+589 Honestly, what's the point of tanning and skin lightening? People should be happy with the skin color they were given. amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You are stupid because: 1) it's summer and everyone wants to be tan 2) no one lightens their skin 3) you must be very full of yourself to think you don't need to be tan. 4) no one is ever happy with THE skin THEIR in. FYI

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(Sumer :)): I lol'd at the above.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Not everyone wants to be tan. I'm pale and love it. It's beautiful.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Not everyone wants to be tan. I'm pale and love it. It's beautiful.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(Sumer :)): Numbers 3 and 4 show how blatantly stupid and shallow you are. It's not full of yourself to accept your body for how it is. Also, I love how you capitalized the wrong "there/they're/their." It's "they're," fool.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Exactly what I was going to say.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(Sumer :)): You obviously have never been to an Asian grocery store. There's a full aisle at the one near me devoted to skin whiteners. Also, I'm super white and proud of it, even if my skin had the ability to tan I wouldn't, that's why all the 40 year olds in California are ugly. Just because you feel insecure and want to be darker doesn't mean everyone else is the same.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(Sumer :)): 1: I don't want to be tan, I'm perfectly happy being one of the whitest girls I know. 2: I've seen a salon where people do skin lightening. It's in a Filipino grocery marketplace. 3: How am I full of myself just because I'm proud to be white? You are full yourself in thinking that I absolutely need to be tan. Just because someone doesn't have dark or tan skin doesn't mean they're not beautiful. 4: I'm happy with my skin, and so are plenty of other people. Oh, and here is a little English lesson... THERE means "in or at that place" and THEIR means "a form of the possessive case of they ." So not only did I completely negate everything you wrote, I have also proven that you are an ignorant fool. (Not that everyone here didn't know that already.)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Please explain to me where the need to darken your skin comes from. I just don't get it, but then again, I am a medium complexioned Black American...culture difference maybe?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Yeah I think that it is a culture difference. No one really thinks that pale is beutiful (although being pale certainly doesn't make a person ugly on it's own) but most african Americans still have significantly darker skin then the average white person even if they spend all day indoors.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Actually, on some people, I think pale skin suits them and looks good. Pale can be really pretty, if you can pull it off.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

How can you say that no one really thinks pale people are beautiful? The last thing you said it completely obvious. Africans have darker skin because of genetics. They need dark skin because of the bright, sunny days of Africa. Just as Europeans have light skin because Europe is usually cloudy.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Ah, the joy of pale-ness! ;)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Why does everyone want to be tan!?!? I'm tan I don't see the big deal in getting tanned be your own damn color and be happy with it!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I'm really pale, and I'm happy with it. I don't want to get a fake tan and be orange...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I have a few asian friends, and they're obsessed with having porcelain skin. They have asked me if there's a way to lighten it...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I love being pale. of course, I'm also allergic to sunlight :/

by Anonymous 14 years ago

So you have to stay indoors all day and live in the dark? Sucks to be you.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

it's not impossible for me to go outside, but it causes me to break out in really bad blisters. and dark? lightbulbs much? the sun isn't the only source of light.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I don't think you want to break out in blisters, so I'm pretty sure you stay indoor most of the time, no? So, you have to close all windows etc. and turn on lights? IN THE WHOLE HOUSE? You must have a hefty electricity bill.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

most of the time I'm inside, but I don't close windows, and I don't keep the lights on in all the rooms, only the ones that I need to see in. Plus, blinds let in plenty of light, even when shut.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Ooh..I've never met someone allergic to the sun, I've only heard of it before :P

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I'm pretty sure there are more tanning salons then there are "skin lightening" places. The fourty year olds in california are ugly because they are old. I'm pretty sure y'all are freaks if you go to a grocery store and let them do their Asian voodoo on you to make you uglier that I'm sure you already are. If you want any more advice let me know!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(Sumer :)): Of course there are, because tanning is more popular. Never did I ask for your "advice" nor do I want any in the future. I haven't seen a picture of you, but I already know that you're ugly. On the inside. (:

by Anonymous 14 years ago

back in the day, people who were tan were looked down upon because it showed they were crop harvesters or sharecroppers, meaning they had less class and less money. i dont know why it ever changed and iii think tanning is stupid because a few of my relatives have suffered from skin cancer

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i dont want to be really tanned, but i dont want to be so pale that my face turns bright red all the time and my legs are purple when im cold, its embarassing

by Anonymous 13 years ago