promising eternal happines, amirite?

by Bergstromjade 22 hours ago

-4 "I understood that reference" is a reference that some people understand and others don't. amirite?

by Anonymous 37 minutes ago

-3 Eating cold pizza upside down is superior to right side up, amirite?

by sandrine56 37 minutes ago

-4 People who claim the past doesn't matter often have a dark past themselves, amirite?

by CraftPrestigious1489 37 minutes ago

+5 Beaches are actually an awful place full of annoying things that you could do without and is not worth it. amirite?

by Anonymous 50 minutes ago

-4 Everyone who has ever unsarcastically used the term "try hard" is an inferior gamer who wants the opposition to take it easy on them, amirite?

by Aware-Solid9814 50 minutes ago

-9 Insecurity isn't bad, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+12 Social felt a lot different before, amirite?

by ervin27 1 hour ago

+9 Beets in a fruit salad makes a lot more sense than fruit in a regular salad. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+15 Lego could bring back Bionicle but they're lazy, pretentious, and money obsessed pricks. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+11 Men claiming they like natural beauty but are disgusted by body hair on women. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago