+239 Some people say it's okay for people to self-harm as long as the intention isn't to commit suicide, but it should be stopped anyway, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I strongly believe that if it is your body you should do what you please with it. While I wouldn't do this to my own body, I can't stop others.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not the fact that they're doing it to their body that bothers me, it's the fact that a lot of the time people who cut do it for a deeper reason than "ohh pretty colors coming out of my wrist, I like scars" or some shit. If they wanna do it just because they like pain, or scars, or whatever, fine. But if they do it for a mental health issue, like relieving emotional pain, then it should be stoppped. The symptom isn't so much a problem as the cause.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well.. We should make psychological help available to them if they want it, but really, it should be treated just as any other addiction, because that's what it is to most people (coming from someone with personal experience). Just like with alchoholism, or a drug problem, if they don't want to stop, they won't stop.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And yet it is ok to get tattoos and piercings, both of which inflict damage on your body, as well as destroy your body in other ways through smoking and drinking.

by Anonymous 12 years ago