+596 All rapists should face the death penalty, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

In some countries it's considered rape if you have sex with someone under 16, willing or otherwise. Sick twisted kids could take advantage of that situation and use it as black mail against someone. :/

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Killing someone for rape is unconstitutional. If the suspect didn't take a life, why would we take theirs?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

When someone is raped, their soul is basically taken. The rapist would have taken more than someone else's life.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Not true. Rapist can apolagize, rapist can be forgiven. Murderer is a little harder to forgive, you can't move past that. Besides, death penalty should only be used when necessary, if a person has committed a truly sick and disturbing crime, and/or shows no remorse.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

uhm, well rape is a truly sick and disturbing crime..

by Anonymous 14 years ago

look, I've never been through it..but I can get my head around the fact that some people really want sex, sick? Sure.. By disturbing I mean torture, unimaginable things being done to the body.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Rapists rape people because they want control, not just for sex,although i imagine it is something they also want.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Sorry, again i'm not a rapist so i have no idea what they think. Regardless I don't think its something worth killing over. I couldn't imagine putting someone to death for wanting control or sex. A rapist is human, a murderer is not.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Control or sex? Is that all my 62 year old Father wanted when he drugged, raped and sodomized me last Wednesday? Do you really feel his actions are at all forgivable? Not today or 100 years from now. If it was only about wanting control and sex he could of gotten himself a hooker. He's not human, he's a soulless, evil POS and I'd have no trouble at all sending him back to the bowels of hell where he belongs.You can call it murder all day long compared to what he did to me physically, mentally and emotionally. Murdering him is too easy an out, and far too good for him.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

& that is why some rapist should be put to death, I have a hard time believing they all should be. Where do we draw the line?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Let the victims decide whether they could live with it or not.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I have a feeling that could get abused easily. Plus it's far to easy to call rape. Someone close to me got accused of rape after consentual sex. Now, after police investigation it came out she lied, but its not always going to work out so good.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(I "loved" this, but I obviously don't actually love it, just a powerful comment that I'm glad was said.)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Rape has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with sex. It is entirely about control. It is entirely about making the person beneath you feel like a lesser person, like an object to be used, like someone lower than you and of no worth. I would rather have my fingers cut off in a traditional torture manner than go through that again. Rape destroys people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Either way it's far to easy to call rape. Their is no way you could possibly justly institute the death penalty for it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think that if it were irrefutable (i.e., a video or evidence of that sort, something you can't deny), then you could. But I don't think the death penalty is reasonable... I think they should be forced to live incredibly uncomfortable lives in jail, with no parole or any of that shit.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Where is the proof the rape is about control, and not sex?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In all the statistics and interviews with rapists... It's incredibly rare for a rapist to say they did it just for sex. If it was about sex, they'd just get a cheap hooker or bar slut. I'm not going to google it for you.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If that's the way you feel, then fine. But rape is torture for the victim. Having someone take away your innocence, whether you're a virgin or not, is disturbing. Killing someone is like getting rid of them. When raped, you just get everything taken away. You are violated. Your body is the one thing that's yours.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

And then you have to live with it (it's no wonder that MANY rape victims commit suicide after).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Rape can take a life; only difference is you keep on breathing after.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

some people should have the pain they cause others inflicted upon themselves

by Anonymous 14 years ago

A point to consider - as terrible as rape is, making it a death sentence crime means there can be no greater punishment for rape/murder. Therefore, why not murder them as well? This is the only reason I don't agree with this post.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

If you've been raped, you'd be begging to die.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Plenty of rape victims can recover and live happy lives. If your saying that all victims should just be killed, then that's wrong.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I agree with you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The victim of a rape has to suffer with the horrific memories of it for the rest of their life. The rapist, who is clearly a disturbed and evil being and has forfeited their right to a long and happy life, has ruined the victim's life in a horrible and irreversible way. Therefore, they should die.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

No one should face the death penalty.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I don't agree with the death penalty except in extreme circumstances... and even then I'm a little if-y. Rape is terrible, I completely agree, and in some ways, it's worse than murder, but I don't think killing the rapist is going to make things right. A rape victim has to live with what happened to them, so it seems fit that the rapist has to live with what they've done--in prison.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

A rapist should be subject to prison rape for the rest of their lives.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Either that, or face mandatory castration. And I don't mean that pansy chemical castration Poland enforced against pedophiles, I mean "off comes your balls" style.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I think they should be forced to endure weekly painful anal rape, on top of going to prison.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

everyone who pressed no way is probably a rapist.. :P

by Anonymous 14 years ago

They'll be killed anyways if they go to a normal prison and don't get a plea-bargain. The first ones to go in jail are child molesters, women/child murderers and rapists, and they are horrifically killed. Even people in jail have kids or girlfriends!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

too true !

by Anonymous 14 years ago

No matter how horrific the crime, I will almost never condone the death penalty. It's not a real punishment for a start, it's barbaric, and a lot of people who support it don't even have a real reason to, they just have this sick idea that revenge and justice are the same thing. At least if they have a real reason to support the death penalty I can respect their opinion, but if they just want revenge then they're no better than the one who committed the crime

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I disagree with this, and think that rapists should go to prison. However, I think that prison should be made more unpleasant. Prisoners shouldn't get TVs or anything like that. They should get no benefits at all. We spend too much tax money on making them comfortable even though they don't deserve it.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I think that if you go to prison, your rights should be forfeit. You should have no rights, and you should be put to work making sandbags or something useful.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I like how everybodies been debating about this subject, but noone here has come out and actually said, hey guys, i was raped. But yeah. I was. My soul was crushed and my heart was broken. Yes. It's something that has caused anxiety, depression, distrust in males, and other mental problems. If I could meet the man who raped me. I would probably kill him. Noone should put someone through that and be able to sleep at night. The death penalty is a bit extreme. Life in prison sounds alright to me, because, they're not dead. They're being put through the torture that they wished apon another, for the rest of their lives. Because I know for a fact that I will never fully ever be able to get over it.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I wouldn't give it a second thought if the (I can't say "man" because he simply wasn't), disgusting piece of shit who raped me was dead, other than to smile. But yeah, I totally agree with what you're saying.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I was raped also. Im only 16 (my b-day was like 8 days ago and im a male.) and ever sine i was raped at 15 ive had a relly hard time figuring out my sexual orientation. Also i don't think my rapist who seems to work as a parade costume tigger at disney should not die but go to jail for a long period of time. I hate going back or even neer that bathroom at disney. I have emotional moments at times but still.... The death penalty is a little irrational dont you think?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(Fox-Cat): I was 17 (20 now) and I've had some issues with men (I'm a woman) and have had questioned my sexual orientation as well. But with the help of an amazing man I've learned that I can have sex and be able to enjoy it again. I still have moments where I freak out, but he's great about it. I've been terrified of sex for over 3 years and still am at times. I've said it before, that I would be happy if my rapist died, but I'll agree that the death penalty isn't rational. Prison would be perfect though... But I guess I'd need to press charges for that, and it'd never happen.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well, death is the end of the road for everyone, why not just make it sooner for those who rape? It's so sickening when you hear that a father raped his infant child, or someone else raped their neice of nephew. I just believe that if rapists were killed, there would be a lot less rape happening. That's just my opinion. Also, keep in mind most rapists don't even get a life sentence...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I think new forms of sentencing needs to be put in place for all violent crimes in general. Clearly what's already there does nothing with the amount of repeat offenders and Reform isn't even a goal any more. Say For rapists, They should allow the victims of rape and their spouses/family access daily to their rapist to torture them (make up a fitting torture menu for the victims to choose from, to either have done to the offender or allow the victims to do it themselves) whichever they chose, until the rapist begs for death everyday. Allow this to continue until the victims no longer feel the need to disrupt their lives to do it any more. I think if done something like this the victims would recover faster, feel they got due justice for what was done to them not to mention the number of repeats or career criminals would drop greatly and maybe even put the idea of reform more realistically in grasp. Call it life with justice. Parole would be considered (if applicable), cont....

by Anonymous 14 years ago

While this sounds nice, it would be incredibly terrible for the rape victim actually. It's not healthy to lower yourself to the level of someone who hurt you. It would fuck you up in the head... It might sound like a great idea to me right now, but I know that in reality, it wouldn't be. Every time a victim does that, they would also be reliving their own experience. The closure and grieving and moving on is how a rape victim becomes a rape survivor.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

once no one shows up for a year or so to inflict justice upon them. I know this would scare me far more than 3 hots and a cot, all the drugs I could bargain for, cable T.V. and a free gym pass.

by Anonymous 14 years ago