-103 the younger sibling is coolest, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So single childs, who are both youngest and oldest, are cool, but not cool?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I bet if you made the post "you are the younger sibling, amirite" it would get the exact same votes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They typically think that they're the most mature, when in all reality, they don't know what maturity is, **amirite?**

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My younger brother recently failed Year 12 and spends all day smoking weed, playing video games and going on 4Chan. Oh, and he says he considers himself the older sibling, despite the fact I'm 2 years older, because he's taller than me, and (in his own mind) " more mature" (lulwut)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

lolwut <--- I think this is what you were looking for. When my sister was 15, she thought she was more mature than me because she used to drink and steal my car (she didn't even have her learner's permit, let alone her license) while I didn't drink and had a job. Not just despite the fact, BECAUSE of this shit. I was like: http://ctrlv.in/57496

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, I'm a I'll rusty with the emoticons. Plus I'm using an iPod touch, and I've never used a touch screen or the mobile site before a few weeks ago so I didn't know whether it showed up or not. Cheers. Ah, same here, Ive been working since I was 13, been living out of home since 15 (cept I'm back with the rents ATM) and in college, and he only just got a part time job a few months ago, and doesn't know how to do normal things like clean his room or do the dishes or anything. He once stayed with his girlfriend for two weeks, and made his girlfriends mum wash his undies.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And same with the drinking - he just turned 18, and gets drunk (by himself lol) and thinks he's more mature than me because I don't drink.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You started working at 13? Was it on a farm job, or are the Australian child labor laws more lax? I started at 12 on a farm job. He's probably just too lazy to clean his room. It seems like something that you would figure out on your own when you're older. Younger siblings always think that they're the mature ones. I even made a post about it. No matter how much more mature you are than them, they think they're the mature ones. Usually, it's because the parents like to perpetuate that sort of bullshit. Is it that way for your family?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

my youngest sister (im the oldest) is a spoiled brat, and a suck-up, so my parents like her most. She's also hilariously dumber than the rest of our family, even when we were her age.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I started workin at 11 washing dishes for a Chinese restaurant, which was against CLL so I just got paid in cash. Not really that different to a paper route or something, really. Then at 13 I got a job in a fast food place, and you had to be 13 and 9 months minimum, which I was, and I think they changed it to 14 and 9 months now. Aye, that's what I meant, but his room is more than just untidy - there's food rotting in there, he never puts his clothes in the wash basket, and often wears his work uniform to bed, and then wears it around the house the next day, and then to bed again. He eats there and leaves dishes with food dried on them, and there heaps of energy drink cans. I was so shocked, especially considering how strict my patents were with me when I lived with them. But they legit can't stop him - he won't listen to them, and his playing video games all night is the reason I need to leave b4 uni starts. I'm a but pissed, TBH, coz I know it's hard for my parents, but they were way stricter with me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That is annoying. My parents didn't allow food in the bedrooms, but my sister always has half-empty Diet Coke cans scattered around her room. If they found an empty candy wrapper of mine, I was in trouble. I actually kept my room clean (my car, on the other hand, is another story) but my sister had shit //everywhere// in her room. I have no idea how she got away with it. How often did you hear "You're the older sister, now act like it."?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My parents didn't really care, our house is pretty messy anyway, but there's a huge line between a bit of rubbish and rotting food, just like there's a huge line between a messy room with clothes on the floor, and not washing said clothes or bathing. I honestly reckon my parents have given up, and I think they're starting to realise they put all their bets on the wrong kid - my parents were never fond of me, hence why I left so early. Yeah, they'd say I was the oldest do I could "just ignore" him being a complete arsehole to me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The "just ignore it" was the worst. If you complied, you were the one being the ass. If you disobeyed, well, you disobeyed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I read this as "When my sister was 5..."

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I actually have been told that I'm more mature than my "older" sister, but that might have something to do with her only being older by six minutes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't consider that to be a huge gap. Heck, it's a smaller gap than any of your classmates, **amirite?**

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That was my point.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I have no younger sibling, only a child slave who looks like me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

The funny thing is, is I'm the younger sibling. And im note coolest. I am however, the most normal. But those unnormal siblings of mine aren't neccessarily bad. I'm only 15 and I know I'm not mature, nor do I drink or have sex, and don't drive without permission. I have my permit. So... Cool huh?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, I slowly started freaking out inside as I began to realize that, as a younger sibling, I had failed my duty to drink, sleep around, and steal the family car (as pertained to in the comments above), but knowing i'm not the only normal one brings me comfort. Gracias Chico.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

OH YEAH!!!!!!!!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But what if I actually am the mature and smart one...? I know this sounds stuck-up, bitchy, just like something a youngest would say, and will most likely be negative, but I almost never fight with my parents when my older sister constantly does, have better grades than she did when she was my age, and write most of her poems for her poetry class for her.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

middle siblings are best, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't know if I'm the coolest sibling, but I'm the most skilled. My brother is fantastic at video games (big whoop) and my sister has a great memory, but I've been playing piano for 6 years when my sister quit after 4. Plus I'm the only person in my family that knows how to play a sport, and is really good at it (swim team for 7 years and counting). And my brother and sister are huge bitches/bastards to my parents, whereas I NEVER talk back to them or beg. And I put away all the clean dishes. So i'll just say that I'm the good child. Somehow my sister gets to go anywhere she wants and gets ANY clothes she wants.... *youngest siblings ftw*

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And you're really modest too

by Anonymous 12 years ago

what? oh wow.... well there goes my attempt at being interesting. I'm socially skilled like that *not*

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The above comments have some really shitty younger siblings. Glad I might seem like one of the few kind of cool ones. I do act pretty immature sometimes but it's fun acting that way

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm the second oldest of eight! Woo 2nd children!!!!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm the oldest of 6!!!!!!! :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago