It's very much time for a third party to rise in America, amirite?
by Anonymous15 years ago
ha, just writing an essay on why 3rd Parties in the US never succeed...
by Anonymous15 years ago
P.S. You aren't actually THE Bob Barr right?
by Anonymous15 years ago
lol, not actualy Bob Barr, I actually don't like Barr too much, just thought it'd be funny.
And Dipple be sure to read up on Duverger's Law. Should help you in your essay.
by Anonymous15 years ago
Will do, I was thinking "Bob Barr can function a computer?"
by Anonymous15 years ago
What would the third party represent? Neither left or right wing, so would they just be 'middle wing'? Doesn't sound right, somehow. And a party like that ruling the US probably wouldn't get much done, I think.
by Anonymous 15 years ago
by Anonymous 15 years ago
by Anonymous 15 years ago
by Anonymous 15 years ago
by Anonymous 14 years ago