+625 Are we supposed to feel SORRY for the girls on 16 and Pregnant? Two words: "condoms" and "abstinence." amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

yeah! And are we supposed to feel sorry for the people starving in Africa? two words: "food" and "water." amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Really bad comparison. Condoms and abstinence are both EXTENSIVELY available to teenage girls, ESPECIALLY in our day and age. Food and water are not available easily to African people, and not because of anything they did. Because that's the state their country is in; it's not their fault. Think before you speak.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

thank you for assuming that every teenage girl in america sat through a good sex ed. program. Also, just because there is a solution doesn't mean that it isn't a bad problem. Just because they are partially to blame doesn't mean that we can't feel bad for them.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Not every girl in America sat through a sex ed program; but I guarantee you that every girl in America knows what a condom is and has access to one. And also, how not to have sex. Yes, both are bad problems, but there's a large difference: One has an easy but not widely used fix, the other has a very difficult fix and will take a lot of work and time. Sure, we can feel bad for them. It doesn't mean that they didn't deserve it. Africans, however, do not deserve their current state of affairs.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I will be the first to admit that my comparison was not meant to be direct and was intentionally extreme just to make you think about it. The OP here just disgusts me.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Ah. Well, when a person deserves the consequence they experience, it's not another's fault to lack sympathy for that person.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You think that they deserve it? Mary got pregnant from a kid named Tom who said he was in love He said don't worry about a thing baby doll I'm the man you've been dreamin' of But three months later he said he won't date her or return her call And she sweared god damn if I find that man I'm cuttin' off his balls And then she heads for the clinic and she gets some static walkin' through the doors They call her a killer, and they call her a sinner, and they call her a whore God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in her shoes

by Anonymous 14 years ago

When did the question of abortion ever become the discussion here? Seriously. Yes, they deserve it. I never said she was a killer, a sinner, or a whore. I stated that she deserved it. It doesn't matter if the boy said he was in love, or if she thought she was. She was given the choice to abstain from sex, and she didn't take it. If a girl wants to go have sex in high school, she needs to be ready to bear the possible consequences.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I just couldn't resist quoting What Its Like. Don't worry about it. I love the song.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I won't have to because I believe in abstinence and I don't believe in abortion (I'm guessing you were talking about that) unless it's rape, and from the story, it doesn't sound like rape.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Just remember that it is normally more complicated then "She shouldn't have done it." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCZ1YteCv5M

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i should add that i didn't realize that 16 and pregnant was a tv show. That makes it a bit worse.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well if you used the word abstinence you dont have to use the word condom.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

don't forget birth control pills and cummin outside

by Anonymous 14 years ago

PILLS AND PULL OUT. If a girl is prego, chances are she was not on the pill. Parents need to just fucking accept their kids are having sex and put the on the pill already.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Imagine how humiliated/depressed their kids will be when they grow up and here their parents calling them mistakes on repeats (on national tv/internet no less)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i know, thats the worst part!!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It's amazing how society has changed, isn't it? 100 years ago, if you were pregnant and unmarried, you would be labled a whore. You would be outcast. Hell, your father would probably beat you so bad that you wouldn't even have a chance at having the baby, even if you were raped. Now, you get your own tv show. Funny.

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

I must be the only person on this site that thinks abortion isn't a big deal.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I don't!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

THANK YOU. Everyone I talk to thinks abortion is murder. So I'm like "Shut the fuck up..."

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Yeah, everyone I know makes a big deal out of it too. It really gets on my nerves.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Some people believe that life starts at conception, and therefor they believe abortion is murder. A lot of people believe the human life starts later in pregnancy. That's why it's such a controversial topic.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

they made a bad decision. that doesn't mean i don't feel sorry for them.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

People don't need to be abstinent, sex is perfectly natural..

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Yeah... natural for people who are over the age of 18 and are married...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Abstinence, yes. Condoms, NO.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

third word: abortion

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Poor babies. Girls should know how to take care of themselves, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Screw you all who think abortion is moral you are ignorant and dellusional. It is killing a person how can people be so damn naive and selfish that they can't understand that?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Learn to use proper punctuation and then talk about being ignorant.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

What's a condom?

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

I DONT LIKE HOW you CAPITALIZED the word SORRY, I feel like you sounded like a douche saying that.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I used to add emphasis...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

@Anonymous #195305 You're the one who is ignorant and dellusional if you think that abortion is killing a person. Its not really any more than a barely developed blob when people get abortions so calm the fuck down. I honestly think that abortion is a good thing, id rather "kill" my baby then not be able to care for it and have it suffer...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(S.my.D): AMEN, brother

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(S.my.D): Thank you for saying that! Couldn't agree more.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

that's three words

by Anonymous 14 years ago

seriously.. not all teenagers are sex crazed they could have been raped

by Anonymous 14 years ago

We aren't talking about rape. We're talking about the girls on 16 and pregnant. They are stupid and got themselves pregnant in high school and MTV giving them a tv show only encourages it. Rape is a totally different story.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

how are you sure that majority of the girls haven't been raped? it's not like the ones who have exactly advertise it with signs saying 'HEY GUYS IT'S OK, I WAS RAPED, DON'T JUDGE ME' most keep it a secret even from their family

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You people make me want to suddenly have a baby and abort it. Or whatever the correct word for it is. Despite what the fact that I'm a guy.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

one word: abortion

by Anonymous 14 years ago

For all those who say abortion is wrong, think about this: What happens if a 12 year old girl is raped? Do you think it's "moral" for her to go through all the pain just so she can deliver a child she won't be able to take care of? In some cases abortion is wrong, but with rape I think it should be up to the woman who would be having the child.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I can totally see your point, but I love kids and for one to die like that.... well I really don't like abortion.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Abortion is acceptable under NO circumstances in my opinion, even if the girl was raped. Women who get abortions usually regret the desiscion their entire lives and go through life thinking 'what if '.They also go through a lot of pain emotionally and physically. Emotionally because the natural motherly instinct in women would make them feel terrible and physically because you produce breast milk when pregnant and you have to get it out somehow and also to get the baby out you would have to have surgery. Just ask anyone who has had an abortion if they think that they made the right choice, in the long run it helps no one.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I thought this was about feeling sorry for pregnant teenagers but since abortion was brought up i wanna put in my two cents. If you're gonna have sex at least wait till you wanna kid. I feel sorry for the teenage girls who were raped and molested and wound up pregnant. Those who don't want a kid but had sex of their own free will do not have my sympathy. If a guy says he loves he shouldn't try to ease into sex. He should wait until you both have a good education than slap a ring on your finger. If he truly loves you he won't try to have sex because he should love you for you and not your body. Now on to abortion. i like to think of it this way, what if your mom went for abortion. You wouldn't exist. You'd never see your friends or the guy you had sex with. Taking away an innocent life because of your mistake isn't right I just get so disgusted when girls want to get abortions. Even if you were raped please don't blame it on the child. At least give it up for adoption. It's innocent.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Another thing that comes to mind is not being a whore. That usually works when it comes to not getting pregnant.

by Anonymous 13 years ago