+261 Meat-eating is an instinct, vegetarianism is a choice, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Funny. Put a kid thats not seen anyone eat meat or had any inclination that people eat meat in front of a chicken and i bet you on my life it would not be their instinct to kill it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A kid who was never seen anyone eat meat or has any idea that people eat meat has probably been isolated their whole life and isn't someone I'd base the rest of humanitie's instinct to eat meat on.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

@Colebowl, Thats the point of instinct, you do it without others showing/telling you to do it. For example, a form of communication seems to be an instinct, a group of kids who were isolated from the world made their own language; and they had nobody else to guide them with that.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Funny. Put a kid thats not seen anyone eat plants or had any inclination that people eat plants in front of a carrot and i bet you on my life it would not be their instinct to eat it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Lord of the Flies, anyone? I know it doesn't exactly apply to this, because they had a prior perception of reality, but it reminded me of it a little bit.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

If we're not supposed to eat meat why do we have the set of teeth found in all omnivores?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I've been a vegetarian for about 7 months, and sometimes I start to crave meat. All I need to do is eat something with a lot of protein in it and the craving's gone, even if I'm not full. Maybe our body just more easily recognizes meat as a source of protein?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Humans are naturally omnivores. Why fight against that? People complain about killing animals for food, but all other species of carnivores and omnivores do it. There's nothing wrong with eating meat, it's just natural.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Other animals do understand morality though. There's been a study on rats where they lock one in a small box and the other will try frantically to help it escape. When the test is repeated with a fake rat in the locked box, the other rat doesn't show any sign of empathy. There is also a picture of a monkey saving a puppy from an explosion in Japan. And this is stupid and has no basis in fact, but my cat will see me being physically ill and try to comfort me. At least that what it seems like. "People used to like to make that stark division between human and nonhuman animals," said ethologist Marc Bekoff. "But there's just no doubt that the scientific evidence for animal morality is accumulating as more and more animals are studied." http://www.lifeslittlemysteries.com/1890-animals-morality-right-wrong.html I have a question though. If all humans raised and killed the animals humanely or got their food the way other animals do, would you consider a vegetarian's reasoning understandable? I'm not really for or against meat eating or being vegetarian, I'm just curious.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm not sure science can say whether or not they understand it and that they just feel it. There reasons don't matter to me either. But would it be reasonable to be against eating meat (aside from religious reasons) even if the meat was obtained humanely?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Part of me agrees, but the meat eater in me doesn't want to comprehend.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

IT's NATURAL to artificially inseminate (rape) female animals on a regular basis so they'll continuously produce more of their kind? It's NATURAL to inject synthetic hormones and antibiotics into animals to force their growth and attempt to prevent illness while only causing bacteria to mutate? It's NATURAL to make animals starve to weeks? It's NATURAL to cut off their beaks, genitals, and tails? It's NATURAL to pack living beings into overstuffed crates? It's NATURAL to boil or skin them alive? It's NATURAL for them to have their throats slit while being hung upside down and left to bleed out? It's NATURAL to be shot in the skull with a bolt? It's NATURAL to be kicked, punched, pushed, and beaten? It's NATURAL to be hacked into tiny pieces and packaged nicely in plastic and shipped to other places? It's NATURAL to consume old rotting flesh that has endure ALL of the above? Well, if THAT is natural, then why the fuck did we do away with slavery, sexism, and other prejudices? Hell, Hitler doesn't look like such a bad guy.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

First of all, I think human lives are far more important than those of other animals, so don't compare the meat industry to Hitler. As a meat-loving person of Jewish descent, I find that very insulting. Also, of course those things aren't natural. That is why I try to eat free-range and wild-caught meat products as much as possible. It is possible to "slaughter" animals in a humane way, even though it isn't done as often as it should. But that's no reason to be vegetarian.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Ok here's my two cents: I've been vegetarian since 2. I was in my high chair one day as, my Mom fed me chicken pot pie. I had a realization what meat was and immediately stopped eating. By age four my motto was I won't eat anything that has or has had a, face. My Dad hunted and fished. Never in my entire existence have I been tempted to murder anything. I will never believe bloodlust is hereditary. It's always been repugnant to me morally, spiritually, and environmentally. As I grew, I also saw the physiological benefits of veggie diets. Never regretted it and never looked back.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Chicken pot pie is disgusting. You should've had KFC's bucket chicken and you wouldn't have been scarred. Awww yeah. Anyways, anything is bad if you have too much of it. But meat in moderation is high in protein. The way I see it, todays humans are supposed to eat meat. I feel like that's what our canine teeth are for.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

There are many reasons to avoid eating meat. I don't think we're "supposed to" eat it. Also healthy, veggie alternatives with ample protein, good fats and no cholesterol are easily found. It's not just chicken pot pie I don't eat. I eat nothing that has or had a face period. For health, moral, environmental, ethical and spiritual reasons.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's ridiculous to say that it's unnatural for humans to eat meat. If you look at our teeth and biology, we are naturally omnivores. Of course it's your decision not to eat something that "had a face" but who do you think decided that we're not "supposed to" eat it?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think if humans had an ounce of a brain and could understand non-human animals' languages, they would be able to say we're not "supposed" to. But, people take their pleas and cries of mercy with a grain of salt, and go about their destructive ways of living. As far as our anatomy goes, our "canines" are nothing like that of other omnivores or even carnivores. All animal have canines. Most animals have canines. It's what the location of that particular tooth is called, likewise with molars. Always in the same spots in every mouth. So, the presence of canine4s has no significance in regards to diet. Humans are omnivores because they choose to be selfish and destructive, and most tend to lack the required brain cells to connect dots or even do basic anatomical research.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

*most animals have canines, *canines; stupid typos

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well, that's funny. Because if you lived off an instincts then you never have a choice. So how can eating meat be instinct, but vegetarian a choice. If it was instinct, nobody would be making a choice to do otherwise. People are fucking retarded these days.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You can repress instincts. It can be instinctive to run in class when you have to give a speech, but hardly anyone does it. It's instinctive for people to avoid pain and fear, but we go on roller coasters, watch horror movies, and get tattoos and piercings.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Wouldn't it seem like if you have the choice to do or don't do something, it's no longer an instinct? Suppressed instincts aren't instincts at that point. They become choices. There was once a time when humans didn't seek out suffering. Proof that we've become more idiotic. If eating meat was instinctual, then it would occur without question. People would walk outside, see an animal, and eat it. Or, since we're a "Civilized" species, we'd walk in a store, take anything with meat without a single thought, and eat it. It's not an instinct because that never happens. People go through a lot of decision making before eating meat. Most things humans DO are by choice.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Unbelievable as it may seem, there are some people that just plain don't like meat. How is that unnatural? People all have different tastes and preferences.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The post said it was a choice, not unnatural.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

If a person naturally doesn't like meat then it's instinctual for that person to be a vegetarian. It just seemed to me that OP (like many others I've encountered) assumes that all vegetarians are vegetarians for the same reasons.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The human body isn't made to eat meat. Just look at our digestive system, teeth, & nails.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm a vegetarian, but I don't care that other people eat meat. I'm not even doing it to help animals (although that is an upside). I do it because it's a really healthy diet to follow and not only that but I just feel overall healthier.

by Anonymous 11 years ago