+561 In the movies, cavemen always grunt and seem to understand each other. Did they go to grunt class, like we go to english? amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Oh my god.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I just realized how that came out but I'm talking about millions of years ago.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

LOL aweeesomme (:

by Anonymous 14 years ago

The idea of school or community education hadn't even been thought of!! Anyways the fact that people believe that we started out as cavemen is very troubling. :-(

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Why is it troubling that people beleive that? We've found skeletons and artifacts and dated them to several thousand years ago... I don't see where the controversy is

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Men just now what other men are talking about daaaa

by Anonymous 14 years ago