+641 It would really suck if your crush asked you for advice on how to ask out your best friend, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

that kind of happened to me. he told me that he had something to tell me (and how can you think of anything other than "wait, is he gonna tell me that he likes me?" no matter how ridiculous it is) and then he tells me he likes this girl i know (not my best friend but whatever) so i'm already upset and he asks me how i would want to be asked out if i were her (like i hadn't already imagined it) and i gave him good advice, too. i didn't even sabotage it like i would have if i had been in a romantic comedy!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I'm sorry. That really really sucks. :C I have this paranoid fear that the guy I like is going to ask out the girl I detest, which would be worse for me. :/

by Anonymous 14 years ago

that JUST happened to me recently. and it sucks cuz her name starts with the same letter as mine, so when he told me, he said her name started with an H.. and im just like whooaaaa but then it turned out to be my bestfriend which sucked i've liked him for about a year now and he was heartbroken cuz my bestfriend who he liked got a boyfriend....but he never knew how i was feelingg it sucks SOO badd.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

that's terrible! im so sorry. trust me, you'll either get with him or get over him. every guy i've liked and have been sure that i wouldn't like anyone else i've gotten over eventually. one guy i liked for 2 and a half years until i realized one day that he was an idiot. he may not even be worth it

by Anonymous 14 years ago

thanks(: I'm trying to get over him rightnow in these couple of months....idk if it'sworking though = p.s.: love your username! (:

by Anonymous 14 years ago

haha oh i know. and thanks :)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

lol i was about to post one of my sob stories, then i realized this post was becoming FML

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well, sorta because It would suck he would be asking out your friend, but it would rock that he trusts you enough to ask you for advice.

by Anonymous 14 years ago