+160 I.M's And texting destroys the way human beings communicate as a people. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It didn't destroy it, it evolved it

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with this but I hate how older people complain about it as though nobody ever talks in person anymore. That's not how it is. Texting simply makes it more convenient to keep up with people without having to meet up with them just to have small talk. Texting is also a convenient way to set up a time when you can meet with a person face to face. Just because a lot of younger people text now days it doesn't mean we don't know how to talk in person. As far as phone conversations go, why call someone to tell them some simple message like, "I'm here." or "Where are you?" when texting is sufficient enough?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Long distance relationships? Loved one abroad?

by Anonymous 13 years ago