+454 Being a pregnant teenager doesn't make you a slut or a whore, it makes you a brave girl, who decided that your baby was worth the pain, ridicule, and suffering you have to go through to have him/her, Amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

wow i really like this...like a lot (:

by Anonymous 14 years ago

were you a rape baby?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

is that i problem if i am?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Dude, if you are a teenager who's pregnant you're a slut. Do any of you realize the "sex until marrige" thing. Relationships, just because you're in one doesn't mean you should be having sex in highschool. You aren't brave, really you're the opposite. It means that you don't have enough strength/courage to tell your boyfriend no to sex. Becoming pregnant is a show of weakness because you didn't stand up for what you believed in, and if you think you should have had sex while in highschool, you are, indeed, a whore.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(The Right Stuff): what if sex was forced upon you, what if it was ONE time, and you regretted it from the moment after, there are so many situations, you can't just judge people! I'm not saying sex before marriage is right, it is NOT, but it doesn't make you a slut or a whore just because you did. And, some people were not raised to believe in the values you might believe in. And i meant keeping the baby is brave, not having sex.

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

what if she was raped, huh? than i guess anyone who's assaulted is a slut and a whore.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well, there's a reason she got pregnant in the first place. That reason may or may not be contained in the beginning of this post.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Quit trying to justify your actions!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

my actions? i'm not pregnant, never have been, and have never even had sex, i know sex is wrong before marriage!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Then why did you post this? You can't have your cake and eat it too.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I posted this for pregnant teenagers out there, you might not know this, but being selfless can be good, you should try it.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Excuse me?? Maybe you shouldn't be so judgmental. Right back at ya sis.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I kind of understand what your saying...she's not a slut/whore if it was one guy ONLY (and maybe only once) who she actually loves and will be with forever and she's brave for not saying "screw it I'm getting an abortion".

by Anonymous 14 years ago

This is beautiful.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

thank you, i made because there is a pregnant girl in my school, and she is always getting ridiculed for it, but she had her anyway.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I think you have to be brave to get an abortion though. Not saying you're braver if you get an abortion, just that its not an easy decision either.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i think that getting an abortion is cowardly and basically saying "my baby isn't worth it"

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Or it's saying, "I can't handle a child right now, financially and spiritually it is wrong for me to bring it into this world."

by Anonymous 14 years ago

uh huh, cause it is just SO much better to kill your child. "Sorry baby, the reason you got killed was cause mommy didn't feel it was right to give you life, sucks for you." no, abortion is not right in any case.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Being a pregnant teenager makes you a... ...whore, if you got paid for sex. ...slut, if you weren't paid for sex, and it was consensual. ...unlucky teenager, if you were raped. Any questions?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Nah no questions really, but you're just someone who needs to work on his ignorance. So what are you gonna call the guy that goes around and fucks girls then? Shouldn't he be responsible too? Honestly, you're more of a slut for posting what you did . Yeah in some cases the girl might be a slut, but in other cases she did it with one person and decided to keep the baby, that should be respected.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I'll call the guy that fucks the girls a horny jackass that needs to keep his genes in his jeans. That, or an idiot. Of course he should be responsible, but which of the three options I listed go against the idea of male responsibility? And what's with the personal attack? What exactly is it that I posted that makes me a slut? Did I say that I fuck anything that moves in my prior post, or that a sex addiction has given me dozens of STDs? I don't believe I did, and judging someone you don't even know like that from one post would make me believe that you jump to conclusions without enough information. If I'm not mistaken, that could quite easily lead to ignorance in other areas of life. I can respect that she'd keep it, but whether or not she does doesn't change my opinion of either slut, whore, or rape victim.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

So if a girl got pregnant after the first time she ever had sex, she's a slut? I think you need to learn what that word means....

by Anonymous 14 years ago

If a girl gets pregnant, then yes, she is a slut. Even if she doesn't get pregnant, she is still a slut if she has had sex. A girl who isn't a slut wouldn't be having sex.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

So any girl having sex is a slut? Even if she only has sex with someone she is in a relationship with?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I guess you don't know what it means then..... :/

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Strictly speaking, the dictionary would say a slut is "a promiscuous woman" with promiscuous, of course, mandating more than one person. So, in my posts, I was inaccurate. What I should have said is something more along the lines of "immoral" rather than "slut". To elaborate on my thought process, in my opinion, a teen having sex is slutty, but if there has only been one partner up to a given point, then she can't be called a slut, but can, as I should have said before, be considered immoral.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Not immoral, just a teenager. Whats so bad about sex before marraige, if you use protection and its a love relationship?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, how about you go compare a prostitute to an average teenage mother ???

by Anonymous 14 years ago

How's school coming along?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(Ogre King): i love how everyone thinks i'm pregnant now, well i am not, and i don't plan on having sex before marriage, this was a statement for all pregnant teenagers out there, not me.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Actually, being a pregnant teenager doesn't make you anything. However, it does mean you were stupid to begin with. Birth control was invented to prevent such misfortunes (yes, I am calling getting pregnant while a teenager a misfortune). If birth control is against your religion, then isn't premarital sex also against your religion? Had I gotten pregnant as a teenager, I most certainly would have gotten an abortion though. Thank god for condoms!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

and, condoms AND premarital sex are BOTH wrong, but neither is as bad as an abortion!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Isn't abortion like killing 1 potential life? Aren't condoms like killing 5 million potentials for life? The fetus isn't alive until it meets all 7 characteristics of life, which means nerves and a bring. Until 2 months, not a person.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

you dont have to be a slut/whore to have a baby as a teenager. you could get raped, you could have had sex once with someone you really loved, you could just want to have a baby. and i think you do have to be brave! but those who have sex all the time with different guys, don't deserve the gift of a child.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

thats just bullshit, more than half the pregnant teens didnt have their boyfriends use a condom, so theyre probably stuck with a baby, most of them are sluts, some really do...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I think that teenagers wanting children at such an age is ridiculous. You can't provide a baby with the necessary supplies (unless your parents/guardians take money from their paycheck to pay for everything), you will have an extremely difficult time finishing high school, and you won't be able to go out and enjoy yourself, because you will have a child to take care of. If you watch "16 and pregnant" the majority of the girls say they wish they had thought more carefully about sexual intercourse. Why can't everyone just WAIT?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

thank you!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

yeah, i think it's kinda ridiculous to want a baby that young, there's no way it's fair for the baby.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It doesn't make you either, it just makes you either unlucky that the birth control didn't work or stupid for not using birth control.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

it's actually dumbe to use birth control, since a condom only works like 23% of the time, and birth control pills hurt a woman's body.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Youre about the most closed minded person I've ever seen.. Wow

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Am I really? I assure you when it comes to most things, I am not closed minded and prejudiced, however, I do feel the need to spread the truth, believe it or not,, it is for your own good.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

haha condoms only work 23% of the time? Actually when used as directed they are effective 98% of the time. And birth control pills wouldn't have been on the market for the past 40 years if they hurt woman's bodies.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

if you use a condom like most people do, it is only 23% effective, there are many conditions t make a condom 98% effective, one of them is, they cannot be in enclosed areas, so, if you ever put one in your pocket, or drawer, or backpack, etc. that knocks it down to about 70%, and there are many other conditions, which I'm sure you don't follow. And yes, first of all, have you ever read that pamphlet that comes with the birth control pill? All those little tiny words, the ones that fill BOTH sides of the pamphlet those are SIDE EFFECTS! And second of all, do you even know how the pill keeps women from getting pregnant - it constantly tells the woman she is pregnant, which messes up her reproductive cycle - so if she ever wants children in the future, it might not even be possible!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You are saying the worst case scenarios for condom effectiveness, and I will admit, I was stating the best so I'm willing to concede on that but condoms lose effectiveness in *hot* enclosed areas. Not just placed in a drawer. That warning about putting a condom in your pocket arose when guys would leave a condom in their wallet a long time where it was repeatedly warmed, which weakened the latex. However leaving them in your drawer won't lower the effectiveness to 70%.. That's just silly. Where would people keep them. Climate controlled safes? And as for birth control I have in fact read the pamphlet that comes with it, since I am on it. Those side effects (that don't actually fill both sides of the pamphlet) are all rarely reported. The most common side effects for BC go away after 2 or 3 months , are minor, and can be fixed by adjusting your prescription. Also no clinical study has shown BC pills cause permanent infertility .That's just not true.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

go and read the conditions for a condom to be 99% accurate - most of them are impractical, and it isn't only warm areas, it is any area that does not allow the condom to "breathe" so unless it's lying out in the open or your carrying it around in your unclosed hand, it would lower the accuracy. and yes, there have been cases of infertility because of the pill, i have done plenty of research on the subject. and even those don't even begin to cover the moral issues surrounding the pill and condom, any contraception is immoral,and in some cases murderous.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

The moral issues of contraception are completely opened to interpretation (depending on you're religious or political affiliations) so I'm not going to discuss it. It's none of my business if you chose not to take birth control. Just like it's really none of yours if others do. You have no right to deem something as immoral for other people. Furthermore while there have been ISOLATED cases of infertility cause by birth control methods (mainly the implant) there is certainly not a substantial risk. It is one of the most scrutinized medications in pharmaceutical history. Do you really believe it would still be on the market if it causes wide spread infertility? And I suggest that you read the conditions on use storage and use of a condom. According to planned parenthood ( as long as the condom is in a cool, dry place in their original packaging their good to go. Not too impractical . I think your morals are clouding your logic

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i think it is impossible for morals to cloud logic, since they are what logic should be based upon. and any way, planned parenthood is a company based on lies and evil misleadings, therefore, i find no reason to trust them.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Haha oh jeez.. then there is absolutely no point in arguing this with you. If you think planned parenthood is based on lies and evil misleadings you are basing almost your entire point on your own biases. Logic by definition based on facts, not personal beliefs. And morals= personal beliefs. So yes. Morals can in fact cloud logic since it is your morals that are preventing you from acknowledging you may not be correct (based on fact. you can believe whatever you want morally) Just out of curiosity, what motive would planned parenthood have for lying about birth control.

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

Sooo... they are saying condoms (which they give out for free btw) are 98% effective so that you will use them instead of getting pregnant. I don't understand how they would make money. Not to mention they are a non-profit organization that also promote abstinence on their website. Where do they make their money? And what do they spend it on... more free condoms?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

the main businesses of planned parenthood are contraception and abortion - any company which makes those two things their business (for money or not) in no way promotes chastity.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It actually puts it as the only birth control that is 100% effective. And they include it on their list of birth controls so that in itself is promoting it. Also as stated Planned Parenthood isn't a business. Its' a nonprofit. And since you had no rebuke for my questions about A. How they make their money. or B. What they spend it on, should I just assume that you dislike Planned parenthood because your moral belief that contraception and abortion is wrong?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

yes, your assumption is right, that is why i dislike planned parenthood. A. If you have the money you pay for abortions - although they will kindly kill your child for free if you can't afford it B. Yes, things like condoms and doctors and equipment for abortions and such.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well I don't want to get into a debate about abortion with you. I think that they are futile since neither side will ever change opinions , so they are doomed to repeat themselves ad nauseum for their lifetime. However, your use of "happily" is a little silly. Do you really think abortions are the high light of their day? If that was true why would they so actively promote birth control. To digress, I don't think it's fair to label people who disagree with you as evil or liars. Disagreeing makes doesn't make them immoral. It just makes them not you.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Coondoms work 95% of the time and birth control can be very good

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, it depends...if u were raped then u r brave but if u really did have sex as a teenager it does technically make u a slut. Just my opinion, so don't hate! =P

by Anonymous 14 years ago

everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, but i just don't think making a bad choice once or twice makes you a slut.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

How does having sex with your boyfriend, who you love and at the time think you'll be with forever, make you a slut? Yeah, things can happen and you guys can break up, but marriage isn't forever, either. People get divorced all the time. And condoms actually work about 95% of the time, otherwise there would be much more pregnancies out there.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

nope, it's a proven study, condoms only work about 23% of the time, and believe it or not, not everyone is sleeping with another person, therefore, there would be a lot less pregnancies than you might think

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Anyone who thinks that sex before marriage makes you a slut is just an ignorant idiotic judgmental person. To group people and judge people like that is horribly wrong, and let me guess you believe that sex before marriage is wrong because of your religion. Well let me tell you, your religion is about love and forgiveness, not hate and judging. Sex is healthy, sex is good. I'm a devout Christian, I know I'm going to heaven, I'm not married and have a very healthy sex life. Call me a slut all you want, I know where I'm going when I die, and I know I'm not ignorant like the rest of you.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i wouldn't call you a slut, but i would call you misguided, especially since it is a Christian rule not to have sex before marriage, and you are not 100% Christian if you disagree with any of your faith (I am not saying I am any better though!).

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I say you aren't a slut :) Anyway, people could always asked for forgiviness if they think they're going to hell.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

If you're a teenager and you want a baby, procrastinate. Have a kid when you have the means to raise it well and a loyal, loving partner to help you. For the kid's sake. That's why teen pregnancies are a bad idea.

by Anonymous 14 years ago