-271 It's never ok for guys to wear sandals, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

Uh? Wow? That is kinda' retarded. I don't see why they shouldn't be able to.. Unless they have some kind of fungus, but that can apply to all.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Like flip flops? Guys wear them all the time....

by Anonymous 14 years ago

My question is why is this so close? Never is a long time, and guys should wear sandals anyway.

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

I've seen a few guys who can pull it off. It's kinda ruggid and beachy which is hot.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Keyword, "few"

by Anonymous 14 years ago

So, don't opress the men who can rock a sandal!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

define "sandal"

by Anonymous 14 years ago

n a shoe consisting of a sole fastened by straps to the foot

by Anonymous 14 years ago

What about to the beach or pool? I'd think it is even more stupid of a guy to wear sneakers to those places than sandals...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Hey guys, I'm the OP and I just want to say that I meant to write "crocs" instead of sandals. Sorry for the misunderstanding!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

In that case, NO ONE should EVER wear crocs lmao

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Actually, you are not the OP, so please don't lie. And the comment below by LittleMissAwesome basically sums it up.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Flip flops are okay, but mandals are weird.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I think guys can wear sandals as long as their toes don't have fungus/tons of hair and they don't wear them with socks.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

some guys can wear them... most guys can't... so please, dont

by Anonymous 14 years ago

try living in australia without sandals and then judge.

by Anonymous 14 years ago