+304 In action movies, when a character gets punched in the face, they take it as if it was nothing and continue on with the fight. But in reality, that punch would have knocked out that person and end the fight right there, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The human body is extremely resilient. The only sure fire way to knock somebody out in one punch to the face, is if you manage to hit them in the "lights out" nerves of the face, which are never hit in action movies.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not true, there are several ways. One is to hit as hard as you can an artery on the side of the neck. It restricts airflow to the brain for a while and causes the person to go unconscious.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, but a punch to the nose wouldnt knock you out. In most movies, thats what happens.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The way MMA fighters knock people out is to hit them in the jaw. It rattles the brain and knocks them out.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

youre arguing with a paramedic kid. thats the stupidest thing ive heard on this site so far.. to knock someone out via use of the Carotid artery, you have to apply constant pressure for ATLEAST 10 seconds. a punch wouldnt do that lmfao...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

First off, there was no argument. You suddenly just came out of nowhere and decided to pick a fight, secondly, you're arguing with someone who has both knocked out and been knocked out via this method.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This article explains it better than I ever could: hubpages.com/hub/Knockout-How-Does-it-Work

by Anonymous 12 years ago

lmao, i cant wait to tell everyone at my station about the online fool who thinks a hard punch to the carotid artery could render someone unconsious... XD ive seen this in the field many, many , many, MANY times.. cops use it allll the time, you put pressure on the artery, NOT punch it. youre comparing you getting your ass kicked as well as an online article to my 5+ years of LAFD field experience? get out of here.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

*Rolls eyes* Okay Mr. Policeman. You go tell your friends that you're smarter than a 15 year old on a social site and I'm sure everyone is gonna sit around and share a hardy laugh. Then maybe you'll go over to the 7-11 and get your daily supply of donuts and coffee. Be careful though, Coffee, is HOT!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

*ROLLS EYES* LOL U DONT KNOW WHAT LAFD STANDS FOR = FAIL. i said i was a paramedic a few posts ago = FAIL

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Let's put this to rest. Get something hard like a wooden pole or use your hand. (Open palm, fingers together, thumb tucked in, use the side of the palm opposite your thumb) Now hit yourself in this artery as hard as you can and DO NOT MISS because it will hurt like hell. Don't be a pussy about it either. Do it as hard as you can. When you wake up tomorrow, (or hopefully not at all) come talk to me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

*ROLLS EYES* LOL we responded to a call in which a pitcher got hit by a baseball bat because the batter let go, and it hit him right in the carotid artery LOL *ROLLS EYES* he didnt get knocked out LOL *ROLLS EYES*

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

Erm... you don't get knocked out when you get punched in the face? You don't even fall down. Have you ever been in a fight, or at least watched one? It's not that hard to take a punch and keep going.

by Anonymous 12 years ago