+338 People who worship Jesus worship him because he died to save us. So why aren't we worshiping in the soldiers? They died, and are still dying, to save us, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

he died for all of humanity. not for his country. theres a difference

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Love them, be indebted to them, pray for them, but no, do not worship them. Thank God for Our Brave Service Men <3

by Anonymous 14 years ago

We worship Jesus because He lived a perfect life and died as a sacrifice so that we could go to Heaven. Soldiers die to protect our freedom. Like singactlove1234 said, love and pray for them, but don't worship them. :)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It's funny that the comments above me think that they are making sense.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It's funny that you think they don't.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I worship Jesus because He is God...as in the Lord and Ruler of the universe.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

he's the son of god?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

@Sergent_McCool yes, he's the son of god, but he's part of the holy trinity which is god. The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit, are all one yet they are not. I'm not the one to explain it, but you are both correct.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It still doesn't make much sense to me. I know i'm being ignorant but i'd prefer being an athiest

by Anonymous 14 years ago

read esoriano.wordpress.com I hope you'll be enlightened. Read from the start and you'll encounter scientific proofs that agree with the Bible's authenticity. The blog also tuckles masturbation, homosexuality, etc. Anyways, Jesus didn't use guns and fired at enemies.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

are you calling me a wanking homo?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Nah i don't think that's where he was taking it. I believe he was just saying that to make it interesting.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Its not interesting at all though. Its devoting your life to hopes and ideas

by Anonymous 14 years ago

well, you know, some people are happy with that. Shouldn't a person be happy with what they believe in?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

that's not what he said at all. hah, sorry i'm does here to defend Christians, and try and keep peace.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i just add that. it's funny that some believe more in the newspaper but disapprove the Bible. Ok go on and believe in NOTHING. Don't be afraid to open up your mind. I believe in my God. The God who designed the human body, the God who aligns the heavenly bodies perfectly, etc.. If those are coincidents for you , may you be enlightened.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It wasn't god that made humans and planets. They were all coincidences. We could all just as easily be on another planet and living underwater

by Anonymous 14 years ago

From a scientific standpoint, no not at all. It is impossible that "we" could exist on another planet living underwater. If you mean "we" by life, then yes, there're fish in the ocean, and if somewhere in the universe there is a planet that is an exact distance away from it's closest star to where water could exist in it's liquid form, then yes, that is also possible. "We" could not. Also, to say that it is, without a doubt, mere coincidences is something that researchers, astro-physicists, quantum-physicists, and quantum-theory analysts would not even say. And you, at 16, can give a definite answer that people who devoted their life to it couldn't find? Unlikely. I'm not rebutting your statement to support a religious belief, I'm rebutting it because from a scientific standpoint is baseless. It'd have been more appropriate if you were more ambiguous and said "they might have been" as opposed to the definite "They were"

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well scientificly there isn't much else. It's either coincidence or god

by Anonymous 14 years ago

That is an appropriate statement.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

But it isn't god.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Again with the baseless statement, it could be, it might not be, whatever. The reason people argue about it is because there isn't any concrete evidence for any side of it. Unless you've stumbled upon some sort of great, religion refuting, absolute, missing link?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Yes but the scientific answer is logical. Religion contains no logic

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It has just as much "logic" as science. It's like a theory. If you permit the principles of the Big Bang Theory to be definite, then yes, this is just coincidence. Similarly, if you permit the principles that there exists a divine being, then all this isn't coincidence. Both are unprovable theories. Both have logic. I mean, if one theory says it's possible, then according to the theory, it is possible. If you believe in evolution, then it is logical to conclude that we've been around for millions of years because it is based off of the principles of evolution. If you believe in a god, then it is logical to conclude that he is beyond comprehension, as that is stipulated in the principles of that religion. Basically, each is a theory. According to string theory, there are tens of dimensions, but according to big bang, there's only one. they're all theories, so i don't see how you can be so absolute in your statements that you base off of such theories.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

That sir, was funny as hell.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Could you just give me a taste of this mythical scientific proof of God? You hear about it all the time, but much like God himself, it never materializes. It seems to me that science is the antithesis of God, so I would apreciate it if you could be so kind as to tell me a little bit about this proof since I'm on a mobile and can't access the blog.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You see, to christians, it's not about proof, it's about belief Facts and religion are two different things. One is to provide stability, concrete evidence, etc. While religion, whether you're Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, or Agnostic, is something people turn to for support. Is that so bad? Also, the other thing is, Atheism isn't a religion, it's a perspective. It's looking on the world based on facts, which is perfectly fine. If you're content with that, then who am I to try and change your mind? Similarly, why change the mind of a Jew if he is happy with what he believes in? One more thing, because atheism is based on facts, and religion is based on faith, how can you disprove one with the other? That's like taking a graphite pencil, and a mechanical pencil, and then going on to say that one of those is better. It's based on the person, if the person is an artist, he'll choose the graphite, but to the math student, he'll choose mechanical.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I worship Jesus because he was tortured on the cross, and didn't complain, because he knew our sins would be forgiven if he died.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I worship Jesus for many more reasons than what you've suggested here. I find this slightly insulting. Yes, Soldiers are brave and they fight for our freedom, so like everyone else has said, pray for and love them, but not worship.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I think you have a point there, poster, but I don't worship Jesus, and have way more respect for soldiers. Nice one, though. (:

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Im pretty darn sure the majority of humanity alive at the time never heard of him or kne who the hell he was

by Anonymous 14 years ago

this is the most ignorant post i'ce ever read. why would someone worship another mortal person, even if they are dying for this country? uhmmm the soldiers are dying for our freedom and such, but Jesus died for our SINS, to give us lives with full potential. He did it because of His purity and faithfulness. AND He didnt fight back. He just took it all for us, not shooting back at the enemy. SUCH a big difference. yeah, we owe the soldiers soooo much, but we owe Jesus so much more, and even the soldiers owe Him too. even of you dont believe in Jesus or God and stuff, you have to understand the insanity of worshipping another living person. i mean, come on, just because my cousin is in the forces im not going to bow down in front of him and worship him.. its just silly :)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i completely agree with you!! :)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Not sure if anyone else has said something about this, but... "worshipping IN the soldiers"? Don't mean to be rude... but I don't worship "in" Jesus, I'm pretty sure folks don't worship "inside" Mohammad, or "in" any other person.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i worship God but i am thankful towards soldiers. my father severed in the navy and i dont worship him like i worship God. I still worship both. just i worship God more.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Soldiers are also killing for our country. War is murder. Jesus never killed anybody. And don't say that they're trying to protect our country. The other side is trying to protect theirs. If nobody fought in any war, the world would be peaceful. But I'm not bashing our troops. In fact, I am very thankful and proud of them. :) I just think that nobody should worship them.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Jesus died to save us. He is God. The soldiers are brave men and women who keep us safe. They are human. There's a difference. But they doing a fantastic job. God Bless the Soldiers.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i completely agree with you on this one. :) Thank you to everyone serving our country!

by Anonymous 14 years ago