+731 Its really annoying now that when you try and buy a good book almost all of them are about vampires. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you dont get it your the one whos retarded here buddy

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No heres my support walk into a borders and go to the Young Adults section About 1/2 of them will be about Vampires (or werewolves) there are good books but what im saying a big part of the majority are vampire or werewolve books. (P.s i dont use proper grammar online theres no point its faster and easier to not use it)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

there's you problem: you go into the young adult's section. Yes, there are a few good books in there like Maximum Ride, and Uglies, but go straight to the fiction section if you don't want vampires. You'd be surprised how many of those books are actually are really easy to read, and are good books

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And about vampires.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

MAXIMUM RIDE!!! To people who have not read it- READ IT. Miggles- Have you read Fang? Did you Hate it? I did. Stupid JP. Oh, and check out Diary of a Lovesick Mutant on Fanfiction.net by Phoenix Fanatic. Best. Fic. Ever.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

haha thanks it just overwhelms me when i see a book that looks good start readin the back and its like "14 year old nick is a vampire" -_- but i found a book now anyways ahah

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know i went to the bookstore to get some new books and EVERY single book had to do with vampires..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i could think of thirty books off of the top of my head that have absolutely nothing to do with vampires. if you really think that vampires are taking over the book world, perhaps you should graduate from the young adult section!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's not exactly appropriate for a portion of amirite. I am fourteen, though my reading skill could handle it, mature content is some of the reason why it is separated.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

oh, i don't mean you should pick up books full of inappropriate things. (but i do think that at fourteen you shouldn't shelter yourself from any books you want to read) the young adult section at my library is very limited, and the moment i started venturing away from that section, i felt a lot freer. i mean, the young adult books i'd read were silly, predictable love stories that, looking back, had very superficial ideals. i guess i was just trying to say don't waste your time with those sorts of books, which most of those vampire novels would fall under.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, I have read a few great book that have nothing to do with love stories. Pendragon being the most prominent because I am reading it currently. It just takes some effort and creativity to find them. Hot Lunch being another... I can't think of many that aren't love stories, but plenty that aren't predictable. There is always a great thrill to finding a great book in the sea of CRAP. Please though, this was bothering me immensly, please use capital letters. It isn't that diffucult. If not, maybe adult books are to- *squashes grammar nazi within* Sorry.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

alright, i'll accept that i made a ridiculous generalization. i suppose my experience with my library's young adult section just left a bad opinion with young adult books. there are a good amount that are wonderful stories in that section, to be certain, but i just remember seeing book after book of silly middle school love stories. capital letters are simply not as enjoyable as lowercase letters for me. i apologize :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My young adult section isn't that bad. You should see what you can do to better yours. Like maybe talk to a director about your dissapointment in the lack of (whats the word....) differentness? DIVERSITY! That's it. Diversity in the books. Either s/he'll lead you to some great books you never would have picked up, or s/he'd be the person that could make changes.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i got it. luckily, however, i'm able to order books from libraries within my county, and the rest of the library has relatively good selection (more books, more variety) honestly, i haven't used that section in years, and don't really care to hunt down specifically young adult novels. but thank you for the advice :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Exactly, it irks me when my library owns book one, two, three, five, eight-nine-ten. I just look at it blankly thinking "Why?". You're welcome.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i know, it's ridiculous! every time i just shake my head, thinking: fail. then i have to order the next books in the sequence from another library in the circuit, and wait two weeks :P and what do i do during those two weeks, then? actually live in the real world?! nooooooo xD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I also get confused when I shelve books (I work at a library) and I replace the fourth book in the series, yet the fifth book is not gone. I am sure there are infinite reasons as to why they didn't check out the next, but it still is like, if you were here, why not get it?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, even going into the science fiction section it's either all vampire romance/mystery or Star Wars in a book. It's very hard to find something to read about the supernatural that isn't about vampires. It's not that all books are about vampires nowadays, it's all "supernatural" now means "vampire" as opposed to stuff like werewolves, witches/wizards, fairies, centaurs or something else like that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Try reading classic literature then, instead of the crap people are pumping out simply for profit in our time. There were great vampire novels before Smeyers, and there will most definitely be great ones despite all she's done to tarnish the genre.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I started reading the books for kids 9-12. I found way too many Vampire books in the sections geared to my age. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

To benefit those who are upset with Vampires: Some excellent novels, that are supernatural/fiction, yet are amazing, include... Pendragon, Maximum Ride, Harry Potter, The Supernaturalists (the author of Artemis Fowl, also good), the Uglies Series, Knightley, Stuck on Earth... the list goes on and on.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Vampire books make good stories. Each one has something differant to it compared to the next.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But if the book's good,if you like it, then why does it matter if it's about vampires?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I guess I'm okay with vampire books, like the CDF series and stuff like that. However, I don't like how there are all of those books copying Twilight, and I don't like Twilight to begin with.

by Anonymous 13 years ago