+1,046 Although totally unfeasible, it would be nice if some sort of exam was required before people could have children, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Awesome idea. Very impossible, but I find it funny that becoming a parent is the one thing you don't have to take a test for.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Me and my friend came up with a better idea. Guys should just have their penises cut off at birth and have them grown in penis farms while they mature mentally, so there's no accidents. When they're ready, they would have to take a test--on common sense, manners, social interactions, etc--before they can have their penis back. :) That would solve quite a few problems, I think.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's a really good idea. Amazing. It's also funny because I'm watching the Steve Wilkos Show and the question of the day is 'Do you think parents should have to pass some kind of test in order to raise children?'

by Anonymous 13 years ago