+648 There is a difference between unique (Marilyn Manson), and *unique* (Lady Gaga) amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I wouldn't call Marilyn Manson particularly unique.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How come?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Because I find that his act is sort of old. When he first came out, he was definitely new and different. But as the years progressed, you got more people doing what he was doing and trying to shock people, and he just kept on doing what he was doing, that it wasn't exactly new or surprisingly or ballsy anymore, you know what I mean? There are so many other artists out there like him that he doesn't stand out to me. I mean, he's a pioneer in his field of music, but in regards to impressing me he hasn't done much. Although I am somewhat interested to see how that movie on Charles Dodgson/Lewis Carroll he's making is going to turn out. A little skeptical, though. I'm a big fan of Charles Dodgson as a person, and I'd hate to see him screw it up.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

k. LOL, I understand your point, and it is true, hes been a little slow these years, but definitely I understand that in his early years, he was very shocking, and he also was pretty munch until mechanical animals came out. But he will be put down in history I guarantee it, He was able to incorporate Scare and Beauty quite well, thats what Lady Gaga is trying to do, and since her music is pop, more people "like" her, but hated Marilyn, , and the only difference was the genre and lyrics, even thought they are very similar, but the thing that sets them apart is, Marilyn did this over 3 decades ago. I enjoy Gaga's music, I just dont like how people think she IS the Shock "queen", and people are blind to see that this act has been done, and was done way better, by Mr. Manson. I truly respect his work in all honesty.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, no, I get your point. I just feel like he's done. But he definitely was the first shock rocker. I wouldn't call Lady Gaga some kind of "shock queen" because I don't find her that shocking... definitely different, as I do find her videos quite impressive. But I don't think she's shocking. She and Manson are on two completely different levels, in my opinion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, Yes, thank you for seeing that. But indeed Marilyn was the first, and pretty much the only one to stand out, out of all the wannabes that emerged after him.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Marilyn Manson is not unique or talented and he was far from the first to do what he did you stupid, ignorant 15 year old moron.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Whatever, I know, I know, You're going to say Alice Cooper was the first Shock Rocker, No shit, but Marilyn was the first to really stand out for many many many many years, Alice was less shocking, in my opinion, and Mine counts as much as yours, if you are going to call me an "ignorant moron". Go away troll, and grow some balls to get an account, and please, move out of your stepmothers mobile home...and shower.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

theyr both freaks

by Anonymous 13 years ago

they both suck

by Anonymous 13 years ago