+247 people shouldn't act as if a religon is a lifestyle but only as a set of beliefs, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What is your lifestyle, but a set of beliefs? You don't act like a whore, unless your belief is being a whore isn't wrong. You don't steal, unless your belief is that stealing is not wrong. Your beliefs and lifestyle go hand in hand.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I disagree. There is a huge difference between what you believe and how you act. I believe drinking and driving is dangerous and stupid, but that doesnt stop me from having fun and doing it anyways.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, then you're just a hypocrite and that's totally different from what the post is about. And I really can't stand people who drink and drive, it's all fun until you kill someone right?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hmm we meet again haha, but this time I agree with you, your beliefs over time become your actions.... And @522946 (Kgirl151): you seem like a hypocrite.... Drinking and driving is pretty reckless....

by Anonymous 13 years ago

people shouldn't act as religion is anything but fairy tales. Just place the bible between the brother grimms anthology and the little mermaid where it belongs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Your condescending attitude ruins any validity of your statement.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I love you too. That statment was also perfect.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You should probably remain quiet.... If it was a fairy tale then scientists wouldn't have spent as much time as they have trying to prove/disprove it.... There are smart atheists (who have a brain) and dumb christians or any other religion (who have a heart) you are a dumb atheist without either.... I recommend reflecting on your life and trying to improve one or the other

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I love you. That statement was perfect. ^_^

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Haha thank you

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What exactly did he say that was dumb? There isn't any more proof for religions then there is for a Grimm brothers story, which is why it's called having FAITH. You're the condecending one here, thinking that you can judge a person's entire character based on two sentences.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well this goes back to the main post.... You say and/or do what you believe, maybe I'm wrong maybe he's a religious person, who knows but you can't have an argument without assuming certain things, however if the person does believe one thing and says another then they are purposely misleading others.... Now on to your statement, I don't remember the Grimm brothers stories very well, but I know that there are no such things as mermaids, if you get off this site and go read a couple of books or even history channel then you will learn that most of the things in the Bible actually DID happen, there is proof of that, actual proof by archeologists and anthropologists, no denying it, they are positive it did happen.... Now you may be some sort of time traveler who has seen what actually happened in the past, but I highly doubt it.... You should run along back to school kiddo

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There is a kernal of truth in both the Bible and Grimm brother stories. They both took real events and people and exaggerated them in order to make good stories. You're wrong when you say that there's any kind of proof for the first woman to being made of the first man's rib, a talking snake, a 900 year old man (if I'm not mistaken that was Noah's stated age in the Bible) building an Ark out of wood and pine sap and collecting 40 million species to go inside, a global flood, or a jewish zombie whose mother never had sex. And why the fuck would I be learning about religion in school?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm a christian. The zombie part, sadly, made me laugh. Hard.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not just religion it's part of history and condescending the Bible isn't really helping your argument.... I'm not going to sit here and give you a history lesson, you sound like one of those self rightous pricks who thinks you know everything.... Well here it is if you are too lazy to read a couple of books, then turn to the history channel, they have things that have to do with the Bible all the time, just watch one special, you don't even have to watch all of them, just one.... Unless you are claiming that you know more than the historians, you will realize you are in fact wrong. You do sound a tad bit more intelligent than the average 16 year old, haha jk.... I bet that Bieber kid is smarter than you. Education is a crutch with which the foolish attack the wise to prove that they are not idiots. ~ Karl Kraus

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ironic how you tell me to educate yourself in one line and deride education in the next. And yes, I have watched many of those history channel documentaries about biblical times, and they don't help your case at all. Whenever it shows one of the ridiculous biblical events I listed above, the narrator always says "according to the Bible". He doesn't say "everyone is absolutley sure that this literally hapened exactly how it was written, because the Bible is a history book." They also often give scientific explanations of Biblical events, such as how the parting of the red sea might have been mistranslated from the parting of the REED sea, which was the name of a much smaller area of marshes in Egypt near the area where Moses was. And I noticed how you decided insult me instead of explain how you think those ridiculous stories (the talking animals, noah's ark, etc.) are true.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well there is no answer to stupid, I seriously cannot sit here and take you through the whole Bible and disprove you on everything. You claim to have seen things related to the Bible, but you fail to decipher, between the guesses that historians make and the facts that they uncovered. If you pay attention, you will realize that the historians do agree that most of the stuff in the Bible DID happen, the explanation may not be what the people who were there claim it was.... They will tell you something crazy like aliens came and did it and you choose to believe that over the idea that there was/is a God. So how do you take the word of people who claim that they know what people from thousands of years ago saw? The evidence of what happened is clear to this day, so you KNOW that the event happened, but as for the reasoning only the people who lived then can tell you....

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The vast majority of historians do not beleive that the events in the Bible literally took place. That's a fact and theres no point of you saying vague things about the people were alive during Biblical times, because the Bible (both new and old testament) were only written by a few people and wasn't beleived by the population as a whole. And you don't have to go through the whole Bible; just choose one. How about you go for how an old man built a 450 ft long boat out of wood and crammed in all of the hundreds of millions of species that are estimated to be alive today.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Okay at the moment I can't find where I heard about Noah's ark, okay fine. You can consider that you won that part of the argument. So tell me, I am blindly following a religion I call that faith, you call it stupidity. Now you follow evolution, you don't call it faith, what do you call it? As far as I can see, the evolution books are more of fairy tales than anything.... They are written by humans too and unlike the Bible though they get disproved when a younger scientist comes along with better technology, however the Bible has stayed constant through out all this time. Even the stuff from a thousand years has not gotten disproved, yet the scientists of now disprove something that they predicted just a couple of years ago. So tell me why Christians should convert to becoming atheists, when you guys don't even have a constant working theory?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I haven't called religion stupid. I know that it can give people comfort and that it's hard to logically think about it if you were born into a devout family. I just think that interpreting the Bible, Torah, Qur'ran, or any holy book literally is stupid. You seem to be focusing on Christianity, so I will too. I'll try to address all the things in your comment, but I only have limited space. The reason why believing in evolution is different then believing in creationism is that evolution is based on physical, observable evidence that has been gathered for hundreds of years. Creationism isn’t, which is why it takes faith to believe in it. Evolution has never been disproven, only added to. Every generation of scientists has added individual fossils to the record and ideas to the theory. We now know that there are different kinds of evolution, such as divergent, convergent, and artificial (like breeding or genetic engineering) {continued below}

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The original ideas expressed in the Origin of Species 150 years ago have never been disproven, and no young scientist has ever discovered anything that has made people say “Well that changes everything; let’s scrap the whole theory and start over.” The science of evolution has been added to, but never changed. And yes, some things in the Bible cannot be disproven (God himself is an example). But there is a difference between disproving something and finding absolutely no proof or evidence, aside from the books themselves. The real question is what does creationism have going for it? Why would a God create the universe, the earth, and all life without leaving any signs of him doing it? It seems counterintuitive to me that God would only let you into salvation if you beleive in a crazy story with no proof. Why would he want to encourage that trait?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Okay, what does the Big Bang theory have going for it? Explosions do not create life, explosions kill.... The idea that an explosion created intricate life is very hard to believe.... I mean how does an explosion create these planets that revolve around the sun so perfectly. For example if the earth was to move any closer or further from the sun, it would not sustain life on this planet.The idea of evolution is that one creature transforms or evolves into something else over time, however that animal is still alive.... They say that the animal is doing that to adopt to the changing environment, but if that is the case then why is that animal still around? It can obviously survive in the different environment, because human bodies along side animal bodies are very complicated and can adapt to the changes, without the need to evolve.... http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-t003.html

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Where to begin? First off, you're right. The big bang did not create life. I don't know who told you that, but you should really look it up. It too is supported by observable evidence. Everywhere where mankind has ever put a radio, be it on Earth or in space, there has always been a constant background noise, which is the echo of the explosion. The fact that the universe is expanding also points to the big bang. And what you said about the life not being sustainable if the Earth was slightly closer or farther away is certainly not true. The Earth, like all planets, has been moving farther away from the sun ever since it first formed. Life has been on it for about 3.5 billion years, and it is estimated to be habitable (if I remember correctly) for 2.3 billion more years. Bacteria have been found in every single kind of extreme environment on Earth. Name a place and bacteria is there almost without exception. {continued below}

by Anonymous 13 years ago

. It would take a huge shift in position from the sun to make all of them die out. I’m not going to write down everything about the big bang and evolution on here, but your questions have pretty easy answers if you do some cursory research. That question of yours about the animal “still being there” is called divergent evolution. Believe whatever you want, but it’s simply impossible to back up religion with facts. As I said before, that’s why it’s called faith. I think it’s time to end this conversation. I’m glad we could debate about this without personally insulting each other (at least towards the end).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This one even explains quotes from the Bible http://www.clarifyingchristianity.com/science.shtml

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Top 10 theories that turned out wronghttp://www.toptenz.net/top-10-m...o-be-wrong.php Theories that are obviously wrong: Earth is flat, number of planets in Solar system, number of orders of insects, the number of Elements on the Periodic Table, Newton's corpuscular theory of light, and there are quiet a lot more, you can Google it, if you don't want to go into extensive research about it

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The people in this day are claiming that they are smarter than the people that lived a thousand years ago. They are claiming that people a thousand years ago did not know what they saw with their own eyes. They are claiming that they can guess what happened then, instead of taking their word.... This is where faith comes in, instead of believing a time traveling alien came and did something, you would believe there was/is a God. I mean we may have more advanced technology now, but we are the same.... There were people just like you a thousand years ago, who claimed there was no God and trying to rationalize something that is impossible to understand.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Religion is what life is all about. There's nothing more important than my religion. After all, life is only a test.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah I agree, the whole point of a religion is having it be your lifestyle, so it can help you in life

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@Kgirl151 Drinking and driving is more than reckless... it's goddamn attempted murder every time you do it. I genuinely hope you get caught before something bad happens and your license is pulled... or at least that the only person you kill is yourself. >=[ Oh yeah... and acting counter to your professed beliefs IS hypocrisy... sounds like you're just a generally worthless person. Maybe you do need to wrap your car around a light pole, and spare our gene pool the possibility of your pollution.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I second this 420Grrl, good job and I agree she should get some chlorine in her gene pool XD if the alcohol isn't already doing the job...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You should practice what you preach or else what's the point in even having a religion?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is so nicely put. I totally agree.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well your lifestyle is usually based on your beliefs, unless you're a hypocrite... (Which most people are, including me :P)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If someone is truly serious about their religion, it can be seen in their lifestyle. I doesn't really matter what they believe if they don't act on it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This post could go either way depending on how you read it

by Anonymous 13 years ago