+750 Stop complaining that people are using the word "gay" as a substitute for stupid. You guys already changed it from meaning "Happy" to "Homosexual", amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I just wish we could use words like "gay" or "queer" or "ass" to mean what they were before they were somehow changed over the years. I mean yeah, language evolves, but this is ridiculous.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not against gays, lesbians or the such in any way shape or form but i still say things are gay.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

see but gay is not a bad thing so i think it's ohk that it's associated with happy but even if we are going with the original definition of the word gay then why is some thing that's happy stupid this post doesn't make sense

by Anonymous 13 years ago

but the use of "gay" to mean "stupid" started with an anti-homosexual mentality. so i don't use it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I understand what you mean, but it's probably soooo offensive to gays. It's like substituting stupid for Jewish, or Mexican, or American, or Christian, it's not nice to say so don't say it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Except if you are Jewish, Mexican or American you can't help it. You can help if you are gay, and it is wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

wow i hope you burn in hell for that

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If you believe in Hell, then maybe you should read the bible and see what God says about the gays..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Being Jewish isn't a choice? Since when? My parents are both reform Jewish, and I've decided that I'm atheist and don't believe in it. I still consider myself Jewish in culture, just not in religion. Judaism is a choice. Being gay is not. Let me pose a hypothetical question to you. I'm not sure if you're a guy or not, so I'll just use both genders. If you're a guy, could you randomly start being sexually interested in other guys just because the society told you too? And if you're a girl, the same question applies. I seriously doubt it. Being gay is not a choice.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There is also being Jewish as in a region... Back in WWII, people referred to Jews not only as people of that religion, but anybody who was taken because they weren't part of the "Aryan" race.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I mean what fonziekj52 meant when refering to the jews, because thats what the person was talking about when I relpied. But you are right that the religion is a choice. And to your question, no, I couldn't change what gender I like, but I like the correct gender, so it is not the same scenario.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Just gonna but in here- actually, it kinda is the exact same thing.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you dont know what youre talking about. you arent born gay, its a learned behavior. its an awful sin. but th eactual sin itself is not being attracted to someone of the same gender, its acting on it. being gay is BAD!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The point is that people don't (generally) use the word gay to mean "happy" anymore, but it is usually used to mean homosexual. So, the reason that people use gay to mean stupid isn't just because of some evolution of the meaning of the word, it's because the word DOES mean homosexual and those people use it because they're homophobic (or more often, people will say it because others do without actually thinking about what they're saying). Basically what I'm saying is, this post is trying to excuse homophobia and/or ignorance-- if you you clicked "Yeah you are," then you have one of the two.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I use gay as stupid not because I'm afraid of the gays(homophobic) , but because I don't like them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Listen: just because one word changed, it doesn't mean that it gives us an excuse to change the next one. Gay is still by definition "happy", but it can also mean "homosexual". Making gay mean stupid is highly offensive. Seriously, if something is stupid, say it is STUPID or DUMB. Gay doesn't even make sense. So whoever does use gay for stupid, take some vocabulary lessons and learn your English. P.S. While you're opening the dictionary, look up "disrespectful" for me, will ya? ;)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

When someone says the word "gay", people automatically think of homosexuality these days. Back in the 50's, it was perfectly normal for someone to say, "This day has been so gay!" and for it mean that the day was a great, happy day. But in these times, people don't think of "gay" as meaning happy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The person saying that you CAN help it if you are gay is ignorant, and makes me wonder what happened to the world. I agree with the comment right above me. I have a homosexual friend, and there is nothing wrong, or "stupid" about him. I don't believe it is wrong to be gay, although I am straight. If you are a religious person, and feel that God is against it, since when has God been against loving someone? You also need to think about what you are saying. "You can't help it if you are Jewish". Ummm yes you can. People change religions all the time. I admit that I used to substitute "gay" for stupid, but when I met a homosexual, i realized how much it hurts him when people say things like that. You may believe that being a homosexual is wrong, but i guess you don't think that being intentionally cruel to another human being is wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

watchingtheclouds, i sincerely agree with you, and i am the person who wrote the comment below u

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not against people using gay to mean stupid, I'd be a hypocrite to complain because I do it myself fairly regularly. What annoys me is that people turn to me after they've said it and are like "No offense". I didn't genuinely think you were expressing your opinion that the surprise test the teacher just sprang on us is homosexual, I'm not an idiot.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What if people went around saying "That test was so black!" or "Her shirt looks so Russian!"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There is nothing wrong with being black or russian, so it wouldnt be offensive.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It is offensive, because you are implying that there is something wrong with it. Are you saying there is something wrong with being homosexual?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No dip, Sherlock.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Could you explain your logic then?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

all "abomination" meant back then was "not of the custom." So a man sleeping with a man was basically "unusual," not wrong. The definition of the word has changed. Nothing is black and white. Grow a bran and don't believe everything mommy and daddy say. "because the bble says so" isn't a fair argument. There is no logic to that argument.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're wrong. Abomination was a term for something completely awful. I left out the last part of the verse because I thought you'd all throw a hissy fit because of it, but here it is. "And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." But don’t worry, (most) Christians don’t believe we should actually kill gays, because that was in the old testament. Jesus came and saved us all and now God chooses who goes to Heaven and Hell, and no human should kill another. Also, I’m not saying that God hates Gays. He actually loves them, but unless they become good Christians ( can’t be content with being gay) then they will be sent to Hell when they die. It’s like your father loves you but if you are planning on killing his other child, he has to send you away from him and his other child.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This post is awesome. Thank you for being the one person who actually understands the Bible on this freakin site...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I appreciate that! Thank you!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's alright if that's what you believe, but the bible also says love thy neighbour, so you should not intentionally hurt another human being. One of my close friends is a homosexual, and he pretends it doesn't matter when the person says it, but being a sophomore in high school ( as we are) and being told everyday that you are wrong, and horrible, and a faggot really takes a toll on him.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My intentions are not to hurt another human being. And yes, when The Bible says I should love thy nieghbor, then that does mean I should love the Gays. And as an act of love, I should try to tell them about God and what He says about homosexuality because what kind of friend would I be if I let a person I love go to Hell just because I didn't want to hurt his feelings? I can love someone and tell him that his actions are wrong at the same time.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

nice post....i guess im gonna hear the critics speak now

by Anonymous 13 years ago

To all the religious homophobes saying it's wrong: God hates hate more. There is nothing wrong with gay/lesbian people, we're all human and it's their own preference and it shouldn't matter. I wish some people were more accepting. I'm not gay, but I don't have to be to support gay rights. I also think they should be allowed to get married in more places. Everybody deserves love, and they shouldn't be looked down upon because of it. Take your closed-minded selves and get over yourselves.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

... personally i think we always have a choice. But i understand that God hates hate. Just because you think that you are gay doesn't mean you have to act on it. Most of the people that are up in arms about this stuff are teenagers. If you truly believe God intended for to love someone of the same gender, that's your belief. I shall not be in the way of another's faith. People shouldn't be so ready to be pro- something or con- something just because others are. Oh, and I wish our generation had a better vocabulary. Things such as "legit, epic, fail, win, and gay" are just poor choices of word. And aren't very articulate.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

People can help if they're gay. It's their fault because it goes against God. He made Adam and eve, not Adam and steve. Gay has so many meaning so people need to chill out

by Anonymous 13 years ago

why complain about using gay to mean stupid , when people use lame to mean stupid when initially it had to do with people who had a disease & when people say retarded when it has to do with mental capabilities ? people will always use multiple words like that to mean things with which make NO sense . like the word sick means cool nowadays . seriously , just stop complaining . lots of words dont mean what theyre supposed to anymore . just calm yourself & get your panties out of a twist . even gay people say gay to mean stupid ( hear , hear ! ) so get over yourselves [:

by Anonymous 13 years ago

AMEN!! my gosh, people reallly need to chill. i don't even use it in any reference to gay people. for me its almost like a completely new word that depends on the context of the sentence. Quit whining about language "evolving" oh booo hoo. its just slang.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, it is just slang. Offensive slang. And i do get upset when people say retarded, but that's not what the conversation was about. If that's how the english language is "evolving", then i think i'm going to start speaking spanish.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Some of you can't seem to fathom how much it hurts those who are gay. EVEN IF YOU DON'T MEAN IT IN AN OFFENSIVE WAY, the majority of people are when they say "that's so gay" - and that offends people. Not just homosexuals, but people who care about equality and humanity as well. My church (I'm Catholic) believes that gay people are not bad, but the act of having sex is wrong. It doesn't mean they can't come to church, though. They are loved all the same. It's the same deal with abortion in the church: you can have an abortion (although it is very bad in the eyes of the church) and are still welcome into God's love.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's the act of being gay and doing the things (like kssing each other and having sex) that are wrong. And abortions are BAD. They are murder. If you take it literally from Leviticus 17:11 ""For the life of the flesh is in the blood" It means that a baby doesn't become a human until 18 days after conception, when blood enters the fetus. But before that, it's almost impossible to take a fetus out.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

People usually don't get frustrated at the word "gay" because the thing is not homosexual, they generally get frustrated when the thing is not happy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Just because we changed the meaning of gay (from "happy" to "homosexual") doesn't mean we can change gay to mean stupid. That's like saying, "Oh dear, we've created an oil spill. Well, what the heck, let's create another." You're just adding on to the problems in this world.

by Anonymous 13 years ago