+207 People need to start caring about the enviroment. Does no one realize that all the other problems that we have on this world won't matter when the world is destroyed? amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hippie. Aside from the recent oil spill, Planet Earth is doing just fine.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

global warming, animals being killed because of global worming and over population, over population and they are running out of resources to use for energy, which is why they switched to wind power, and a giant hole forming in the ozone layer which will slowing start to suck out oxygen from earth and all form of life will be killed. Oh yea, the world is just PERFECT! dumbass. -_-

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Hahaha Thank You!!!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

np, it bugs me when people call someone a hippie just because they actually want to be alive in the next 40 years.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Global warming can be argued to be a natural cycle. I honestly suggest that to make a valid argument that you don't include it. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2001/06/010615071248.htm http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2009/06/is-global-warming-part-of-earths-natural-cycle-mit-team-says-yes.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-481613/Global-warming-Its-natural-say-experts.html

by Anonymous 14 years ago

its not a natural cycle, this is the first time that its ever been brought up, because of the polution it started.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

No sunshine. The government needs something to tax us on. Ask some science teachers. There are more FACTS stating that it's a natural cycle, than THEORIES claiming 'global warming'. I'm not saying that humans aren't helping speed up the process, however we're actually just getting out of a 'cold period'. Also, this exact thing happened in the Medieval Times, except the glaciers were SMALLER than they are today. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/11/29/the-medieval-warm-period-a-global-phenonmena-unprecedented-warming-or-unprecedented-data-manipulation/ http://www.theresilientearth.com/?q=content/medieval-warm-period-rediscovered http://books.google.ca/books?id=z-BWE4iCrfYC&printsec=frontcover&dq=medieval+warm+period&source=bl&ots=dSKGYOW1RJ&sig=kpQPfzipN_dBUO6JKeSXIg3m_TA&hl=en&ei=QmgZTNqgKuK0nAe7_ajUCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false My sources, I don't pull all of this out of my head.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

its not a natural cycle because the hole in the ozone layer doesnt close up then form again. so its not a cycle.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

But that's also not a deciding factor in Global Warming. I'm not saying that the ozone layer isn't a bad thing. It's awful. But in a valid argument, don't call it 'global warming', it's far more legitimate to say 'the depletion of the ozone layer'. Because, as I have just shown, the phrase 'global warming' can be disputed.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

its global warming because the earth is heating up, havent you seen all the commercials? all the ice is melting which is why they are concerned that the land closest to the ocean is going to flood and be covered in water, but thats years away.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Commercials aren't always fact, don't base your information on what you see on tv. Do some research. I've researched this topic numerous times for various classes. Also, as I have stated before, and listed a source, in medieval times, the glaciers were smaller than they are now. And everyone is still alive.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

ive done research too, and glaciers were not smaller, they were larger, and they are shrinking.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

"The idea of a medieval warm period was formulated for the first time in 1965 by the English climatologist Hubert H. Lamb [1]. Lamb, who founded the UK Climate Research Unit (CRU) in 1971, saw the peak of the warming period from 1000 to 1300, i.e. in the High Middle Ages. He estimated that temperatures then were 1-2 ° C above the normal period of 1931-1960. In the high North, it was even up to 4 degrees warmer. The regular voyages of the Vikings between Iceland and Greenland were rarely hindered by ice, and many burial places of the Vikings in Greenland still lie in the permafrost. Glaciers were smaller than today Also the global retreat of glaciers that occurred in the period between about 900 to 1300 [2] speaks for the existence of the Medieval Warm Period. An interesting detail is that many glaciers pulling back since 1850 reveal plant remnants from the Middle Ages, which is a clear proof that the extent of the glaciers at that time was lower than today...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Directly taken from one of my sources.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

The earth won't flood. The crust floats on the mantle like its a water bed. When the water weight pushes down, it will push the land up too. It might rise but we will never be totally underwater. And if you get all of your information from commercials, you might be receiving slightly biased information.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It is a natural cycle. In the 70's there was a global cooling epidemic where the government was legitimately considering melting the ice caps on purpose. In 1980 people said the earth would be underwater in 10 years and hot as Venus. Its still not. The ice age happened for a reason. Also the heaviest pollution the world has seen was during the industrial revolution...years before we saw signs of warming. And the ozone layer actually adds to the warming problem. If anything, the hole in the ozone has helped cool the planet. I'd be happy to supply links if you want.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm guessing you are unaware that the people in charge of keeping track of all the global warming stuff came out and said that they made it all up. They fixed the ozone layer awhile ago. And the hole in the ozone helped the gas that "causes global warming" escape. DUMBASS.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

oh yea, because they can "fix" the ozone layer. you cant just fix it, once it its damaged, it stays that way. and they didnt make it up, there really is global warming, because for career day some guy came to our school and was telling us about it, he was saying that the polution is actually making the hole in the ozone layer bigger. Stop being a dumbass bitch. retard.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

How can you say that they didn't make it up when they SAID THEY DID? [http://www.climategateemails.com/] Global warming has nothing to do with the ozone layer. Do you really believe some guy that came to your school, just because he said so? Honestly: do your own research. It's ignorant people like you that are going to be the downfall of society.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

And I also notice that you don't have the testicles to not post anonymously.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i dont have balls to post with a name, because i dont have balls, speak for yourself, im sure youve got some. And global warming does exsist. http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0215471/global_warming.htm

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It was a figure of speech, which even unintelligent people like you should know. Let me rephrase that: You don't have the courage to post your name. Why? What do you have to fear? "The greenhouse effect is when the temperature rises because the sun’s heat and light is ***trapped in the earth’s atmosphere."*** Why is it trapped in the earth's atmosphere? Because of the small hole in the ozone layer. And by the by: you didn't give me a very reliable source. Humans have been on earth only 200,000 years. Earth is 4,500,000,000 years old. We've only been on the planet for the blink of an eye, basically. We can't POSSIBLY know the planet's climate cycles. And did you know that the term is now "climate change"? Why, you ask? Because the planet is in a COOLING CYCLE.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

nope, its still called Global Warming.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well I suppose it depends on who you ask. But the media is calling it "climate change" as well as others not associated with the media. You aren't going to tackle any of my other comments? Interesting...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

its still global warming, the media calls it global warming. The earth isnt in a cooling cycle. We can know the cycle of the earth, and was right about the hole in the ozone layer. and im not logged in because its not just me on my computer, so its pointless to have to keep logging on and off.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

What media information outlet do you use? How can we know the cycles? YAY! ONE thing you're right about (:

by Anonymous 14 years ago

they talk about global warming on the news a lot. and they refer to it as "Global Warming". theres another thing im right about. and its not a cycle, but we know about earths climate patterns, thats the point of the seasons, well not really, but thats how they keep track of the temp.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

They've also been calling it climate change. So we're both right about that. Correction: we know about SOME of Earth's cycles. And only a short portion of them, at that.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i was only talking about ONE of earths cycles.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Even so... We know about the climate cycles, yes, but only a portion of them. This is because, as I've said before, human civilization has only been alive a very small fraction of the earth's existence. And our knowledge of the climate cycles is even smaller, considering the industrial age is fairly recent.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You remind me of one of those "random douche" comments from rage comics...because I don't believe anybody would say those things until I see this. Yeah! You can't fix something once it's damaged! Your skin doesn't heal when you get cut, a tree doesn't grow new branches when they are cut off, and who ever heard of fixing a car? Think about it You obviously don't get that the entire environmental debate is political. People are always going to say things that aren't true in order to gain support for their interest group. STOP LISTENING! Find out the facts, forgo the given analysis and draw a conclusion of your own making. If you didn't hear, a few months ago thousands of emails were released from UN climate department leaders that talked about how they were forging the papers and faking the statistics to make people believe that global warming was worse than it really is. Don't trust biased sources

by Anonymous 12 years ago

okay umm...i was just stating my opinion on here...you guys don't have to have a debate on here. Honestly I respect peoples opinions. I'm sure both of yoou have good points. So can the debate on here like stop...please.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

This is a website where people post their opinions. You've posted yours, so what's wrong with people posting theirs? Naturally, there WILL be a debate because you posted about one of the world's biggest issues so if you didn't want a debate, don't post anything that stirs one!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Listen: The famous chart of CO2 rising with heat is true. Solar anomalies cause climate change. They have happened since the dawn of earth. The thing is, the government and Al Gore love to say that CO2 caused the heat rises. Turns out, if you examine these graphs, the CO2 rises AFTER the heat does. If you have taken a physics class, you may have learned that when heat rises, solubility of gas in liquid decreases. There is an immense amount of CO2 dissolved in the oceans. The solar anomalies cause heat to rise, therefore a lot of CO2 cannot be dissolved in the oceans and escapes to the atmosphere. The amount of man made CO2 in the total CO2 is way less than 1%. Plants use CO2. The amount bu humans is negligible in the natural cycle. Think about that.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It isn't so much about global warming as it is about resource depletion. Cutting down trees, spilling oil into oceans, etc. "When mankind cuts down the last tree we'll realize we can't eat money". I'm kinda conflicted over global warming/environmental problems because it's up to the person. If you want the next generation to inherit a healthier planet then take care of it. If you want mankind to exist just a bit longer then be ecofriendly. Earth isn't going anywhere. It's the humans who are in trouble.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You should watch a documentary called "Cool It!". It's actually really enlightening about how severe the problem actually is. People make a bigger deal of it than it truly needs to be. Not that we shouldn't be concerned at all, it's just that scaring people by saying that the world will end if we don't use "energy saving" light bulbs isn't the way to save our planet.

by Anonymous 12 years ago