+707 Anyone born after 1995 is NOT a true '90's kid, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i mean i don't really consider myself a 90's kid, but i do love Doug and Hey Arnold and All That and Boy Meets World. we're only kind of 90's kids

by Anonymous 14 years ago

hm.. I was still a baby in the 90s. but you know, i was stil born in the 90s so i guess i could be a 90s kid....

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I was born 10 In the morning on January 1st! That should count. Hahaha

by Anonymous 14 years ago

In 1996? No, you are not a 90's kid, not even people born in 1995, 1994 or most of 1993 are 90's kids. You have to be born sometime from April 1, 1983 - March 31, 1993.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Can you just shut the hell up? I see your damn comments everywhere. You're a 90's kid if you are born IN THE 90's. Fucker. Examples ; 1990 - 1999. K you fucker?angry

by Anonymous 10 years ago

if you were born in 1990-1999 you are a 90s kid

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Oh. 1996. Forgot that part

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I was born January 3rd, 1996. I think I'm a 90s kid...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

January 3rd 1993! (:

by Anonymous 14 years ago

No you are not. You were a baby in 96, an infant in 97, and a toddler in 98 and 99. You began childhood in 00. 96ers and 97ers are ultimate 00's kids.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I was January 9th 1996, I'm definatly a 90's kid

by Anonymous 14 years ago

you've got the same birthday as my brother! 1991 ftw! :)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Do you remember the 1998 Winter Olympics? OF COURSE YOU DON'T, YOU WERE ONLY TURNING 2 THAT YEAR! YOU ARE A 2000'S KID IF YOU WERE BORN AFTER MARCH 31, 1993!!!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

again the olympics, nobody cares olympics shit, d'you remember michael schumacher in 1999 and george harrison stabbed in 1999? i'm from 1996 and remember this, so this makes me as 90s as you....

by Anonymous 2 years ago

While I don't like the way this was worded, I agree. Being born in 1990 ftw!!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

My friends are always like "remember the 90's...." and I go "You were born in 1997. You were 3 in the 90's" XD

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Make that 1993 :D

by Anonymous 14 years ago

1994!! ho-yeah!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Yaaaa 1991!!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I was born in 1995 and I don't really think of myself as a 90s kid. I mean, I watched some of the shows, and my parents put me in 90s clothes (there are 90s clothes, you just can't really explain what's so different about them) but I can hardly remember it.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

1995 definetly doesn't make you a 90's kid. I'm from 1994 and I still don't think of myself as a 90's kid because I barely remember any of it. I think that someone who actually grew up during the 90's and was born during the mid to late eighties is a true 90's kid

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I second 1990 ftw.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I have a decent memory, and I was born in '95, and I do remember pre-2000. I consider myself a 90s kid :P

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It doesn't matter how "descent" your memory is, you are still a 2000's kid. You were a baby in 95, an infant in 96, and a toddler in 97 and 98. Quit waving your 99 flag, because you 5 in 00, 6 in 01, 7 in 02, 8 in 03, 9 in 04, 10 in 05, 11 in 06, and 12 in 07. You are a 2000's kid.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

1990...I think if you don't remember the majority of the 90's then you can't say you are a 90's kid

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I was born in 1995. I remember some '90s stuff but not enough to concider my self a true kid of the '90s

by Anonymous 14 years ago

But you are not. Those 90's shows you watched were RE-RUNS. That's like me considering myself a true kid of the 60's because I grew up watching 60's cartoons. You are a 2000's kid.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

you're getting ridiculous, this re run thing must stop, are you autistic or what? i force you remeber 60s cmon u gallus

by Anonymous 2 years ago

well really the only people who grew up in the 90's that remember it are the kids born in the late 80's.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Aw, damn. July '96. I missed it.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

The way I see it, everyone born between January 1st, 1990 through December 31st, 1999 is a 90's kid. If you were born in the 2000's, and you go around talking about all the 90's trends, you need to be hit with a shovel. But that's just my opinion...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Weel i was born in 92 and i remember most of the nineties. i remember very simple things like our clothes and the way we actually played outside, the sega and when playstation first came out. i was in second grade by the time 2000 hit so i consider myself a 90's kid...i was old enough to remember.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Kids born in the 2000's SHOULD NOT EVEN BE ON HERE UNTIL THEY ARE 13! And people born in 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, and most of 1993 aren't 90's kids either.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Its true we are not a 90's kids but we are 90's babys and that do count, I was born on May 1995. I have picture images that were from the late 90's but was not a kid. I did watch reruns, as new shows from the time being i have not watch CN or Nick since like 2008 and by the date everything was over. But a 90's Baby I remember watching Blues Clues, and even the day that Steve left the program. i remember Teletubies, the bear family, arthur, oswald, out of the box, i even remember that when i was little i wake up in the morning to see Nick Jr. and by the time like 12 o' clock the normal tv is on so that is what i felt i may not be a 90's kid but im not a 00's toddler/infant my kids years was seeing the beggining of the 00's and by 2008 i was a preteen and know at 2014 im 19.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

i was born in 98 i feel so young and hated :(

by Anonymous 14 years ago

January 21, 1993, ftw!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well, If I'm not a 90's kid, then way am I? I shouldn't be considered a 2000's kid, because I still remember the ways of the 90's. I remember the magic of new technology, even tho I was littler wen it came out.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

If you were born in the 90's you're a 90's kid. If you were born in the 2000's and pretend to be a 90's kid, then you're 10 years old at the most, and you need to shut up.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

People born in the 2000's should not even be on here until 2013. -__- And people born in 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, and most of 1993 aren't 90's kids. You need to be 6 for 9 months in order to be a 90's kid. In order to be a 90's kid you have to be born from April 1, 1983 - March 31, 1993. Case closed!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think that you're only a 90's kid if you were born before 93. I was born in 95 and the only time where I realized what a year was and the current year was on New Year's Eve 1999.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I was born in 1920

by Anonymous 14 years ago

what re-runs you watched in the 20s? i say RE-RUNS, RE-RUNS because i want to see RE-RUNS "mocking the re-runs reply guy"

by Anonymous 2 years ago

I'm 7 months off :( I still remember Hey Arnold. I always wanted his room!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I was born jan. 18 1996 but I feel almost like a nineties kid becuse I have a really good memory and all the shows that were out before I was born, my mom recorded them on vcr (yes, vcr) just si could watch them

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Guess what, 97ers would have the same memories. You 96ers and 97ers watched RE-RUNS of the 90's shows. They were RE-RUNS! Thats like calling me a 60's kid because I watched 60's cartoons. If you were born after March 31, 1993, you are a 2000's kid. I was born in 1990.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I was born in 1996. My brother and sister are both older. They both consider themselves 90's kids, but I am actually very different. It's amazing, in a way.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The cutoff date for being a 90s kid is the day Kirby Super Star came out in the U.S., which is September 20, 1996. That was the last game to be releases before the ESRB changed their logos at 11:49 PM that day. When the ESRB changed their logos, that's the cutoff date. So most people in high school and college right now are 90s kids. Recently some idiot born on September 21, 1996 changed the release date of KSS to September 23, 1996, just so that they can consider themselves a 90s kid. THE PERIOD OF 90S KIDS IS FROM 7/15/83-9/20/96, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Cutoff date 1996 my ass. The cutoff is 1993. 96ers didn't exist from 90-95, they were babies in 96, infants in 97, and toddlers in 98 and 99, and didn't begin childhood until 00.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

i remember michael schumacher in 1999 and george harrison stabbed in 1999? i'm from 1996 and remember this, so this makes me as 90s as you....

by Anonymous 2 years ago

1991 ftw

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I was born in august of 1995..so i consider myself a 90s kid :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But you are not. You didn't exist from 90-94. You were a baby in 95. An infant in 96. A toddler in 97 and 98. Sorry, but you can't just wave the 99 flag, ONE year doesn't amount to anything.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

i say anything after December 31, 1999 is no longer a 90s kid. sorry to the ones born after that date I'm soooo sorry u missed the 90s. but the early 2000s were awesome right? yeah! so enjoy that, little brats!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So people born in 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, and most of 1993 are 90's kids? Bullshit. They were only watching Barney and the Telletubbies in the 90's, and watched RE-RUNS of 90's shows in the 2000's. In order to be a 90's kid, you have to be at least 6 for 9 months in 1999.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

RE RUNS RE RUNS ROCK YOU, ROCK YOU. you're the same as kids on fortnite and OG skins... whohoho i have OG skins i'm better than you. Deep inside you're a depressed boy that thinks early 90s were a century away from early 2000s BULLSHIT, early 2000s were as 90s as 90s, technology was barely the same, my dad used to work on his windows 98 pc and wasn't that different to xp, in the 2000s our pc school still had windows nt 4.0 and windows 95. we saved files on floppy as you did some years before... everything changed later.... but i was beyond 10... but i agree about the month thing... i'm from 1996,i was more than 3 in 1999, actually 1998-1999 can't remember anything about 90s because you start remember things at two and half/ three...

by Anonymous 2 years ago

I think you have remember the pop culture of the 90's and kind of be a part of it, i was born jan 95, so i dont really consider myself a 90's kid, late late ninties, and 00's

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't mind how many people say they are 90s kids. But it gets stupid when people born in 99 and even some people born in 2000 and 2001 say they remember the 90s when they don't. How can you remember a decade when you were less than 1 |(or not even born) when it ended!!!. I am talking from personal experience as I was born in September 89 and I remember 0 of the 80's (and how could I???). I am a 90s kid, people born in 99 are 00s kids. Get over it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I was born in 1995, and I would consider myself a 90's kid AND an early 00's kid. WITH THAT BEING SAID, I believe that anyone born in the 80's or 90's that remembers a lot from the 90's would be considered a 90's kid...just sayin.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No, you are a total 2000's kid. Being 4 in 1999 means you were only a child for ONE year in the 90's if any at all. You were still a kid from 2000-2007. EIGHT years against ONE. You are a 2000's kid.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The early noughties (up to 2001 - 9/11 possibly) were similar to the nineties. I was born in '96 and remember the nineties, but the bulk of my childhood was spent in the noughties, the decade of technology and terror. But I consider myself in between, I had a healthy dos of nineties culture, (blur, nirvana, soundgarden) being fed to me by my musically enthusiastic mum, and watched the shows. So, in a way, I'm neither noughties or nineties. But I look forward to people born in 2009 saying "I'm such a noughties kid"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You remember the 90's. Bullshit. You only remember watching the Telletubbies in 1999, because you were only a TODDLER! The 90's cartoons you watched were RE-RUNS! That's like saying I grew up in the 60's because I watched 60's re-runs as a kid. If you were born after March 31, 1993, you are not a 90's kid.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I don't see someone being born April 1, 1993 is such a big difference from someone born a day earlier i was born in 2000 by the way im 19

by Anonymous 5 years ago

he acts like 1990 and 2000s were as different as 1960s and 2021 :D and he's as toxic as today's kids on fortnite like: i have OG skins because I BOUGHT the pass, you're not og because you were default.... he's older than me and he acts like zoomers... that must hurt. i'm from 1996, my childhood was 90s stuff and early 00s stuff... that man checks years like december 1999 was analog and january 2000 was smartphones and ipad... my first phone was a 2003 motorola c200, no color display, no camera.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Seems you say most replies on younger guys you're a true 90s enthusiast, let's point out childhood is just a small amount of experience, really 90s ppl were born in 1970 and experienced 90s like true boys, driving cars. you say you have to be a 1993 born to be a real 90s? cmon tell me what you remember of being into the 1996 when i was born? oh sorry you were just 3. i was born in 1996 and guess what? i remember a lot of my city changes in 1998-99, george harrison was stabbed in his house, my cousin was born, you might want to browse "toddlers" by 3 can remember things...;) i remember teletubbies too.... and so you too, i was just 3 and remember my dad's windows 98 pc underwater screensaver... was that a re-run? whoops, you should re-boot yourself boy, you act like you were a full grown man... you were a toddler when i was born. i'd smash a wrench on ya head on those idiots... want proof of my 90s? then i remember tamagotchi, pokemon blue, game boy color, windows 98 startup sound, motocross madness, ball mouses, crt monitor, tiger lcd games, blues brothers game, disney movies (all ;) ) vhs vcr cassettes, all my childhood and toddlers were recorded on hi8 tapes, photos and negatives on film camera... no digital shit, d'yer wanna be a spaceman and live in the sky

by Anonymous 2 years ago

I was born in '96, but my siblings are what you would consider "real" 90's born in '90 and '91. I remember the shows from my siblings introducing me to them as well as watching them in reruns with my brother and sister. I remember a lot of the toys and clothes because they were passed down to me from my sister. I don't think it necessarily depends on the year in which you are born; it's more about how much you remember that was specifically 90's.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I was born March 12, 1996. I remember majority of the the 90's (in which I lived) mostly because my dad was awesome. Do I count? While we are at it, what constitutes as being a 90's kid?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

ROFLMFAOSH!!! Shut the hell up, you are not a 90's kid. Do you remember the 1998 Winter Olympics? Oh wait, you were only turning 2 that year!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

1996 laughs in remember 1999 george harrison being stabbed at home, do you remember this? you're older i assume you remember this? who the fuck watches olympic sport shit? i never watched olympics, not a single day of my life. d'you remember schumacher in 1999? you're older than me, do you remember schumacher? the greatest f1 champion of all times? please tell me about the windows 98 screensaver? what happened on the aquarium screensaver at some point? do you remember the shark fin on the bottom? XD i have strong memories of those days, ever put your finger inside ball mouse to touch the axis ? i was just three ;)

by Anonymous 2 years ago

I was born January 13 1995 so im pretty much a 90s kid :)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No you are not! You were a baby in 95, infant in 96, and toddler in 97 and 98. Stop waving your 99 flag, ONE year doesn't amount to anything.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I was born on December 8th 1995 and I remember a lot in the 90s from my earliest childhood. I was only 4 when 2000 hit but my earliest memories are from the 90s. I would consider myself a late 90s-00s kid. So Like one of those 90s/melinnial kids. But I had experiences in the 90s that I actually remember. So that's the only reason why I consider myself somewhat a 90s kid. I had an entire collection of whacky bones, I used to wear my hair in those butterfly clips that were popular. I used to play with Barbies an ride Barbie keeps and play outsid with my neighbors before I moved out of my old house in mid 2000. I remember what preschool was like in the 90s and I remember just being outside all of the time. I wasn't screwing with iPads at the age of 6. I was riding in Wagons! I'm happy about that too. My youngest cousin was born in 2006 and he has an itouch at the age of 6. I just feel sorry. But I also consider myself a millennial because I went to Nsync and Britney Spears concerts in the year 2000 and I remember them and still have stuff from them. I loved Britney. Ill say that if you don't remember anything from the 90s than you aren't a 90s kid.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Then that means that people born in 96 and 97 are 90's kids if they vaguely remember 99.... Dude, you are not a 90's kid if you were born after March 31, 1993.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

All you 1996 fags who want to be 90's kids need to STFU. You are NOT 90's kids, like it or not. You only watched RE-RUNS of 90's shows in the 00's. That's like saying I grew up in the 60's because I watched 60's re-runs as a kid. If you were born after March 31, 1993, you are not a 90's kid,.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

First half of 93 is absolutely the cutoff. I don't why your touching yourself with this march 31 bullshit though. The human brain can begin to store long term memories as early as three and can begin enter the concrete developmental phase between 5-7 years of age depending on how fast the individual develops. I'm curious though as to why you've appointed yourself as the authority on 90's kids.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Who the hell even are you "fiddie diddie"? Honestly you've literally repeated your same point waaaaaay too many times. I honestly think its subjective, my older sister is '89 and I am end of '95 and with her experienced a small amount of the 90's through music and pop culture. I'm not waving a 90's flag, its not that big a deal. That being said, what the other posters say about '00 to '01 being in a similar ballpark is true, and I remember those like it were yesterday...so...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It doesn't matter if the early 00's were just like the 90's, they were still the 00's. That's like saying that people born in 1985 are 80's kids because they remember 80's culture in the early 90's. -___- And if you were a Killer Instinct fanboy in the 90's, like I was, then you would know the difference between the 90's and early 00's.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

http://ctrlv.in/126637 Click on the picture.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

People it doesn't matter! I was born in 2000 and I still watched shows like Pokemon and Rugrats! It's just a friggin decade! Quit arguing over stuff like this! You people are cyberbullieing each other! No point in that! STOP! The decade is over! Time to put the Blankie down and grow up! Come on people... :/

by Anonymous 11 years ago

WORD to yo mother

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You were born in 2000? You know that you have to be 13 or older to be on the internet. If you were born in 2000, then you are like either 11 or 12. So fuck off the internet!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

For your information I'm 12 going to be 13 in Jan. There is no age limit to be on the Internet... Like I said time to put up the bwankie and gwow up widdle babay!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

That person right y'all are being mean. Born in '92 ;)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

A 12 year old like you calling a 22 year old like me a widdle babay? WTF?? I remember when you were a sperm cell in your daddy's balls!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Wow u must be immature

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You are only 12, so I bet that 93% of your vocabulary is "your mom", so don't call me immature!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Bitch i was born in 2000 and im 19 now whore

by Anonymous 5 years ago

90s kids are so mean to 00s kids!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Maybe if people born from 1993-1999 would shut up and be proud of being 00s kids and leave the 90s alone, maybe we 90s kids would be a lot nicer.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Exactly. But being a 2000's kid is way better. Because,anyone born before. Is gonna get all old faster. And look like my mom's ****. A damn prune. They should just stfu and go back to the damn caveman time. Where they wore damn hideous clothing. Made their hair all poofy and ****. They can do whatever they wanna. They'll just get old and wrinkled up quicker. P.s Suck my dad's balls "Fiddie Diddie" I bet you can fucking die bitch.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I was born May 1, 1996 and my earliest memories are from 1998. But the way I see it is if you where born in the 90's then you are a 90's kid regardless of what you remember. So just because you where born in 89 and grew up in the 90's that still makes you an 80's kid. So I consider myself a 90's kid regardless of the fact that my childhood was from 99-08. To be honest I don't get why it matters so much to people. You were born when you were born and that's it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Kids born in 1987-1993 have strong memories of the 90s but those kids born in 1994-1997 still had a bit of the same experience so they should deserve some credit

by Anonymous 11 years ago

i was born in 1990 I get what people are saying that true 90's kids are 85-90 or whatever but really, i have memories from 1992 and as far as I'm concerned, I didn't miss anything in 1990 or 1991 I had sega genesis, nes, super Nintendo, and n64. my favorite bands had their start in the 80's but honestly I liked their late 90's music better in most cases. I love that I grew up with kids ere still allowed to go off on their own in the town without their parents watching them like a hawk from fear of us getting kidnapped. I even wound up climbing onto the roof of my house. not safe but it was an adventure. kids today have no adventure.

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 10 years ago

Real 00s kids are 93-2001

by Anonymous 9 years ago

200000000s kid =90s kid

by Anonymous 4 years ago